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October 5 Lesson

Lesson Objective

I will observe and describe

how organisms compete for
What are the resources for the rabbit?
Resource: A living or nonliving thing in an
ecosystem that supports the survival of an

organisms = living things

Resources for plants and animals

Water Sunlight

Food Space to live

Resources are Limited!
There are not enough resources on earth for
all the organisms to survive.
Competition: A struggle or fight that
occurs between two or more organisms
when they want to obtain the same
Essential Fact
All Animals and Plants compete
for resources!
Animals and plants compete for:
• Land
• Space to live
• Water
• Food
• Sunlight
I will show five videos of organisms

See If you can identify the resource they are

competing for!
In breakout rooms:
1. Number yourselves from #1 - #3
2.Every minute, I will post a different question
in your breakout rooms.
3.The number attached to each question will
determine who speaks first.
4.For example if I post the following in the chat:
“What is an example of a resource?” - 3
(3’s will go first)
Discussion Question #1 in break-out rooms
1. How do animals compete for resources?

“Animals compete for _______________ when they

Discussion Question #2 in break-out rooms
2. How do plants compete for resources?

“Plants compete for _______________ when they

Discussion Question #3 in break-out rooms
3. Why must plants and animals compete for resources?

“Pants and animals must compete for resources because

Discussion Question #3 in break-out rooms
3. What is an example of a resource that organisms
compete for and why is it important?

Sentence Frame:

“ _______________ is important because ______________

(name of resource) (reason it’s important)

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