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12TH C4
In the chapter indigo ,the author(louis
Fisher) describe a vital event in India's
History ,the first civil disobedience movement
which started by mahatma Gandhi at
Champaran in 1916 .The problem which was
faced by the 
sharecroppers in Champaran was that all the
tenants were forced to plant 15% of their land
with indigo crops. This had been a long term
contract between the 
sharecroppers and the British planters/estate 
owners which land an adverse effect on the
sharecroppers and their families
Gandhi then launched what is said to be the first
instances of satyagraha in India and the
movement ended with a victory  as the English
landlords were forced to return 25% of the
money which had extorted from the

Meaning :- truth and non -violence

Idea of satyagraha emphasized that if

the cause is true, if the struggle is
against injustice ,then physical force is
not necessary to fight the oppressor.
The Champaran Satyagraha of 1917 was the first Satyagraha movement led by Gandhi in
India and is considered a historically important revolt in the Indian Independenc
Movement. It was a farmer's uprising that took place in Champaran district of Bihar, India,
during the British colonial perio. The farmers were protesting against having to
grow indigo with barely any payment for it.

When Gandhi returned to India from South Africa in 1915, and saw peasants in northern
India oppressed by indigo planters, he tried to use the same methods that he had used in
South Africa to organize mass uprisings by people to protest against injustice.

Champaran Satyagraha was the first popular satyagraha movement. The Champaran
Satyagraha gave direction to India's youth and freedom struggle.
#States in which indigo plantation has become the vogue:- Uttarakhand ,Bihar ,Bengal ,assam ,Karnataka
,Tamil Nadu, Kerala and in the neighbourhood  bangladesh.

#Indigo takes 80 days to grow and grows to a

height of 4 feet

#Keeping a few inches rest of the plant is harvested

#Harvested plant is soaked in buckets ,overlain with bricks and left overnight

#The water which turn blue is whisked till the dye settles at the bottom
#The dye is then separated from the water and dried to form cakes

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