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A. Basic Consideration
English is to have an important role in the world of science, so that
today many people to want to know the language because English
disciplines continue to complete the study held in language
development so that almost every school student get a good English
language teaching was the main lesson or as an additional in the
school curriculum.
It means that a language has function to make an interaction in a range of
communication activity in society. The importance of the language, so
teachers of English should provide their students with much
opportunities for meaningful communication through interactions
because Rivers as quoted by Shumin (in Richards and Renandya;
I take this opportunity to try to examine the model of teaching language
through which I take my title “ improving students’ speaking competence
by using communication activity”
B. Identifucation of Problem
Based on the finding of the preliminary study, the class
IX students by far faced some problems in speaking.
Firstly, the students were very complicated to convey
their ideas because they had insufficiency of vocabulary
in their mind. As a result, they became reluctant to do
dialogues spontaneously. Secondly, the students were
frightened, shyness, and embarrassment of being in
doing dialogues. Thirdly, the teaching of dialogues
seemed like teaching of reading or pronunciations due
to the students just read, memorize, and perform the
printed dialogues in textbook. Lastly, the students were
not accustomed to do dialogues in real situation.
C. Problem Statement

Specifically, the main problems of this action research

are elaborated detail into three questions.
1.How is the implementation of graded communicative
activity in teaching of translation holy Qur'an in speech
2.How do the use of graded communicative activity
improve the students’ speaking competence in
translation holy Qur'an in speech
3.How are the students’ responses toward using of
graded communicative activity in teaching translation
holy Qur'an in speech
D. Aims of the Study

The aims of this study are as follows.

1.To describe the Implementation of graded
communicative activity in teaching translation Holy
Qur'an in speech.
2.To know whether the use of graded communicative
activity improves the students’ speaking competence
in translation Holy Qur'an in speech
3.To describe the students’ responses toward using of
graded communicative activity in teaching of
translation Holy Qur'an in speech.
E. Significance of Research
1. this research is significantly for students to
improve their speaking competence in truth
translation holy Qur’an
2. The Englsih teachers who are teaching english
speaking competence will use truth translation
holy Qur’an
3. The researcher will get more experience in
applying teaching speaking compentence by
using translation holy Qur’an

A. Theory Study
1. Communicative Competence
Communicative competence has two basic words : communicative and competence. The
word `communicative` is derived from the middle English term communicativus and Latin
communicat (Smiley,2005:11). In the new Oxford Dictionary of English as quoted by Smiley
(2005:11) defines `communicative` is as “willing, eager or able to talk or impart
information.” From the same source, the verb`communicate` is defined as “ to share or
exchange information, news, or ideas”or”to impart or pass on information, news, or ideas:
convey or transmit in a non-verbal way: succeed in conveying one’s ideas or in evoking
understanding in others.” Based on the definition, there are two critical differences
between the adjectival and verbal forms of this term: one concerning number and one
regarding criterion of success. The adjective `communication` refers to a single person,
giving us information about the individual. The verb `communicate` includes a criterion for
success, and as one way communication is not possible, communicate requires at least two
players. Thus, in the process of communication, it needs more than one people. The
process of communication is essentially to share information, news, or ideas between
2. Speaking Competence
• Traditionally, there are four skills of language use. They are
speaking, listening,and writing. Savignon (in Bailey;2005:24)
divides these skills into two terms. The first term is direction
one is modality. He adds that language generated bya the
learner (in speech or writing) is productive and language
directed at the learner (in reading or listening) is receptive
referring to the terms, he explains that modality refers to the
medium of the message (oral or written). This speaking is the
productive oral skill. It consists of producing systematic verbal
utterances to convey meaning.
3.Graded Communication Activity

• There are potentially various communicative

activities used to increase the students’
speaking practice and to improve the
students’ speaking competence. The do not
only allow students to learn by doing, but also
them perform in a pattern of interaction
activities that are close as possible to what
competence native speakers do in real life.
Brumfit (in Sze; 1996 :12)
B. Alternative Action Design
• Design the prosese of action research as a spiral of steps, they
are planning, acting, observing, and reflecting. The schema of
his action can be looked at the following figure.


Reflect act

C. Action Hypothesis
• Based on the previous theoretical review, the researcher formulates the
following hypothesis.
1. The implemention of graded communicative activity in teaching of
translation holy Qur’an speech will be better if it is assisted by visual
2. The use of graded communicative activity improve the students’
speaking competence in translation holy Qur’an speech
3. The students are positively responded to the use of graded
communicative activity in teaching of translation holy Qur’an speech
A. Setting and Characteristic of Research
Place of the research at SMK Integral Hidayatullah Marisa. It
is located at Jalan Pelabuhan No.1-A Desa Pohuwato Kec.
Marisa Kab. Pohuwato this school was build in 2010 and it is
situated at the central of Pohuwato city. It has one room and
other facilities, such as computer laboratory.
Time of research is at the even semester in the 2010/2011
academic year.
B. The Design of Action

• This action research used is the classroom

action research. Thus the aim for the conduct
of an action research is to do an action of
teaching ways to repair quality of teaching so
that it can effect to students’ achievements it
is passed through two or more with its basic
step : planning, acting, observing, and
C. Subject of the Research

• Subjects of this research are class IX students at SMK Integral

Hidayatullah Marisa who are still active following the english
subject and registered in the 2010/2011 academic year. The
class consists of twenty three students
• The reasons why the researcher chose this class at the subject
of research were considered to some issues. Firstly the
students in this class had lack of speaking competence,
especially in translation holy Qur’an to speech, second the
students want to increase their speaking through translation
holy Qur’an speech. Thirdly this class is not too far, so that it is
easy to reach.
D. Technique of Collecting Data

There are three data of this research. They are :

1. Data of implementation of teaching and
learning process.
2. Data of the speaking competence in doing of
translation holy Qur’an speech
3. Data of students responses toward using of
graded communicative activity in teaching of
translation holy Qur’an speech.
E. Technique of Analyzing Data

• The analysis is focused on data, which were

gathered from the observations and the and
the questionnaire. Data of the observation for
the teaching and learning process were
analyzed by using simple calculation.

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