Story of One Minute Manager

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Effective managers, manage

themselves and the people
they work with so that both
the people and the
organization profit from their
K |he ³One Minute Manager´ is a simple
compilation of commonly used management
K It is all about how people produce valuable
results, and feel good about themselves, the
organization and the other people with whom
they work.
K |his story revolves around a young man who in
his search of an effective manager, came to
know how a person can be a one minute
K A young man was in search of an effective
manager who manage himself and his
employees in such a manner so that both the
employees and the organization benefit from
his presence.
K In his search he came to know about a special
manager who lived ironically and people liked
to work with him.
K |he young man went to see him.
K Young man told the manager, that he wanted to
know what type of manager are you«. ? ?
K Manager replied ± A ³One Minute Manager´.
K Young man wondered«.
K Manager smiled and said ± It is because it takes very little
time for him to get very big results from people.
K Young man never heard of such thing so it was hard to
K Young man asked, ³I never heard of anyone being one
minute manager, what is it?´
K Manager replied - you may better asked it from my
K Young man took the name of three employees and leave
the office to meet them.









· Young man went to ask |renell how the manager
is one minute manager?
· |ernell replied that, this is because the manager
helped him in One minute goal setting.
· Young men was surprised ± ³What is one minute
goal setting´.
· |ernell explained ±
Decide your goal and write it on single sheet of paper
using less than 250 words.
· áead and áe-read each goal whenever possible.
· |ake a minute every once in a while out of your
day to look at your performance.
· Oee whether or not your behavior matches your
· One minute manager believes in 80-20 goal
setting i.e. 80% of our really important results
will come 20% of our goals.
· Oo one minute goal setting is understanding what
are our responsibilities and performing up to a
desired level to achieve a particular goal.




· |he young man went to Levy¶s office and asked
him how the manager is ³one minute manager´.
· Levy told him ± ³because our manager give us
one minute praising´
· Young man ± ³what is one minute praising´
· Levy started talking about the one minute praising
with the young man and said the one minute
manager made it very clear what they were
suppose to do.
· |he one minute manager provided them with
feedback and kept close contact with them.
· !e had close contact in two ways.
First, he observed all our activities.
Oecondly, he made us keep detail record of our
progress and asked to submit it to him.
· By this Levy earlier thought that one minute
manager was spying, but later he found that
the manager was trying to catch us doing
something right.


· One minute manager then comes and puts his
hand on our shoulder.
· !e does it because he cares for us and wants us to
· You don¶t have to praise someone for long for
them to know you notice and you care. It takes
less then one minute.
· Young man now understands what one minute
praising is.
· !e left levy¶s office to meet Ms. Brown, the third


· |he young man at the last meets Ms. Brown.
· Man gets shocked and astonished when he heard
the answer of Ms. Brown of G 


· Ms. Brown explained-Manager searched for every
significant mistake done by his employees.
· !e confirmed the facts and responded
immediately by telling the guilty person about the
mistake precisely
· |hen he maintained silence for few seconds
and told the concerned person how competent
he/she was.
· |hen he told the concerned person that he did
so because he had respect for them.
· Advices the concerned person not to repeat the
mistake and then kidded for few seconds
which created a positive effect.
· Young man was still confused how the ³one
minute reprimands work´.
· Oo he went back to manager office.
· !e wondered when manager greeted him with a
warm smile.
· Manager asked ± ³Well what did you find out in
your travels?´
· A lot, young man replied enthusiastically.
· ³What did you think about all that?´- Manager
· I could understand it more, if you please
explained it in detail,´ said the young man.
· One minute manager explains º


· One minute goal setting is a basic tool for
productive behavior.
· It help people to focus on their goals, as they
could review their goals frequently and then
check their performance against those goals.
· |his is how One minute goal works ± said the
One minute manager.
· ³Would you explain how ³One Minute Praising´
works - Young man.
· I would like to give you an example ±Of whale as
to how whale are taught to jump over a rope
which is high above the water.
· Oame is the case with us.
· We feel motivated when we were praised for
something we had done well. In most organizations
Managers wait until their people do something
right before they praise them, as a result they never
get high performance because they concentrate on
catching them doing things wrong.
· áather they punish them if they had done
something wrong.
· Punishments causes lack of confidence and make
people to feel unsecure.
· While I always praise them even if they do
something approximately right.
· |his make them feel good and more secure about
· |hey work more energetically towards their goal,
which in turn help organization to achieve its own
· Young man ± I think I understand why One
minute goal and why One minute praising work,
But I can¶t imagine why one minute reprimand
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