Il Est Quelle Heure/ Quelle Heure Est-Il? What Time Is It? Il Est Midi - It Is Noon/midday

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Il est quelle heure/

Quelle heure est-il?

What time is it?

Il est midi -
It is noon/midday
Quelle heure est-il?
Il est ______heures.
Se Laver – to
wash oneself

S’habiller – to get

Se Deshabiller –
to get
change one’s
La routine quotidienne – Daily activities/routine
1.Se reveiller -To wake up
2.Se lever -To get up 1. Prendre une douche/un bain – to
3.Se brosser les dents - To brush one’s teeth take a shower/a bath
4.Se doucher - To shower 2. Preparer le petit dejeuner- to make
5.S’habiller - To get dressed breakfast
6.Se raser – to shave
3. Faire le lit – to make the bed
7.Se coiffer – to do one’s hair
8.Se peigner – to comb 4. Balayer – to sweep
9.Se secher les cheveux – to dry one’s hair 5. Faire la cuisine – to cook
10.Se maquiller – to put on make-up 6. Faire la vaisselle – to wash the dishes
7. Faire une sieste – to take a nap
11.Se mettre a table - To sit down to eat at the table
8. Faire des courses – to do the
12.S’amuser –To enjoy oneself/have fun
13.S’en aller - To go out
14.Se deshabiller - To get undressed/change 9. Sortir le chien – to walk the dog
15.Se laver - To wash oneself 10.Surfer le web – to browse/surf the
16.Se coucher - To go to bed/lie down web
17.S’endormir - To fall asleep

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