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Microbial Growth
in Vitro
• Availability of nutrients
• Moisture
• Temperature; thermophiles (organisms that love heat);
hyperthermophiles (Pyrolobus fumarii); mesophiles;
psychrophiles; psychroduric organisms
Categories of Bacteria on the Basis of Growth Temperature
Category Minimum Growth Optimum Growth Maximum Growth
Temperature Temperature Temperature
Thermophiles 25°C 50° - 60°C 113°C
Mesophiles 10°C 20° - 40°C 45°C
Psychrophiles -5°C 10° - 20°C 30°C
• pH; acidophiles (2 – 5); alkaliphiles (>8.5) (Vibrio
• Osmotic pressure and Salinity (plasmolysis,
plasmoptysis); halophilic; haloduric
• Barometric pressure ; piezophiles
• Gaseous atmosphere ; microaerophiles;
Encouraging the Growth of Microbes In
• Vitro
Bacterial Growth
- Proliferation or Multiplication of bacteria
- E.coli, V. cholera, Staphylococcus spp., and Streptococcus spp
(GT- 20mins)
- Pseudomonas and Mycobacterium spp (GT – 10mins)
- Mycobacterium tuberculosis (GT – 18-24 hours)
 microorganisms that are difficult to grow in the laboratory
are said to be fastidious
• Culture Media
- Are used in the laboratory to culture bacteria
- artificial or synthetic
 classification:
 chemically defined medium
 complex medium
 enriched medium: blood agar and chocolate agar
 selective medium: MacConkey agar, PEA agar and CNA agar, Thayer-
Martin agar and Martin-Lewis agar (N. gonorrhoeae), MSA
 differential medium
Agar – is a complex polysaccharide that is obtained from a red marine
 categories:
 liquid media (broths)
 solid
Inoculation of Culture Media
 Inoculation of a liquid medium involves adding a portion of the
specimen to the medium
 Inoculation of a solid or plated medium involves the use of a
sterile inoculating loop to apply a portion of a specimen to the
surface of the medium—streaking
Importance of Using “Aseptic Technique”
a. microbiology professionals from becoming infected
b. contamination of their work environment
c. contamination of clinical specimens, cultures, and
 carbon dioxide incubators
 non-carbon dioxide incubators
 anaerobic incubators
Bacterial Population Counts
• Spectrophotometer
• viable plate count – is used to determine the total number
of viable bacteria in a liquid sample
Bacterial Population Growth Curve
4 phases:
I. lag phase – bacteria absorb nutrients, synthesize enzymes, and
prepare for cell division
II. logarithmic growth phase – bacteria multiply rapidly
III. stationary phase – the culture is at its growing density
IV. death phase – culture may die completely or some may
survive for months
Culturing Viruses and Other Obligate
Intracellular Pathogens in the Lab
Obligate intracellular pathogens
- are microbes that can survive and multiply only within
living cells (host cells)
- include viruses and two groups of Gram-negative
bacteria—rickettsias and chlamydias
• culturing these organisms in the laboratory is a
challenge: they must be grown in embryonated
chicken eggs, laboratory animals, or cell cultures
Culturing Fungi in the Laboratory
• Fungi (including yeasts, moulds, and dimorphic fungi) grow on
and in a variety of solid and liquid culture media
• There is no single medium that is best for all medically important
• Examples of culture media for fungi includes: brain heart infusion
(BHI) agar, BHI with blood, and Sabouraud dextrose agar (SDA);
due to its low pH, SDA is selective for fungi
• caution must be exercised when culturing fungi – some are highly
Culturing Protozoa in the Laboratory

Most microbiology laboratories do not culture protozoa;

some research and reference labs do, however.
• Examples of protozoa that can be cultured in vitro are
amebae, Giardia lamblia, Leishmania spp., Toxoplasma
gondii, Trichomonas vaginalis, and Trypanosoma cruzi.
• Due to the severity of diseases that they cause, it is of
greatest importance to culture amebae: Acanthamoeba
spp., Balamuthia spp., and Naegleria fowleri
Inhibiting the Growth of Microbes In Vitro
• Sterilization – involves the destruction or elimination of all
• Disinfection – describes the elimination of most or all pathogens
from nonliving objects
• Disinfectants – chemicals used to disinfect inanimate objects
• Antiseptics – are solutions used to disinfect skin and other living
• Sanitization – is the reduction of microbial populations to levels
considered safe
Microbicidal Agents
• Bactericidal agents – specifically kill bacteria
• Sporicidal agents – kill bacterial endospores
• Fungicidal agents – kill fungi, including fungal spores
• Algicidal agents – used to kill algae in swimming polls
and hot tubs
• Viricidal agents – destroy viruses
• Pseudomonicidal agents – kill Pseudomonas spp.
• Tuberculocidal agents – kill M. tuberculosis
Microbistatic Agents
- is a drug or chemical that inhibits reproduction of
microorganisms, but does not necessarily kill them

• Bacteriostatic agent – is one that specifically inhibits the

metabolism and reproduction of bacteria
• Lyophilization – is a process that combines dehydration
and freezing; a good method of preserving
microorganisms for future use
Definition of terms:
• Sepsis – refers to the presence of pathogens in blood or tissues
• Asepsis – means the absence of pathogens
• Aseptic techniques – are used to eliminate and exclude
• Antisepsis – is the prevention of infection
• Antiseptic techniques – developed by Joseph Lister in 1867,
refers to the use of antiseptics
• Sterile technique – is practiced when it is necessary to exclude
all microorganisms from a particular area, so that the area will
be sterile
Physical Methods to Inhibit Microbial
Heat – most common type of sterilization for inanimate
objects able to withstand high temperatures
2 factors: Temperature & Time

 Thermal Death Point (TDP) – is the lowest temperature

that will kill all the organism in a standardized pure culture
within a specified period
 Thermal Death Time (TDT) – is the length of time
necessary to sterilize a pure culture at a specified
• Dry Heat – dry heat baking in a thermostatically controlled
oven provides effective sterilization of metals, glasswares,
some powders, oils and waxes
• Moist Heat – heat applied in the presence of moisture, as
in boiling or steaming, is faster and more effective than dry
heat and can be accomplished at a lower temperature; thus
it is less destructive to many materials that would damage
at higher temperatures
• Cold – refrigeration merely slows the growth of most
microorganisms; it does completely inhibit the growth
• Desiccation – the process of being thoroughly dried
• Radiation – the UV rays, which do not penetrate glass and building
materials, are effective only on surfaces. They penetrate cells and
thus can damage DNA
• Ultrasonic waves – frequently used means of cleaning delicate
• Filtration – filters of various pore sizes are used to filter or
separate cells, large viruses, bacteria and certain other
microorganisms from the liquids or gases in which they are
• Gaseous atmosphere – it is possible to inhibit growth of
microorganisms by altering the atmosphere in which they are
Various Factors Affect the Efficiency or Effectiveness of a
• Prior cleaning of the object/surface to be infected
• The organic that is present, meaning the presence of organic
matter on the materials being treated
• The bio-burden, meaning the type and level of microbial
• The concentration of the disinfectant
• The contact time, meaning the amount of time that the
disinfectant must remain in contact with the organisms in order
to kill them. The physical nature of object being disinfected
• Temperature and pH
Characteristics of an Ideal Chemical Anti-Microbial
• It should kill a variety of microorganisms
• It should be fast acting, contact time should be short
• Should not be affected by the presence of organic material
• Must be nontoxic to human tissues and noncorrosive and non-
destructive to materials
• It must be soluble to water and easy to apply
• Should be inexpensive and easy to prepare
• Should be odourless
• It must be stable both as a concentrate and as a working

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