Grade 11 Civics WEEK 2

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Federalism is the division/devolution of power among the
federal/central and regional/state governments.
The collapse of Dergue brought change of government
system i.e. From central/unitary to federal Systems of
The main objectives of Ethiopian regionalization policy
are to:
enable the different ethnic groups to develop
their culture and language,
 manage socio-economic development in their
respective areas,
exercise self-rule and
 bring about an equitable share of the national n
resources among regions
Both the federal and regional state governments have
legislative, executive and judicial functions.

As in any other federal system state sovereignty

has been constitutionally apportioned between the
central government and the nine regional states
central and regional government power
responsibilities have also been defined in the
Devolution of power is the principle of federalism.
-the practice of assigning power to the lower levels of
administrative hierarchies.
-the transfer of power to the regions that constitute the
-It makes neither the federal nor the regional governments
-This helps to avoid monopoly of power
Some of the Powers and functions of the Federal
 Protect & defend the constitution
 Formulate & implement the countries policies ,
strategies & plans.
 Establish & implement national standards &basic
policy criteria(health , education, science , technology ,
 Formulating & executing the country’s
financial ,monetary & foreign investment policies.
 Establish & administer national defense
 Administering the National Bank ,printing money
&regulating foreign exchange
 Determining & administering the utilization of waters or
rivers and lakes linking two or more states.
  NB- (refer the FDRE constitution Art-51).
Give short answer.
1.What do we mean by federalism.
2.What are the objective of ethiopian regionalization policy.
3.In the federal system of Ethiopia power is divided between
………..and …………
Some of the Powers and functions of regional states

  establishing a state administration that best

advances self government
 enacting & executing the state constitution and other
 Formulating & executing economic ,social &
development policies, strategies &plans
 Establishing &administering a state police force
NB- ( refer Article -52 of the FDRE constitution
• In our federal state , there are two houses :
 I. House of peoples representatives
o a law making body
o are elected by the direct participation of the people
based on universal suffrage
o are representatives of the Ethiopian people as a
o are governed by :- constitution, the will of the people
and their conscience.
o they serve for 5 years
II. House of federation

 -are representatives of all nations, nationalities &

peoples of Ethiopia.
 -are elected by the state councils or directly by regional
 -has the power to interpret the constitution.
 - Retaining its federal structure, Ethiopia remains
unitary in spirit.
Ethiopia’s Foreign
By the end of this lesson, you should be able to:
Describe one of the main purposes of Ethiopia’s
relations in promoting the development of the
Explain the importance of international conventions
and agreements in guiding foreign relations
Attempt the following question.
List some of the advantage of having peaceful foreign relation
with some foreign countries.
Ethiopia has a long tradition of foreign relations.
• Beginning from the 20thC, Ethiopia’s foreign
relation started expanding in a great deal
• In the second half of the 20thC, Ethiopia‟s
foreign relation showed a growing trend for the
sake of international agreements and
• Ethiopia‟s foreign relation laid a corner stone
after the battle of Adwa, and getting boast
following the growing rule of Emperor Haile
Selassie I.
• Emperor Haile Selassie (Being Ras – had signed a
membership of Ethiopia in the League of Nations
•Foreign relation is a relationship between two – or more

for social, economic and political purposes

•Ethiopia has signed a number of international conventions
and agreements such as Universal Declaration of Human
Rights,UN Conventions on Child Rights and the Rights of
Short answer.
Q.Discus about the principles of Ethiopian foreign policy.
NB. Principles of Ethiopian foreign policy are based on:
1. Inside – out
2. Non-interventions
3. Promoting fraternity
4. Promoting in mutual benefits
5. Protection of National interest
 Foreign relations help countries work for mutual
 Ethiopian foreign relations have helped to attract
foreign investment. In Ethiopia, there are many
foreign companies that have invested in
infrastructural development such as roads and
hydroelectric power.
Constitutional development in Ethiopia
(Historical Background)
Constitutional practices have passed through centuries in
various countries. In Ethiopian history it goes to the 1931
Historically,Ethiopia promulgates four
The two are in Imperial (Monarchical Regime in 1931
and 1955), one in Military (later – Peoples‟ Democratic
Republic of Ethiopia-PDRE in 1987), and at present
Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia-FDRE
Constitution 1995
A. The 1931 Constitution

- Was the first written constitution

-Created bicameral (two houses) Parliament i.e.
i)Upper House (representatives elected by the King)
ii) Lower House (representatives elected by upper
- Established ministerial executive – under the King
- Established Zufan – Chilot – the last court ofappeal
- Gives absolute power to the Monarch
- It was modeling the Maji of Japan Constitution
-The constitution tried to combin both modernity and traditional
while avoiding revolution
- The constitution was drafted by Teklehawariat
Teklemariam (Russian educated)
- The constitution doesn‟t allow public participation
- The Emperor said – the 1931 constitution as gift
given to the people
-The 1931 constitution Chapter 2 No. 6 reads:“The
Emperor of Ethiopia has full and supreme governance over the
Imperial realm”
-In the 1931 constitution, however, under Article 3 contains
list of rights of the people, such as: citizenship, appointment, freedom
of movement, equality before the law, right to privacy ,right to appeal,
prohibition against unlawful accusation
B. The 1955 Revised Constitution
 The Emperor revised and granted the 1955 Constitution
-partly to include the administration of the newly acquired
territory of Eritrea.
It was revised to strengthen the Absolute Power of the
Monarch over the 3 government bodies
It also made some other small adjustments including the
introduction of freedom of speech and freedom of the press and the
people’s right to elect or be elected as members of the Chamber

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