Physical Self: Rhodora C. Amora

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Rhodora C. Amora
“It is health that is real wealth and not
pieces of gold and silver.”  
Mahatma Gandhi
At the end of the lesson, the students are expected to:
a. Explain the factors that contribute to the development of
physical self;
b. Reflect on the significance of physical health;
c. Create a self-care plan for physical health;
d. Differentiate the three body types; and
e. Relate learned concepts to actual life’s experiences.
Topic Outline
• Factors in the Development of the Physical Self
• How does human life begin?
• Stages of Human Development
• Taking Care of Physical Self
• Benefits of Physical Activity
• Three Common Types of Eating Disorders
“Happiness is the highest form
of health.”

Dalai Lama
Factors in the Development of the Physical Self

A.Heredity (nature) is the transmission of traits or characteristics

from parents to offspring. It provides the raw materials of which
the individual is made up. Through the genes, hereditary
potentials like physical, mental, social, emotional, and moral
traits are passed down to generation.

B. Environment (nurture)
Factors in the is the
Development of thesum total
Physical Selfof the forces or
experiences that a person undergoes from conception to old age.
It also includes family, friends, school, nutrition and other
agencies one is in contact with.
How does human life begin?
• Genetics is the study of genes and inheritance in living organi
sms .

• Genetics variation begin with an egg, about 100 million sper

ms and fertilization. Fertile women ovulate once per month,
releasing an egg from follicles in the ovary. During the eggs j
ourney from the ovary to the fallopian tubes, to the uterus,
a sperm may fertilize an egg.
How does
human life
•The sperm and egg each contain
23 chromosomes.

•Chromosomes are long strings of

genetic materials known as
deoxyribonucleic acid(DNA).

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• DNA is a helix-shaped molecule made
up of nucleotide base. In each
chromosome, sequences of DNA make
up genes that control or partially
control a number of visible
characteristics such as eye color, hair
color and so on.
• each parent contributes half the
genetic information carried by the
offspring; the resulting physical
characteristics of the offspring (called
phenotype) are determined by the
genetic interactions supplied by the
parents (called genotype).
Stages of Human Development

Developmental Stage Age

Pre-natal Period Conception to birth

Infancy Birth to end of the 2nd week

Babyhood End of the 2nd week to end of the 2nd


Early childhood or preschool age 2 to 6 years

Late childhood or elementary age 6 to 10 or 12 years

Puberty or preadolescence 12 to 13 or 14 years

Stages of Human Development

Adolescence 13 or 14 to 18 years

Early Adulthood 18 to 40 years

Middle Age 40-60 years

60 years to death
Old age or senescence
Taking Care of Physical Self
1. Enough Sleep
• cytokines are secreted, which are substances that help us
respond during inflammation
• Less sleep can cause reduced antibody and cell production.

2.Exercise Regularly
• It has been shown that moderate exercise can enhance
immune function above sedentary levels.
Taking Care of Physical Self
Benefits of Physical Activity
For Adults (18 to 64 years), regular physical activity can:
• Reduce the risk of, or help manage, type 2 diabetes.
• Reduce the risk of, or help manage, cardiovascular disease
• Maintain and/or improve blood pressure, cholesterol and
blood sugar levels.

Benefits of Physical Activity
• Reduce the risk of, and assist with rehabilitation from, some cancers.
• Prevent unhealthy weight gain and assist with weight loss.
• Build strong muscles and bones.
• Create opportunities for socializing and meeting new people.
• Help to prevent and manage mental health problems.
• Help to develop and maintain overall physical and mental well-being.
3.Good Hygiene Tactics
• According to the Center for Disease Control, hands should be
wet with clean water and lathered with soap from the back
of the hands, between the fingers and under the nails. Hands
should be scrubbed for at least 20 seconds, as long as two
“Happy Birthday” songs, then rinsed and dried well.
4. Complete Your Nutrition Needs
• Cells require macronutrients from carbohydrates, proteins
and fats which provide energy and substrate for vital
functions. Micronutrients have an essential role in
metabolism and can act as antioxidants during stress.
Vitamin C, D, E and Zinc has been well studied to affect
immune cells
Three Common Types of Eating Disorders
A.Anorexia nervosa encompasses behaviors like dieting, fasting, over-
exercising, taking diet pills, diuretics, laxatives and vomiting.
1.Constantly expressing disdain for their body or how unsatisfied
they are with the way they look, even if they are fit and toned.
2. Maintaining a bodyweight that is at least 15 percent below
the nation average for their age and height.
3. Missing at least three menstrual cycles consecutively.
4. Intense fear of gaining weight or appearing fat.
B. Bulimia nervosa affects those who have recurrent and
frequent episodes of eating unusually large amounts of foods
followed by purging (throwing up), fasting and/or excessive
1. Over-thinking of self-image, body shape and/or weight.
2. Episodes of uncontrolled eating that occur at least two
times a week for up to three months or longer
C. Binge eating disorder occurs when an individual repeatedly
eats unusually large amounts of food in a short period of time.
This behavior happens two times a week for six months or more.
• Over-thinking of self-image, body shape and/or weight.
• Episodes of uncontrolled eating that occur at least two times a
week for up to three months or longer.
• Intense satisfaction when eating, followed by remorse and
mood swings.
• __________and ________ are the two factors in the development
of our physical self.
• Each one of us undergoes definite stages of_____________.
• Self-care specifically for physical health
require_________,_________,__________, and_______________.
• Three common types of eating disorders are ______._____,
Thought for the Day
• The secret of health for both mind and
body is not to mourn for the past, not to
worry about the future, or not to anticipate
troubles, but to live in the present moment
wisely and earnestly.


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