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MSc. Nguyen Hong Lan

Miller T.G. and Spoolman S.E. (2013),

Environmental Science, 14th edition,

Cengage Learning Publisher, USA.

ISBN: 0495560173 (eBook)

Study Materials

 Lecture slides

You can access study materials by logging onto Blackboard

Environmental science
+  Contents

 Lecture 1: General environmental issues

 Lecture 2: Ecology: the basic of environmental science

 Lecture 3: Population growth and utilization of natural resources and

the environment

 Lecture 4: Natural resources and current exploitation

 Lecture 5: Environmental economic and Sustainable development

+ Lecture 2: Ecology: the basic of
environmental science
Lecture 3: Population growth and utilization of
+natural resources and the environment
Lecture 4: Natural resources and current
+ exploitation
Lecture 5: Environmental Economics &
Sustainable development

Lecture calendar
+ Rules and Policies

 Attendance is checked randomly

 3 absences result in final examination prohibition
 Taking part in classroom discussion/debate/Q&A results
in bonus points
Environmental science
 Contact detail
 Lecturer: MSc. Nguyen Hong Lan
 Office: A1- 704
 Email:
 Phone: 08-37244270, ext 3202
Course assessment 12

 Mid-term exam: 30%

 Final exam: 40%

 Quizzes: 10%
 Course project: 15%
 Plus point: 5%
+ Group work
Work as team: Dividing students into 12
groups of 7- 8 students



Grading scheme

 15mins long
 5mins for answering questions
Group Assessment Types
1. Presentation
 All members MUST be present
3. Written report
Less than 10 pages
2. Video report Check Plagiarism

Upload Youtube Submit online

Each member appears at least once in the video

Real voices of the members
Your original materials must be at least 50% of the video report
+ Your options

 12 topics
 Details: Blackboard
 Each topic has a list guiding questions which are to help with
your presentation

They are NOT presentation content

+ Scoring

Video report/ Presentation

 80% from your lecturer
 20% from your peers

Written report
100% lecturer’s score
 Have to work as a group, discuss and assign works to all member
(finding information, fieldwork observation, doing interview,
making videos, or taking photos…..)

 Must have statistic data about the issues (with citation)

 Clips/ posters/ Fanpage/ products: get bonus point 

Seeks to address a problem in a fun, creative,

environmentally and socially responsible way

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