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Customer Relationship Management (CRM)

• Introducing ourselves
• Exercise (Flinga)
• Objective of the module
• Content of the study module
• Scope, time and assessment of the module
• Work forms
• Preliminary plan
• Tasks 1-3
• Strategic bases for customer-based thinking
Introducing ourselves
- What´s your name and background shortly?
- What kind of customer (relationship
management) knowledge and experience do
you have?
- What kind of expectations concerning the
course do you have?
Teacher: Kirsi Tanner
Education Other work experience:
• University of Tampere: M.Sc. (Business • Public officier for cultural and touristic affairs
administration department, major (8 years);
marketing); • Nanso Oy (researcher);
• Joutsenon Opisto: Secretary of cultural • University of Tampere (marketing assistant
affairs (major art education) of marketing area of study);
Work experience: • Ministry of Trade (researcher);
• Tampere University of Applied Sciences • Fraba Sicherheitsysteme Gmbh (Marketing
(Senior lecturer, marketing) 1999 - assistant);
• Responsibilities include professional • Sisu Terminal Systems Inc. (Currency
projects; thesis coordinating; courses of cashier), …
CRM, marketing management and
Other activities:
planning, international brand strategy,
• Junior Chamber International, senator;
digital and service marketing, ...
• Chamber Choir Camena;
• Kerry Blue Terrier Breeder
Discuss in small teams: 3-4 persons
• What does customer relationship management
• What are the factors that should be taken into
account when managing customer relations?
• How customerships are changing?

• After the discussion the team draw a mindmap of

customer relationship management using Flinga
Objective of the study module

After the programme,

students master the strategic bases for
customer-based thinking.
Content of the study module
• Strategic bases for customer-based thinking
• Use of customer understanding in development of
customer relations and customer experiences
• Consideration of business cultures
• Public relations and negotiation situations
• Role of digitalization in customer relations processes
Scope, time and
assessment of the study
Scope: 48 hours,
• 32 lessons with exercises,
• 16 hours of independent work
Assessment: Pass/to be complemented
Requirements: Three completed assignments
(customer journey + blog article + CRM analysis) and
attendance and active participation during classes.
Work forms
• Lectures and
• Group discussions
• Tasks
• Cases
• Presentations
Week Day Tim Subject
3 Mon 18.1 9-15 Introduction and Strategic Basis for Customer-based Thinking.
4 Mon 25.1. 9-15 Use of Customer Understanding in Development of Customer
Relations and Experiences. Task 1.
Task 1: Customer Journey Task (DL: will be done in pairs during
the lessons) 
4.2. Task 2: Returning Blog Article (individual homework)
by February 4th at 10 am, presentation February 8th
6 Mon 8.2. 9-15 Blog presentations

7 Mon 15.2. 9-15 Customer relations

18.2. Task 3. Return of CRM analysis –presentation by March 18th,
Presentation February 22nd
8 Mon 22.2. 9-15 CRM in Practice: Company/industry CRM Analysis Presentations
During the Lessons. Role of Digitalisation in Customer Relations
Task 1: Custormer journey

The task is done in pairs

and is given only during the
next lessons (25.1.)

Tampereen ammattikorkeakoulu
Task 2: Blog article
Write a reflective, professional blog article for the
students in this module based on information, you have
searched on customer relationship management.
• Individual task
• You are adviced to limit the subject. In Moodle there is list of
suggested topics.
• Please, think of an engaging title to attract readers!
• In your information search pay attention to quality sources.
• Reflection in the blog is based on facts (mark text references
and at the end list of references) rather than your opinions.
Practical excamples are also welcome.
… Blog
• You and other students should learn something new.
• The blog should be readable and visually appealing.
Don´t forget your name.
• Your blog post should be around 600 words long.
• The deadline for Moodle blog posts are February
4th at 10 am.
• The blogs will be presented in the class February 8th
and discussed. You can make some dias for that.
Presentation ca. 5 minutes.
Write references correctly
From Tamk´s intranet:
 “Source references are given for both direct and indirect quotations. It is
important to distinguish between one’s own thoughts, presentation of others’
thoughts, and direct quotations when referring to sources. References are to
support the author’s own text, not form a summary on others’ thoughts.
Consecutive, unjustified references are not recommended in any work. “
 “Fraud and negligence in written works (reports, clarifications, assignments,
seminar works, project works etc.) may manifest as for example:
• insufficient references
• issuing old results as seemingly new ones
• unauthorised quotations (plagiarism)
• direct copying from the Internet
• collaboration with other students on an individual task
• presentation of another person's text as one's own.
Tampereen ammattikorkeakoulu
Task 3: (Company/Industry) CRM Analysis

- Analyze either a particular (real) company or whole

industry to find out how customer relationships are
managed in practice
• How customer management is organized ?
• What´s their target market and most important customer
segments ?
• Which customer channels are used, and how?
• Have they developed specific digital services for customers, etc.
• What kind of tools they have to manage customers
• ETC.
- You can choose the point of view and limit the subject
.. CRM Analysis
• Inform your teacher about your subject
• Find information by interviewing, reading news,
articles or observing company´s digital channels etc.
Mark the sources to your presentation material!
• Prepare a power point presentation with your team
(four teams, 3(-4) persons/team)
• Return your presentation in Moodle by 18.2.
• Presentation 22.2. max. 15 minutes, discussion 10

Tampereen ammattikorkeakoulu

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