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Table of Content
• Introduction.
• Definition.
• Cases.
• Doppler’s Shift.
• Conditions for Doppler’s Shift.
• Power Doppler’s.
• Applications.
• Important Questions.
The Doppler effect is named after an Austrian
Mathematician and Physicist Johann Christian Andreas
Doppler, who first explained the phenomenon in 1842.
Doppler Effect refers to the change in wave frequency
during the relative motion between a wave source and
its observer. Doppler Effect works on both light and
sound objects.
•  The phenomenon of the apparent change in the
frequency of sound due to the relative motion
between the source of sound and the observer is
called Doppler effect.

‘v’ be the velocity of sound ‘λ’ be the wavelength of
sound wave and ‘f’ be the frequency.
• Lets suppose the whistle of a fast moving train
appears to increase in pitch as it approaches a
stationary observer and it appears to decrease as the
train moves away from the observer or vice versa.
• There are Seven(7) cases to find the effect with both
source and observer perspective:
 When Source moves towards the Observer in rest.
 When Source moves away from the Observer in rest.
 When Observer moves towards the Source in rest.
 When Observer moves away from the Source in rest.
 When Source and Observer moves towards each other.
 When Source and Observer moves away from each other.
 When Source leads the Observer.
When source moves toward the stationary observer:

  source of sound moves towards observer in
rest, then wavelength of sound decreases. The
apparent change in wavelength is
λ = v/f
If ′f′ be the apparent change in frequency, Then,
f′ = =
f′ = x
V = Velocity of sound.
= Velocity of source.
=frequency of sound wave.
= changed wavelength.
v > v-
When source moves away the stationary observer:

•   source of sound moves away from the

observer in rest, the wavelength of sound wave.
Therefore, apparent change in wavelength is
V = Velocity of sound.
= Velocity of source.
=frequency of sound wave.
= changed wavelength.
= =
’= x
When Observer moves towards the Source in rest:

•   observer towards the source in stationary then relative

velocity of sound wave to the observer is v +uo
’= =

When Observer moves away from the Source at rest:

•   observer moves away from the source in rest then relative

velocity of sound wave to the observer is v + uo
’= =

When Source and Observer moves towards each other:

•   the source and observer are approaching towards each other

with the velocity us and uo respectively, then
velocity of the waves relative to the observer,
and apparent wavelength,
By putting values,
’= =
When Source and Observer moves away each other:

•   the source and observer moves away from each other

with the velocity us and uo respectively, then
velocity of the waves relative to the observer,
and apparent wavelength,
By putting values,
’= =
When Source leads the Observer:

•   the source and observer moves in same direction and

the source is leads the observer, then
velocity of the waves relative to the observer,

and apparent wavelength,
By putting values,
’= =
Frequency will change depending on and
Doppler’s Shift:
When a body that is emitting radiation and has a non-zero radial
velocity relative to an observer, the wavelength of the emission will be
shortened or lengthened, depending upon whether the body is moving
towards or away from an observer. This change in observed wavelength,
or frequency, is known as the Doppler shift.

Blue Shift:
If the object is moving towards an observer, the wavelength of the
emission will be shortened and the emission will be blue shifted.

Red Shift:
If the object is moving away from the observer, the wavelength of the
emission will increase and the emission will be red shifted.
Conditions for Doppler’s Shift:
  Effect will not occur:
• If the Source and Observer both move in the
same direction at the same speed.
• Where one Source or Observer is at the
center of the circle while the other is moving
on it with uniform speed.
• If the Source or Observer is at to the
Observer or Source respectively.
Power Doppler’s:
Power Doppler is a technique that uses the amplitude of Doppler
signal to detect moving matter.
• Power Doppler is independent of velocity and
direction of flow, so there is no possibility of signal
• Power Doppler is independent of angle, allowing
detection of smaller velocities than color Doppler,
facilitating examinations in certain technically
challenging clinical setting.
• Power Doppler has higher sensitivity than color
Doppler, which makes a trade-off with flash artifacts.
• Astronomy:
Doppler effect is used to measure the speed at which stars and galaxies are approaching
or receding from us, in a mechanism named red shift or blue shift. Redshift happens
when light seen coming from an object that is moving away is proportionally increased in
wavelength, or shifted to the red end of the spectrum. Vice versa occurs with blue shift.
Since blue light has a higher frequency than red light, the spectral lines of an approaching
astronomical light source exhibit a blue shift and those of a receding astronomical light
source exhibits a redshift.

• Radar:
The Doppler effect is used to measure the velocity detected objects where a radar beam is
fired at a moving target. For example, the police use radar to detect a speeding vehicle.
Radio waves are fired using a radar gun at the moving vehicle. The velocity is calculated
using the difference between the emitted frequency and the reflected frequency. In a
similar way, Doppler radar is used by weather stations to calculate factors like wind
speed and intensity.
• Aerospace Navigation:
The aeronautical department use radar system just like marine radar to calculate the speed of
flying objects. For example Drones, Planes and Jets etc.

• Measuring Speed of Automobile:

The Doppler’s Effect can be used to calculate the speed of any automobile. Calculation of
radio waves from rotating satellites. For example it is used in the navigation system of marine
and can also be used in a radar surveillance to determine the speed of automobiles.

• Medical Imaging:
In medicine, the Doppler Effect can be used to measure the direction and speed of blood flow
in arteries and veins. This is used in echocardiograms and medical ultrasonography and is an
effective tool in diagnosis of vascular problems. Doppler effect in hospitals is used to monitor
the blood flow. It also measures the direction and speed of blood flow. Blood clots are also
detected with Doppler effect as the ultrasound will be able to detect slower blood flow where
the clot is located.

• Doppler’s Echocardiogram:
In a doctor echocardiogram sound waves of certain frequency are transmitted into a heart the
sound waves bounce off blood cells moving through the heart and blood vessels. This helps
cardiologist determine the speed and direction of blood flow in heart.

Q No. 1:
How Doppler’s Effect be applied to our everyday life?

Q No. 2:
Is the Doppler’s Shift real or just a sensory illusion?

Q No. 3:
How does the frequency of sound change when the source is moving?

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