Kaizen: The Money Saved Is The Money Earned

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The money saved is the money earned

Excerpt of your Idea in 2 Lines

Overview of Idea Your Approach towards Idea Schema Select

1 Physical Toy
• Teaches the players about money • The game will be having many real life
management. financial aspects such as investments in real 2 Theme of Your Toy {Finance
estates, stocks and bonds, commodities, and Micro Economics}
• Player learns the benefits of not just saving private businesses, co-operate sources and
but intelligent investing of money and government funded organizations for funding
resources. purposes.

• All of these things will be thoroughly

researched and then put into the picture.

• Fine tunings will be made in the board and

rules as per the requirement, in order to
achieve closest experience to real life
Create your Toy story
1 How Your Toy is Different From Existing Toys
Describe how your Toy/Game is different form existing games in the market and how you are going to commercialize it? (Not More Than 500
There are already a ton of board games which let our imaginations go wild think of ourselves as entrepreneurs and new businessmen who are trying
to become industrialists by the end of the game. These games with a very few exception like “Monopoly” surely thrills us with their fast pace
gameplay. But unlike a game such as Monopoly they lack the realism and hence players do not get to learn the very important lesson that they must
learn while playing such games. “The power of money”, these games do have money but lack to show the power of intelligent investing and the
power of compounding.

Monopoly has a large fan-base world-wide (it has it’s own world championship), it is because of the realism in the game. And so will it be with
Kaizen, unlike Monopoly it will be cheaper and at an affordable price so that the right lesson reaches to everyone with a very minimal amount of

2 Does Your Toy Reflect Indian Culture, Ethos, Ayurveda, Diversity or Psychology
Tell us in detail how your toy cover the theme you’ve selected. Ne more specific towards crux or conclusion

School teaches us many things and so do college, from nursery to last year of college many things are taught to us, may it be Hindi, may it be English, may it be
Science, may it be Mathematics or may it be anything. One thing which is not taught in is how to make money from money. This is one skill which should be
taught to every human being as early as possible.

This toy let us take a leap in human psychology of greed and patience, just like in board games, the stock prices give people real thrill watching the circuit go up
and down. The on who master their emotions and let their mind be stronger than their heart while being in market prevails in the same.

Playing such games let the player understand how the real word works and what is the importance of money saving and investment.
Provide some images or video about your
product idea
Team Profile
Team Objective
We want to sensitize people about the concept of investment and management of money through board games
made in India itself and not by any other pricey foreign board game.

Team Details
Team Name Akash Singh/ akashsingh99.as99@gmail.com / 9911225656
• 3+1
• Prof. Pooja Sharma
• Dronacharya College of
• Type: Physical Toy

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