The Origin of The Filipino

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The Origin of the

Reporter: Oco, Art Vincent O.
The best explanations we have about our
distant past comes from three(3) main
▪ The story of God’s creation in the Bible.
▪ The story of evolution made by human scientists.
▪ Legends and fairytales made up by imaginative people.
The Theory of Evolution:
▪ It is a belief that man came from ape like creatures that lived
thousands of years ago in caves and have very crude tools.
The Theory of Evolution:
Migration Theory
• proposed by H. Otley Beyer
• The ancestors of Filipinos came in “wave of migration”
• First to each the archipelago was “Dawn Man”
• Next to settle was Negritos
• Third to arrive were the Indonesians (seaferers and tool users)
They believed that the early Filipinos came
from waves of migration:

▪ Negritos Year

▪ Indonesians Negritos 25,000 years ago

▪ Malays Indonesians 5,000 years ago

malay 2,000 years ago

- Who peopled these island
thousands years ago.
Waves of Migration
The Negritos
• The first people came to the Philippines
• They were also called atis or aetas
• They came across land bridges from mainland asia about 25,000 years ago
• They were very small people and less than five feet tall
• They have black skin, shirt kinky hair, thick lips and black noses
• They wandered in the forest and lived by hunting, fishing and gathering wild plants
and fruits

The Indonesians
• The first immigrants to come by the sea to the Philippines
• They came about 5,000 years ago and sailed in boats form South Asia
• They were drove into the mountains and lived in the lowlands
• Indonesians were more advanced than the negritos
• They lived in permanent homes and used fire to cook their food
• They lived by hunting fishing and small farming
• They painted their bodies with colorful figures
Waves of Migration

The Malay
• They came after the Indonesians about 2,000 years ago.
• They also arrived in boats from southeast asia.
• They were medium in height, brown skinned with dark
eyes, flat nose and straight black hair.
• They drove Indonesians to the forest and lived in the
• They are more civilized than the Indonesians.
The Peopling of the
Popular theories about peopling the

1. Austronesian Migration theory

- Austronesians from Asia to Pacific
by means of Taiwan 6,000 years ago.
-proposed by Peter Bellwood
-Began from the Chinese mainland,
reaching Taiwan (3500 B.C.) Philippines
(3000 B.C.) Sumatra & Java (2000 B.C.)
Northern New Guinea (1600 B.C.) Samoa
(1200 B.C) Hawaii, Easter Island &
Madagascar (500 B.C)
Popular theories about peopling the

Cultural traces include:

-Outriggers of canoes
-Prehistoric art styles
-social characters
2 branches of Austronesian language:
- Malayo-Polynesian
- Formosan
Popular theories about peopling the

2. Wave Migration theory

-Dr. Henry Otley Beyer
-”Dawn Man”- a cave man type
-Negritos- an original pygmy group
-Indonesian- sea-farers and tool users
-Malays- sea-farers and more civilized.
Popular theories about peopling the

3. Theory of earlier Evolution and Movement

- Anthropologist F. Landa Jocano
- The Phil. Was inhabited as early as
21,000-22,000 years ago.
- 1962- the discovery of Tabon man in Tabon
cave in Palawan.
- he further believes that the present
Filipinos are products of the long process
of evolution and movement of people.
The first evidence of human settlement
in what is now the Philippines was
found in Tabon Cave in Palawan back in
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 is an assemblage of many different

 Today, Mindanao can be said to be
the “melting pot” of varied
ethnolinguistic groups.
• An earlier investigation of Dr. Otley Beyer on the
prehistoric beginnings of the Philippines, assumed
that Mindanao was reached by an earlier wave of
peoples between 28,000 B.C to 23,000 B.C.
• From mainland Southeast Asia moving through the
southern corridors- Malay Peninsula, Indonesia,
Borneo and Palawan- when the bridges were still in
• As nomadic, they moved gradually from place to

MAMANUAS – are belived to be the descendants of

these early people
• People of the forest.
• Belonging to the negretiod group
• Found in the surigao region
• Hunting and gathering their source of living.

Around 3,000 B.C from Luzon island through the central islands of the
Visayas, horticultural groups came to Mindanao – the Proto-

• These were people who belong to the proto-Austronesian
language, early Southern Asians.
• South China was their original homeland.
• Archaeological investigations around Taiwan show that around
7,000 B.C, these people were already in the Isalnd Via Batanes
islands, some splintered groups moved southward, culminating in
Northern Luzon around 5,000 B.C and occupying different
ecological nooks. Farther southward into the Central region onto
Mindanao some groups.
Dr. Richard Elkins of the Summer Institute Of Linguistics, in a
recent linguistic investigations of the Manobo language, said that
the Manobo’s were an earlier group ancestors came between 3,000-
4,000 B.C.
He claimed that the Proto-Manobo must have reached Mindanao
either Celebes and Borneo; or through the Sulu archipelago and
ending up in the Southwestern region of the island between
Cotabato and Zamboanga.

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