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Out-Patient Department


OPD is a place where a patient goes first when he feels ill
Patients who do not need overnight hospitalization are admitted
in the outpatient department
Surgical, dental and nursing care is provided to patients

Surgical care Dental care Nursing care

To provide adequate quality of care
All modern technique for investigation and treatment
Creating facilities for total patient satisfaction
Good public relation
It serves as mirror
Visited by large section of community
First point of contact between patient and hospital staff
A good OPD service reduce the load on in-patient services
It is a place for implementing preventive & promotive health activities.
Facilitates teaching
1. Centralized Outpatient Services :
 All services are provided in a compact area which includes all diagnostic
and therapeutics facilities being provided in the same place.

2. Decentralized Outpatient Services :

 Services are provided in the respective departments. Decentralized
1. General Outpatient
All the patients other than emergencies who report directly to the OPD
2. Emergency Outpatient
A person given emergency medical care for condition which is real or perceived
3. Referred Outpatient 
A person referred to an OPD by his attending medical/dental practitioner for
specific diagnostic/treatment procedure.
Outpatient Department
Separate entrance
Easily accessible
Should have approach from main road
Adjacent to supportive facilities, x-ray & laboratory
Amenable for Expansion
i. Sustained and continuity of high standard patient care
ii. Modern technology and methods
iii. Obtain total patient satisfaction
iv. Highly motivated and trained, skilled hospital staff
v. Manual of procedures for hospital staff
vi. Periodic training and review system
vii. Recording and retrieval system
viii.System of appointment
ix. Morning and afternoon clinics
x. Proper sinage system
Equipment related to specialty examination should be available in concerned
Each consultation cum examination room should have- Work table,
physician’s desk, wall mounted cabinets, X-ray view box, revolving stool,
wash basins, instrument trolley, chairs beside examination couch
All OPD should have equipment for resuscitation of  patients collapsing

Instrument Trolley,
Revolving Stool, X-
Ray View Box
The number of patients visiting OPD depend on many factors
1.Location of hospital
2.Community needs
3.Programme & resources
4.Season of the year
5.Transport & Communication

Split OPD
Screening Centers
More consultation rooms
More registration counter
Appointment system
Queuing theory
Central registration system
Over crowded OPD
1. Warmth
2. Respect
3. Minimum Waiting
4. Cleanliness
5. Good Ambience
6. Canteen, Toilet, Ventilation, Water Supply
7. Good Clinical Care
8. Patience Hearing
Good Public Relations

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