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World Trade Organization

The ruins of World War II prompted the interests

of dominant states and powerful economies like
US and Great Britain to enforce protectionism as
a major apparatus to confront unstable
1. Implement the latest GATT agreements.
2. Serve as a venue for trade negotiations.
• 3. Act as a dispute settlement body responsible for
resolving trade problems.
• 4. Review and assess national and international
trade laws and policies.
• 5. Assist members and developing economies by
providing technical assistance and training
Battle of Seattle

became a rally cry of some civil society organizations that are

against globalization and WTO.
Why did they protest the WTO in Seattle?

The conference began in November 1999 and inspired one of

the largest political protests ever seen in Seattle. Protesters
focused on issues including workers' rights, sustainable
economies, and environmental and social issues.

What was the purpose of the WTO Conference?

The purpose of the Symposium was to encourage an informal

dialogue between WTO Members and representatives of non-
government organizations on issues likely to affect the
international trading system of the WTO in the next century in
order to (1) enhance awareness of the issues involved (2)
provide a forum for exchange.
World Bank

Officially called the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD)
-or World Bank is International Agency with 189 member- countries operating in 130 countries
- It was formed by Bretton Woods agreement in 1944 to finance the reconstruction of war-torn
countries brought by the devastation of World War II.

1. International Development Association (IDA)- is an international financial institution

which offers concessional loans and grants to the world's poorest developing countries.
2. International Finance Corporation (IFC)-institution that offers investment, advisory,
and asset-management services to encourage private-sector development in less developed
3. Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency (MIGA) is an international
institution that promotes investment in developing countries by offering political and
economic risk insurance. ... MIGA is a member of the World Bank Group and has 181
member states as of March 2020.
4.International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID)
is established by the Convention on the Settlement of Investment Disputes between States and
Nationals of Other States (the ICSID Convention or the Convention
The four United Nations member states that are not members of the World
Bank are * Cuba, * Liechtenstein, * Monaco, and * North Korea. The two
observer states at the UN, the Vatican City and State of Palestine, are also not
members of the World Bank.

International Monetary Fund

International Monetary funds or IMF was created as the flagship Institution of Bretton
Woods agreement with 189-member countries.

They are responsible in supervising exchange rate system, loan programs , payments,
adjustments, and review domestic monetary policies.
European Union
European Union is a political economic regional organization of 28 member- economies
in Europe. Founded in 1958, European Economic Community (EEC) was formed by six
countries Belgium Germany France Italy Luxembourg and Netherland.
European Union (EU) is a political economics regional Organization of 28 member-
economies in Europe.
EU is a guidance its core values, considered as integral part in way of life of its
citizen. Its believes on the following value orientation:

1. Human Dignity
2. Freedom
3. Democracy
4. Equality
5. Rule of law
6. Human right

Euro is the official Currency of EU with over 340 million EU citizens in 19

countries are using money.
Association of Southeast Asian Nation (ASEAN)
Association of Southeast Asian Nations

The ASEAN was founded on August 1967 in Bangkok Thailand with Indonesia,
Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, and Thailand as its founding fathers.

Brunei Darussalam, Vietnam, Myanmar, and Cambodia joined the organization

making up today the ten member countries.
Three main three pillars in ASEAN:

ASEAN Political Security Community-

The APSC Blueprint envisages ASEAN to be a rules-based Community of shared values and
norms; a cohesive, peaceful, stable and resilient region with shared responsibility for
comprehensive security; as well as a dynamic and outward-looking region in an increasingly
integrated and interdependent world.
Economic Community
ASEAN Economic Community ("AEC"). The AEC aims to create a single market and
production base for the free flow of goods, services, investment, capital, and skilled labor
within ASEAN.
Socio-Cultural Community
The ASEAN Socio-Cultural Community. (ASCC) envisions a community where people enjoy
the benefits of being part of ASEAN. At the heart of ASCC is the commitment to lift the
quality of life of its peoples through cooperative activities that are people-oriented and

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