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Gas Alam

Coalbed methane (CBM) : Aspek Kimia sumber gas alam dengan

kandungan metan sekitar 95%
CBM production began as a technology for improving the safety and
productivity of underground coal mining and preventing explosions
• “sweet gas” as it generally does not contain hydrogen sulfide and is
considered to be more environmentally friendly than oil,
coal or even conventional natural gas
• contains very little heavier hydrocarbons such as propane orbutane,
and no natural gas condensate which is often found in conventional natural gas.
CBM may contain carbon dioxide, typically several percent or less
• Biogenic methane (attributed to bacterial activity) is first to form,
followed by thermogenic methane. Much of the methane generated by
the coalification process escapes to the surface or migrates into adjacent
reservoir or other rocks, but a significant volume remains trapped within
the coal itself.
Coalbed methane is stored in four ways:
1) as free gas within the micropores and cleats (natural fractures in the coal);
2) as dissolved gas in water within the coal;
3) as adsorbed gas held by molecular attraction on surfaces of macerals
(organic constituents that comprise the coal mass), micropores,
and cleats in the coal; and
4) as absorbed gas within the molecular structure of the coal molecules.
The amount of methane present within a particular volume of coal is very large.
Coals at shallower depths with good cleat development contain significant amounts of
free and dissolved gas while the percentage of adsorbed methane generally increases
with increasing pressure (depth) and coal rank.

FACT: One gram of coal can contain as much surface area as several football fields and
therefore is capable of adsorbing large quantities of methane. Depending on rank,
one short ton of coal may store over 500 ft3 of methane. Source: USGS
Calculating Methane Volume in Coal Seams

Gas-in-place (GIP) determination is relatively simple, requiring

(1) the area of coal beds,
(2) the thickness of the coal and carbonaceous shale,
(3) average coal-bed interval density,
(4) and in-situ gas content
The basic volumetric formula to determine original gas in place
(OGIP) volumes for CBM is
OGIP = H x (1-(a+m)) x GC x D x A
H = Completeable coal thickness GC = Gas content
a = Ash content D = Coal density
m = Moisture content A = Drillable area
Indirect Method: based on empirical correlations of
derived from sorption isotherm gas storage capacity

The methane desorption process follows a curve (of gas

content vs. reservoir pressure) called a 
Langmuir isotherm. The isotherm can be analytically
described by a maximum gas content (at infinite
pressure), and the pressure at which half that gas exists
within the coal. These parameters (called the Langmuir
volume and Langmuir pressure, respectively) are
properties of the coal, and vary widely.
Produksi CBM

Coalbed methane wells often

produce at lower gas rates than
conventional reservoirs, typically
peaking at <100,000 to >500,000
ft3/day. The production profiles of
CBM wells are typically characterized
by a "negative decline" in which the
gas production rate initially increases
as the water is pumped off and gas
begins to desorb and flow.
How Is CBM Extracted

Coalbed methane projects typically cover large areas of land with producers drilling
hundreds of wells. Horizontal drilling is used to reduce the impact of land access
Development of coalbed methane resources generally involves five phases:
Phase I
General Exploration involving identification of coal area, characterization of coal (rank,
thickness, extent, depth of coal seam, etc.), identification of suitable areas for drilling;
and core drilling and testing for gas content, gas saturation and permeability of the
Phase II
Geology and geophysics
Phase III
Pilot Project to determine the economic viability of a site. Project economics are
determined by a number of factors: well flow rates, well spacing, cost of drilling and
development, developing costs, ability to dispose of water cheaply, good land access
and market access.
Phase IV
Phased Development
Phase V
©2012 - CBM Asia Development Corp

Resource Potential: 453 Tcf CBM Resources

Completeabl Completeab Concentrati

e High le on 2
Target Coal Coal Average Graded (Tcf) (Bcf/mi )
Formati Thickness Rank (Ro Depth Area
  Basin Province on (m) %) (m) (km2)
1 S. Sumatra S. Sumatra M.Enim 37 0.47 762 7,350 183 25

2 Barito S. Kalimantan Warukin 28 0.45 915 6,330 102 16

3 Kutei E. Kalimantan Prangat 21 0.50 915 6,100 80 13

4 C. Sumatra Riau Petani 15 0.40 762 5,150 53 10

5 N. Tarakan E. Kalimantan Tabul 15 0.45 701 2,734 18 6

6 Berau E. Kalimantan Latih 24 0.45 671 780 8.4 11

7 Ombilin W. Sumatra Sawaht 24 0.80 762 47 0.5 11

8 Pasir/Asem S. Kalimantan Warukin 15 0.45 701 385 3.0 8

9 NW Java W. Java T.Akar 6 0.70 1,524 100 0.8 8

10 Sulawesi S. Sulawesi Toraja 6 0.55 610 500 2.0 4

11 Bengkulu Bengkulu Lemau 12 0.40 610 772 3.6 5

  Total   30,248 453 15

Source: Stevens, S. "Indonesia Coalbed Methane Indicators and Basin Evaluation",

presented at SPE Asia Pacific Oil and Gas Conference and Exhibit, Perth, Australia, 18-20
October, 2004, SPE 88630, Advanced Resources International, Inc. on behalf of
Hadiyanto, Indonesian Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, Directorate General of
Geology and Mineral Resources
Pasar Gas Indonesia
Perpipaan Gas Indonesia
Bagaimana dengan Blok Marsela ?
Composition of raw natural gas
Raw natural gas typically consists primarily of methane, the shortest and lightest hydrocarbon molecule. It
also contains varying amounts of:

 Heavier gaseous hydrocarbons: ethane (C2H6), propane (C3H8), normal butane](n-C4H10), isobutane

(i-C4H10), pentanes and even higher molecular weight hydrocarbons. When processed and purified into
finished by-products, all of these are collectively referred to as Natural Gas Liquids (NGL)).
 Acid gases: carbon dioxide (CO2), hydrogen sulfide (H2S) and mercaptans such as methanethiol
(CH3SH) and ethanethiol (C2H5SH).
 Other gases: nitrogen (N2) and helium (He).
 Water: water vapor and liquid water.
 Liquid hydrocarbons: perhaps some natural gas condensate (also referred to as casinghead
gasoline or natural gasoline) and/or crude oil.
• Mercury: very small amounts of mercury primarily in elemental form, but chlorides and other species
are possibly present
Komposisi Gas Alam menggunakan asumsi gas alam pasokan PT. Petrokimia Gresik,

Tabel 1: Komposisi Gas Alam

No Komponen Molekul Satuan Hasil Uji
1 Nitrogen N2 %mole 0,499
2 Carbon Dioxide CO2 %mole 0,632
3 Methane CH4 %mole 91,026
4 Ethane C2 H 6 %mole 6,533
5 Propane C3 H 8 %mole 1,100
6 I-Butane i-C4H10 %mole 0,081
7 N-Butane n-C4H10 %mole 0.080
8 I-Pentane i-C5H12 %mole 0.027
9 N-Pentane n-C5H12 %mole 0.022
10 Hexane plus C6 + %mole 0,000
Total mole 100,000 %

Compressibility Factor @ 60 0F, 14,7 psia : 0,99761

Specific Gravity Gas Real @ 60 0F, 14,7 psia : 0,60767
Gross Heating Value, BTU/Real Gas 0F : 1072,72285
Apa perbedaan antara LPG dan CNG?
1.CNG pada dasarnya terdiri dari metana sedangkan LPG adalah campuran dari
propana, butana dan bahan kimia lainnya.
2.Perbedaan penting lain dari sudut pandang fisik adalah bahwa CNG tidak mencair
di bawah tekanan tinggi - dan akan tetap menjadi bentuk gas, kecuali
didinginkan setidaknya - 164 ° C. LPG, di sisi lain akan menjadi cair bila ditekan
atau saat didinginkan (karena itu Nama "Liquefied Petroleum Gas").
3. CNG secara langsung berasal dari daerah gas. Satu-satunya proses yang kadang-
kadang perlu dilakukan, adalah menyaring gas terlebih dahulu. Tapi biasanya,
gas dapat langsung digunakan sebagai bahan bakar setelah proses kompresi.
4. CNG memiliki bagian besar dari Hidrogen dan karena itu lebih ringan daripada
udara (atribut ini sebenarnya membuat CNG sangat aman: sekali ada kebocoran
dalam sistem, gas hanya akan dilepas ke atmosfer).

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