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40 days for life London

Pray to end abortion

Talking Points
• March 9th until April 17th 2011 our city will be
spiritually uniting with 243 cities in 9 countries
– for the largest simultaneous pro-life
mobilization: the 40 days for life campaign.
• We are praying and fasting that these efforts
will mark the beginning of the end of abortion
in the United Kingdom.
Vision and Mission
• 40 days for life is focused pro-life campaign
with a vision to access God’s power through
prayer, fasting and peaceful vigil to end
• The mission of the campaign is to bring
together the body of Christ in a spirit of unity
during a focused 40 day campaign of prayer,
fasting and peaceful vigil.
Campaign Components
• Prayer and Fasting – inviting people of faith throughout
our city and across the country to join together for 40
days for fervent prayer and fasting for an end to abortion.
• Peaceful vigil- standing for life through a 40 day peaceful
public witness outside the local BPAS Clinic in Bedford
• Community Outreach: taking a positive, upbeat pro-life
message to every corner of our city through media
efforts, church and school outreach, petition drives and
public visibility.
The problem
• In the United Kingdom alone, a country that
has respected the right to life for centuries,
around 200,000 abortions happen every year.
• Children have been sold a lie about sexual
freedom, without being warned about the long
term consequences of promiscuity and sin. As
a result teenage pregnancies and sexually
transmitted diseases have reached epidemic
The Problem
• Recent elections have placed even more abortion
advocates in powerful positions. The prospects are quite
chilling. Britain continues to pay for and export abortion
around the world.
• The national media have taken a position overwhelmingly
in favour of abortion, saturating the airwaves with biased
information and casting pro lifers in a negative light.
• Many Christian Churches have fallen silent about
abortion, becoming apathetic or indifferent, failing to
speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves.
The Solution

• Our culture has turned away from God. This could

be a chance for despair, but Scripture reminds us….
If my people, who are called by my name, will humble
themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from
their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and
will forgive their sin and will heal their land.
- 2 Chronicles 7:14
Potential Benefits

• Reduce abortion rates by 10, 15, 20% or more!

• Recuit and mobilize hundreds – perhaps even
thousands of new people into life saving methods
• Lead post abortive women- and men into proven
healing programs
• Develop dynamic leaders to increase the future
impact of pro-life efforts.
Potential Benefits
• Bring Churches together in a historic display of
Christian unity and action.
• Generate enormous “buzz” by getting prominent pro
life news coverage – even from biased media outlets.
• Increase local financial support for future pro life
• Make the sanctity of life a crucial issue throughout
our community and in upcoming local, state and
national elections.
Why 40 days?

• Noah Experienced transformation during 40 days

of rain.
• Moses was transformed by 40 days on Mount
• David was transformed by Goliath’s 40 day
• Elijah was transformed when God gave him 40
days of strength from one meal.
Why 40 days?

• Nineveh was transformed when God gave the

city 40 days to remain faithful.
• Jesus transformed the world following His 40
days in the desert.
• The disciples were transformed after spending
40 days with Jesus following his resurrection.
Why 40 days?

• What will God accomplish when people of

faith across our community and beyond unite
for 40 days of prayer and fasting, pulling out
all the stops to end the violence of abortion?

• We don’t know, but we’re very excited to find

Track Record of Results
• More than 400,000 people of faith and
conscience have conducted 40 days for life
campaigns with measureable, life saving
• More than 13,000 Church congregations were
activated and united for life.
Track Record of Results
• 3,599 Children have been saved from
abortion. And those are just the ones we
know about.
• Many individuals with abortion experiences in
their past have found healing.
• 43 abortion workers have quit their jobs.
• 9 abortion clinics have gone out of business.
Track Record of Results
• Media outlets have given prominent pro life position
coverage with 1,200 stories about the 40 days for life
• 35% of participants in the 40 days for life are first time
pro life volunteers who have been recruited, trained
and mobilized.
• 92% of 40 days for life participants reported they grew
spiritually and personally through their involvement in
the campaign.
• People turned back to God with hope.
How YOU can make a difference
• Please pray and ask God to show you the
unique role He has for you in the 40 days for
life effort.
• Prayer warriors are needed to fast and
petition God that He will bless this effort and
do as he promised in 2 Chronicles 7:14 that we
will hear our prayer and heal our land.
How YOU can make a difference
• Vigil Participation: might be your role. God
could be asking you to peacefully stand as His
witness outside the local abortion facility as a
sign to the community that what goes on
inside that building is simply wrong.
How YOU can make a difference
• Community Outreach: this might be your
speciality. If you’re a person with an outgoing
personality, please consider this. Or maybe
you’re being called to take a leap of faith and
step out to educate your city about God’s
Cardinal Winning Pro Life Initiative
• Open invitation for those with unwanted
pregnancies, any worries or cares,
pregnancy testing or counselling, help
with raising the baby on your own,
discuss adoption, financial assistance,
need support or encouragement or
have had an abortion.. We will help
Pope John Paul’s words to women who have
had an abortion
• No doubt in many cases was a
shattering decision. The wound
in your heart may not have
healed. Do not give into
discouragement and do not lose
hope With friendly and expert
help and advice you can be
among the most eloquent
defenders of the right to life.
Building Momentum
• Sign up for the prayer vigil
• Volunteer to do community outreach
• Register for email updates
• Attend our Kick off event on the 8th March.

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