Goal of Endnote: - Insert A Citation Into A Grant, and Format The Bibliography According To NIH Requirements

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Goal of endnote

• Insert a citation into a grant, and format the bibliography

according to NIH requirements:
– PMCID for articles in Pebment Central
– URL’s linking to articles
• Format also used for biosketch

Why used ?
• Storing
– References: publications, bibliographies1
– Files: PDF’s, images, PowerPoints2

• Searching, downloading PDF’s3

• Writing papers and Grants

– E.g., paper (APS)4, grant (NIH)5

What is Endnote?
• Software
– Stand-alone
• Add references: manually or online connection
– Word add-on (references for paper or grant)
• Insert references into Word document, format according to pre-defined style

• Store and organize bibliography

– Papers, abstracts, conference presentations
– Store any file with reference
• Typically PDF’s, also editorials, images, PowerPoints (for presentations)

• Add and format citations in papers and grants, and create formatted
reference list

Setup 1 – Install Software
• Software installed? 6
– Start Menu, Programs, Endnote
– Desktop icon
– (Make sure it’s version “X2”)

• Word add-on? 7
• Check that Endnote add-in is loaded into Word
– Endnote toolbar?
– Tools, Templates and Add-Ins
– If not present, reinstall Endnote

Setup 2 – Create Library

• “File”, “New”, give it a name 8

• Strongly recommended! (although not essential)

– Create a second “dummy” library to download online search results
– Tell Endnote to open the two libraries each time the program starts
• “Edit”, “Preferences”, “Libraries”, “Add open libraries”

Using 1 – Add References

• Click under “Online Search” [If you have a dummy

library, search online from that]
– PubMed (or “more…”)
– Search using terms
– [You can drag references into your main library]

• Manual
– “References”, “New Reference”

Using 2 – Insert References
• Select reference(s) you want to cite
– Make sure these are not in your dummy library

• Go to Word, move the cursor to where you want the reference

• “Insert Citation” – toolbar, Alt^2, menu

Using 3 – Format Bibliography
• Select style you want
– One option: in Endnote, click on the “Bibliographic Output Style”
drop-down box, and “Select Another Style” (unless yours is already
• Also under “Edit”, “Preferences”, “Output Styles”

• “Format Bibliography” – toolbar, Alt^2, menu

– First time, places at the end of the document, then you can move the
– You can re-format any time, and change style

Using 4 – Add PDF’s
• From Endnote version X2:
– Select reference(s), “References”, “Find Full Text” (click OK to
copyright warning)
– Wait half a minute….
– Works for ~50% of references

• Manually
– Right-click, “File Attachments”, “Attach File”

• To view
– Right-click, “File Attachments”, “Open File”

• Can add any file(s)

NIH Grants
• NIH requires citations to include:
– PubMed Central ID number
– URL’s

• How
1. Use updated PubMed connection file
2. Add a “PMCID” in Endnote preferences
3. Edit/create an output style with URL + PMCID

Tip Section
• In order of importance, based on using Endnote since version

Setup Tip - Libraries
• Decide what libraries you want
– I (now) have
• Main bibliography of references in grants and papers
– Alternative is separate library for each paper/grant

• Publications, one for each of

– Original research
– Abstracts and presentations
– Invited talks
– Commentary
– Reviews and chapters

• Once you cite from one library in a document, you can’t easily

• Option 1: Copy library file + “…Data” folder

• Option 2: Endnote: File, Save a Copy

• “Style” files that are customized (e.g., NIH) should be saved

– To see where they are stored, “Edit”, “Preferences”, “Style Folder”
– Connection and filter files also, but these are usually created by
someone else (e.g., Endnote for PubMed with NIH PMCID)

• Commands can be access in several ways
– From Word
• ***Toolbar***
• “Tools” menu

– From Endnote
• “Tools” menu

– From both with keystrokes

• Alt^1 = switch between Word and Endnote
• ***Alt^2 = insert selected reference(s)***
• ***Alt^3 = format bibliography***

Inserting References
• Decide whether you will have superscript or normal font
– Normal font: will be inserted within sentences (before periods) and space beforehand
– Superscript: after punctuation or beside words, no spaces

• Set “Field shading” to Always

– Tools, Options, View tab, right-side

1. In word document, place cursor where you want to insert the reference.
2. In Endnote library, select reference(s) you want to cite
3. “Alt^2” / Insert Selected References (from Word or Endnote
4. You will see something like {Macey 1999, #234} where the cursor is; Endnote will “Format” this

• To add a reference to a list, insert right beside existing references

• To delete one reference from a formatted list
– Delete all references and only reinsert the ones you want
– OR select list, Unformat Citations, delete the ones you want to remove (also delete the semi-colon, which is between
multiple references)
• The selected reference from the “current” library will be used; be careful if you have several libraries
open; Endnote will insert references from multiple libraries, but usually you don’t want this.

Formatting and Changes
• Each time you format, all files (citations and bibliography) will be
overwritten and reformatted
– If the bibliography paragraph formatting is not right, you’ll want to edit the
output style (or better yet find a correct “Style file”)
– Correct errors in title,… etc. in Endnote library, not Word document (then

• You can change a style and reformat (e.g., author-year to numbers) simply
but selecting a different output style; Endnote will re-order the

Copy Formatted
• You can copy the selected references using “Copy Formatted”
(Ctrl^K); this copies in the format of the current output style
– (see preview; style listed in the Endnote toolbar);
– this is handy for making a quick reference list (e.g., email, publication
list, copying to CV)

Other Databases
– 2 steps: 1) save in “RIS” format from CINAHL, 2) import into
Endnote (http://www.hsl.unc.edu/Services/Guides/endnotecinahl.cfm)

• Web of Science
– Available in Endnote – online searchers, “more…”

• UCLA library catalog

– “Online searches,” “more…”

URL’s and Multiple Files
• To go to the article website, right-click, “URL”, “Open”

• Multiple files can be attached (e.g., article + editorial, letter,

cover illustration)
– To specify which Attached file to open, open the reference (double-
click), go down to File Attachments to see your list of files


• Look for journal style in Output Styles

– open Style Manager, and check the
styles your want available

• Not available, not correct? Download

from Journal website
– E.g.,

• Still not right? Create custom

– E.g., NIH requires URL’s

Tips - General
• To open Endnote with word (or not), “Cite while you write” preferences

• If someone sends you a Word file with Endnote-generated bibliography,

you can download the references into a library on your computer (Export
Travelling Library); however, these do not include file attachments.

• Display font – defaults to 12 point, but 11 lets you see more on the screen.
Edit => Preferences => Display Fonts => “Change Font…”

• X2
– http://www.hsl.unc.edu/Services/Tutorials/ENDNOTE/Videoclips.htm
– http://www.hsl.unc.edu/Services/Tutorials/ENDNOTE/Contents.htm
– http://www.endnote.com/training/tutorials/EndNoteX2/EndNote_X2.asp
– http://mat2008.wordpress.com/2008/07/04/endnote-x2-tutorial/

• Interactive
– http://www.lib.utexas.edu/services/instruction/learningmodules/endnote/index.html

• Powerpoint (UCSF)
– http://physio.ucsf.edu/desai/Support/Endnote Tutorial.ppt

– http://www.umdnj.edu/librweb/newarklib/ref/EndNoteX2Tutorial.pdf

• Word
– http://www.library.usyd.edu.au/databases/endnotex/EndnoteX2Basic.doc
– http://www.library.usyd.edu.au/databases/endnotex/EndnoteX2BasicExtras.doc


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