Bug Project Riv Final

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Changes In Armadillidium vulgare Behavior Following

Exposure To Electromagnetic Radiation for Extended

Periods of Time
Amelia Bennett


Electromagnetic waves surround us every day. Household items such as microwaves,
Materials The A. vulgare were affected by the radiation. S2 and 3 had a spike in
refrigerators, televisions, internet routers, and cellphones emit low levels of
● Sources of radiation
electromagnetic waves. Studies have found that wildlife, including rats, birds, and their speed when the source had a spike of radiation. The low levels of
beetles, exhibit differences in behavior after exposure to these waves. Some research ● Timer
radiation on the microwave and internet router remained similar in the
indicates that even low levels of exposure could affect the health and behavior of ● Research Journal
humans over time. Understanding the impact of electromagnetic radiation on living ● Pen range of data. The high levels for the internet router and the
things can help people make informed decisions about exposure to these potential ● Food for A. vulgare microwave while operating also remained close in range.
hazards. ● Spray bottle of water
In “Health hazards with electromagnetic radiation” by Subrmani Parasuraman, Eng ● Electromagnetic radiation detector
You Xin, and Lim Nian Zou. Zou (2018), they state “In our daily life, we are
● Track(paper towel tube)
surrounded by electromagnetic radiation (EMR), there are emitted from the
● Containers
environment, radio, television, medical diagnostic, and communication devices such
as cell phones, and also Wi-Fi routers. Radiation from cell phone and Wi-Fi is the ● A. vulgare
radiation that we encountered the most in our life, and this resulted in increased human Method(s)
exposure to electromagnetic radiation and health risks” (Parasuraman et al, 2018, p. 1). 1. Order detector and A. vulgare
There are other types of radiation that are called NIR, which can be both man-made 2. Buy containers for A. vulgare (4)
and natural. We live with these sources of radiation and are most likely being affected
3. Put holes in container lids
by them in negative ways. In Johansson’s (2013) article, “Ants can be used as bio-
indicators to reveal biological effects of electromagnetic waves from some wireless 4. Receive A. vulgare
apparatus” they find that the ants are immediately affected by the radiation thus those 5. Select 3 A. vulgare to go into the container for the experiment
“results confirm that the wireless technology harmfully impacts living organisms and 6. Place paper towels and food into each container
shows that ants react very quickly to the existence of electromagnetic waves in their 7. Spray each container with water
environments” (Cammaets & Johansson, 2013, p. 5). 8. Place the remaining A. vulgare not selected in a container
The purpose of this experiment is to study harmful energy. This experiment was 9. Label the experiment containers with a name (S1, S2, S3) and where to place them
conducted because people are exposed to electromagnetic radiation every day in
10.Test each of the subjects before exposure to radiation
homes, work, and even outside and it is best to be aware of the effects. This
11. Place the selected A. vulgare near the source of electromagnetic radiation
information is directed to everyone that spends most of their lives in proximity to
electromagnetic radiation. They need to make sure that they are not being harmed by 12.Test A. vulgare every Wednesday, Friday, and Sunday
their environment. This will help them by providing evidence that electromagnetic 13.Test sources every Sunday, Wednesday, and Saturday
radiation does affect living organisms. 14.Repeat steps 12 and 13 until enough data is collected

EXPERIMENTAL DESIGN Experimental Set Up (Photo taken by Amelia Bennett) Photograph of an Armadillidium vulgare/Pill Bug
If the radiation levels are high, the A. vulgare will be slower. Through the
experiment, subjects 2 and 3 are exposed to electromagnetic radiation. S2 CONCLUSIONS
is placed next to the internet router and S3 is near the microwave. S1 is not
The hypothesis was correct. The A. vulgare did react to the radiation of the
exposed to the sources of radiation. All of the subjects are fed the same
sources. The A. vulgare like to ‘fall asleep’ in the paper towel tube facing away
amount of food each week and receive the same amount of water in their
from the light source (phone flashlight). They also like to go to the top of the
tube and hang from there and not move. To relieve these obstacles turning the
• Objectives- To find the effect of electromagnetic radiation on living
tube and returning the A. vulgare to the bottom of the track gets it to continue
locomotion. Another solution is to start tapping the tube to prevent the A.
• IV- Radiation from a source vulgare from falling asleep. A few times, the paper towels within the container
• DV- The A. vulgare exposes speed went unchanged because no one was present. Electromagnetic radiation does
• Control- No radiation affect the speed of travel for A. vulgare.

All images generated and taken by Amelia Bennett
Graph 1 shows the time taken for the A. vulgare to get to the
opposite side of the track/paper towel roll. Cammaerts, M., & Johansson, O. (2013, August 23). Ants can be used as bio-indicators to reveal biological
effects of electromagnetic waves from some wireless apparatus. Retrieved September 30, 2020, from eds-b
The graph on the right describes the highest and lowest radiation ebscohost-com.proxygsu- scob.galileo.usg.edu/eds/pdfviewer/pdfviewer?vid=3&sid=d6d5121f-bb6e-4a89-
levels each time data was collected from each location. ba95-2e9d7c32f2a5%40pdc-v-sessmgr05

Parasuraman, S., Xin, E. Y., & Zou, L. N. (2018, Fall). Health hazards with electromagnetic radiation. Retrieved
September 30, 2020, from eds-b- ebscohost-com.proxygsu-
Graph 1 Subject vs Time Graph 2 Subject vs Radiation 5c68222e5069%40sessionmgr103

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