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Our early contacts with India
• Came to the Philippines as early as 900 AD.
• We were never conquered by them
• Traces of Hindu are found in our religion, jobs,
writing, language and customs.
Archeological evidences that reveal the coming
of India’s Influence through Malaysia;
• The gold image of Buddhist goddess, excavation near
Ezperanza, Agusan Province (1917)
• Bronze statue of Hindu god Siva, found in Mactan
• The copper gold image of Ganesha, Hindu elephant
god, found in Mactan (1843)
• The clay medallion of the 13th century Buddhist-
Siamese, found in Batangas Province(1958)
• Golden Garuda pendant, found in Brooke’s Point,
Palawan (1961)
Influence of India
Hindu element in the religious beliefs of the ancient Filipinos
and the name of their gods came from India.
Ex. Bathala-Supreme god of the pre-Spanish Tagalog is Identified
with Indra, the chief of the Vedic god.
-bathala- from the Sanskrit term “bhatarra” meaning “great Lord”
a) The Mandayas in Mindanao worshipped a trinity of gods
Mansalitan, creator of the universe, Badla, creator of man, and
Padaugan, destroyer of men.
- Resembles the Hindu trinity of gods Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva.
2. Clothing
The sarong (skirt) and the Putong (turban) of ancient Filipinos are from
• including the tight-fitting trousers and embroidered shawls of the
present day Muslim Filipinos are of Indian origin.
3. Superstitious beliefs:
• A maiden who sings merrily while cooking will marry an old widower.
• Pregnant woman who eats twin bananas will give birth to twins.
• A comet flashing in the sky is a ill omen, for it brings famine, war or
other calamity.
4. Custom:
a) Placing a garland of fresh flowers around the neck of a
visitor as a symbol of respect and hospitality.
b) Giving a dowry to the bride’s parents and rendering personal
service in the househould of his prospective parents-in-law.
c) Showering the groom and the bride with rice after wedding
d) Pilgrimage of a childless couple to a holy shrine whose deity
is believed to have the power to grant their wish for a child.
5. Literature- Popular Filipino epics such as;
Darungan, Biag ni Lam-ang, ibalon and Hudhud
and Alim was inspired by Mahabharata and
other Hindu epics.
Early Industries
• Includes boat-building, metal works, weaving of
cotton clothes and quicklime mining method.
• Also from India are the flowers sampaguita and
champaka, fruits like mango, nangka, sirisa, and
vegtables like ampalaya, patola ang malunggay.
• The musical instrument known as the
kudyapi(native guitar).
Ancient Filipino writings originated from India.
375 words from India.
Ex. Filipino-ama Sanskrit-ama

Filipino-asawa Sanskrit-atawa

Filipino-bansa Sanskrit-vamsa

Filipino-maharlika Sankrit-mahardlika
The early Arabs who made the first contact to
the Philippines were non-Muslims
1. Mukdum (Karim-ul Makhdum)- built the first mosque in
Simunul Sulu. (1380)
2. Raja Baguinda- introduces the first firearm to the
Philppines. (1390)
3. Abu Bakr- founded sultanate of Sulu
4. Sharif Muhammad Kabungsuwan-Islamic conquest was
attributed to him. Converted pagans of Cotabato to Islam.
-Sultanate of Maguindanao.
5.Siat Saen- tried to introduce Islam in Batanggas province
but he failed.
The greatest gift of Arabia to people is Islam,
A living religion in Mindanao.
• With this religion came a new form of
government-the sultanate
• A new alphabet- the Arabic script.
• The Q’uranic law based on the Quran.
• The Arabic calendar with its Muslim Festivals.
• Muslim arts including the Maranao.
• sari-manok
• Polygamy- the practice or custom of having
more than one wife or husband at the same
• Divorce- the legal dissolution of a marriage by
a court or other competent body.
Prohibition of eating and drinking of hard
• Giving alms to the poor
• Pilgrimage to Mecca
• Sultan(king), raha(heir), dayang(princess) and
kali(judge) came from Arabs
• 2 percent of the Filipinos have Arab Blood
from their ancestors.
• They were the first to come by the sea to the
• They were drove into the mountains and live
in the lowlands.
• Indonesia is more advance than the Nigritos
• They live in the permanent homes and used
fire to cook their food
• Hunting, fishing and small farming
• Painted their bodies with colorful figures.
• The Indonesian minority tribes are found in
some interior parts in the country.
• They are the;
Apayaos Gaddangs
Ibanagssa Kalingas
Tagbanuas Bagobos
Manobos Mandyas
Sabanons Tirurays
• These migrants lived in tree houses or in
house build in ground.
• They wore tattoos of different designs in their
bodies that signifies braveness, reward for a
warrior, and distinguish social status in their
community for men and for woman it signifies

• The women wear tapis, a lengthy

piece of cotton clothe. Wound
round the waistline down to the
knees and a long sleeve. Round
neck collarless and waist length
• The men wear G-stripe, the G-stripe
in held by a girdle, an upper
collarless, short garment may also
be worn , together with a
• They use skirts, trousers, and dress
for everyday wear.

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