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Test of Grammar and usage

1th Group :
Safriyanto Renaldi
Maulida fitri
Nor Azizah
Siti Ruqiah
Winarti Adiatma
Multiple-coice item

Multiple-coice item
Type 1: Tom ought not to....(A. tell B. Having told C. Be telling D. Have told)me your
secret, but he did
Type 2: Tom ought not your secret, but he did
a. Tell
b. Having told
c. Be telling
d. Have told
Type 3: Tom ought not to me your secret, but he did
Type 4: Tom ought not to have told me your secret, but he did
e. No change
f. Tell
g. Having told
h. Be telling
Type 5:
a. Tom ought not to tell me your secret, but he did
b. Tom ought not to having telling me your secret, but he did
c. Tom ought not to be telling me your secret, but he did
d. Tom ought not to have told me your secret, but he did
Type 6: “Tom ought not to have told me your secret, but he did”
e. So ought
f. Neither ought you
g. Neither you oughtn’t
h. So oughtn’t you
Type 7 Tom ought not to have told me your secret
i. Tom did not tell me but he should
j. Pperhaps Tom may not tell me
k. Tom told me but it was wrong of him
l. It was necessary for tom not to tell me
A long way from Home
A 72-year-old some one who (1) English at all spent thirteen
days(2)...on buses in the Sun Francisco area after had become
separated(3)...his family, police said (4)...said that Faaitua Logo,
(5)... moved to the United States two years ago, left his son and
daughter-in-law (6)... a few minutes in a market ib San Joe (7)...
something at a nearby stall. When he tried to return to them, he
could not remembere where thry (8)....for him.
(9)... first, he began to walk to their home in Palo Alto 20
kilometers(10)... but leter he (11)...on a bus he canged from bus to
bus (12)... the daytime and slept under bushes and trees, police
(1)A. is speaking B. Speak C. Has spoken D. Was speaking
(2)A. to ride B. Was riding C. Ride D. Riding
(3)A. with B. From C. By D. Off
(4)A. he B. They C. Who D. it
(5) A. which B. That C. Who D. What
(6)A. in B. For C. Since D. At
(7)A. to buy B. For buying C. And buy D. buying
(8)A. waited B.were waiting C. Have waited D. wait
(9)A. for B. On C. In D. At
(10)A. far B. From C. Near D. Away.
(11)A. would jump B. Jumped C. Has jumped D. Would have jumped
(12) A. on B. At C. For D.during
Constructing Multiple-Choice items

Step 1: the first step is to reduce the length of the sentence and to correct the error
I hope that you wouldn’t mind on such a long period between my last letter and this one
Become: I hope you won’t mind waiting for so long.
Step 2: next we write out the sentence, substituting a blank for the area being tested and
then writes in the correct option and the distractor ehich the student has provided
I hope you .... mind waiting for so long. I promise to reply sooner in future
A. Won’t B. Wouldn’t
Step 3: now the teacher adds two more distractore
I hope you .... mind waiting for so long. I promise to reply sooner in future
A. Won't B. Wouldn’t C. Shouldn’t D. Shan’t
Last step: finally the teacher should check to be sure that options are not correct and ask
or her fellow teachers to try the test to find possible imperfection

Type 1
Each sentence contains four words or phrases underlined, marked A, B, C and D. Se
underlined word or phrase which is incorrect or unacceptable.
1. I do hope you wouldn’t mind waiting for such a long time.
Type 2
There is a mistake in grammar in each of the following sentences. Write the letter o
the sentence in which it occurs.
1. Sun/is shining/brightly today/, isn’t it?

Rearrangement items can take several forms, the first of which to consider here will
be the multiple-choice type.
Here are two of the errors he made:

‘You know how is it.’

‘I wonder did you grow more fatter since summer.’

If we attempt to test the first error by means of an ordinary multiple-choice item,

we are faced with the problem of being restricted to only two options: the correct
option and the distractor (i.e the error).

You know how …….

A. it is B. is it
As the item stands here, we cannot possibly construct other options.
It becomes necessary, therefore, is lengthen the original statement to:
You know how warm it is today. The item would then read:

‘Won’t I need a coat?’

‘Well, you know how……..’
A. warm is it today
B. today is it warm
C. is it warm today
D. warm it is today
E. today is it warm
Constructing Completion Items

Completion item aims to measure a student’s ability to produce an acceptable and

appropriate English sentence. They are frequently preferable to multiple-choice
items since they measure production that testing the ability to insert the most
appropriate words in selected blanks in sentence.
By providing a context
Kim usually goes to the cinema about once a week but she ……. Four films
already this month and it’s only the 20th today.
By providing data
I go to the cinema regularly, but it’s ages since I last saw a play. I go to the cinema
reguarly, but I …. to the theatre for months.
By using multiple-choice techniques
I …. saw to the teather three times since I last saw you.
Go c. have been
Had gone d. went.
Constructing Transformation Items

Extremely useful for testing ability to produce structures in the target

language. It is one objective item type which comes closest to
measuring some of the skills tested in composition writin, although
transforming sentences is different from producing sentences.
Kind of transformation items;
Rewrite of the following sentences in another way
Giving some idea of the range of areas.
For example
It is difficult to study when it is so noisy.
Studying is very hard to do when the conditions is uncomfortable.
Constructing items involving the changing of words

Verb, tenses, etc.
Researchers (1) to convince that a drug (1) convince
they (2) to test can improve the memory and (2) test
that it (3) to be the forerunner of other drug. (3) is
Word building
Students who were given the drug for a fortnight did (1) better
considerably (1. well) in tests than others. (2) memorizing
The tests included the (2. memorise) of lists (3) information
of words as well as of (3. inform) from two messages
transmitted at the same time.
Constructing broken sentence items
This type of item tests the students ability to write full sentences from a series of
words and phrases.
In the rubric, students should be instructed to make whatever changes are
necessary to form good sentences, adding articles, preposition, etc. where required
and putting verbs in their correct tense.

Take / drugs and stimulants / keep awake / while revise examination / often be
very harmful. / It be far better / lead / balanced life/ and get enough sleep / every

Take the drugs and stimulants to keep awake while revising examination often can
be very harmful. It can be far better to lead a balanced life and get an enough sleep
every night.
Constructing pairing and matching items

Pairing and matching items are type of item that is
presented in groups as a series of questions that must be
paired and matched by the student to one of a group of
possible answer options.
Example Column 2.
Column 1. A. No, I didn't
B. Most are, I think.
1. Going to see a film tonight?
C. It's one of the reasons
2. How was the film? D. I had a lot of work to do
3. So you went to thr cinema. E. Actually, I quite like them.
4. I can't stand war film, can you? F. Yes, I probably will
5. Don't you find war films too violent? G. No, I haven't
6. Have you ever seen a Japanese war H. What a good idea! I prefer them to
I. So do I
film? J. All right. Nothing special
7. I like war films. K. Not really, I quite like them.
8. Is everyone going to see the film? Guideline 1 : There should be the
9. What-about going to see a cowboy film same answer options witj question
instead? Guideline 2 : Questions should be on
10. Why didn't you come with us to see the left and answer options on the
the film? right
11. Is that why you don't like war film?
Constructing combination and additional items
These objective-type items have long been used in past tests. They
should be used sparingly, however, as they involve largely mechanical
responses on the part of the student. Note that although the separate
sentences are linked to one another by theme, the items can hardly be
described as being contextualized in any real way.

- Combination item :
Sentence combining exercises can play a part in testing grammar as
well as its more traditional use as part of composition testing and
Student are instructed to join pair of sentences using the word in
Example :
I met a man. (Who)
The man went to the same high school did.
I met a man who went to the same high school I did.

- Additional Items :
Student are instructed to insert the word in capitals in the most
appropriate place in each sentence.
I am (READ) book right now.
Iam reading book right now
Addition is -ing


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