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• Juice and juice products represent a very important

segment of the total processed fruit industry.

• Juice products are being marketed as refrigerated, shelf-

stable, and frozen, in a variety of packages with
increased emphasis on functionality, health attributes,
new flavors or blends, and in some cases fortified with
vitamins and minerals.

• High-quality juice operations are dependent upon a

source of high-quality raw material.
• The process starts with sound fruit, freshly harvested
from the field or taken from refrigerated or frozen

• Thorough washing is usually necessary to remove dirt

and foreign objects and may be followed by a sanitation
step to decrease the load of contaminants.

• Sorting to remove decayed and moldy fruit is necessary

to make sure that the final juice will not have a high
microbial load, undesirable flavors,
or mycotoxin contamination.

• Extraction or grinding
• Heating and addition of enzymes might also be included
before the mash is transferred to the extraction stage. Juice
extraction can be performed by pressing or by enzymatic
treatment followed by decanting.

• The extracted juice will then be treated according to the

characteristics of the final product.
• For cloudy juices, further clarification might not be necessary or
may involve a coarse filtration or a controlled centrifugation to
remove large insoluble particles.

• For clear juices, complete de-pectinization by addition of

enzymes, fine filtration, or high speed centrifugation is required
to achieve visual clarity.

• The next step is usually a heat treatment or equivalent non-

thermal process to achieve a safe and stable juice and final
packaging if single-strength juice is being produced.

• For a concentrate, the juice is fed to an evaporator to remove

water until the desired concentration level is obtained.

• The concentrate is then ready for final processing, packaging,

and storage.
Extraction Strategy
Juicing process starts with crushing, a step to break down the cell
tissue. This may be accomplished using various type of mills viz.,
hammer mill, grinding disk mill, grating mill, crushers, stoned
fruit mill or even turbo extractors.

Hot break process
In order to maximize juice yield and color-flavour extraction, a
hot break process is often used.

Mash enzyme treatment
This step might not be used for the production of high quality,
single-strength, cloudy and clear
Role of Enzymes in Fruit Juice Extraction

• The use of enzymes in juice industry has contributed in

increasing the yield and production of various types of

• The addition of pectinases aims in particular to degrade

the pectic substances, in the cell wall and middle lamella of
the cells of plants, aiming to minimise the impacts of these
compounds on the characteristics of the final product,
such as colour, turbidity and viscosity.

• Enzymes are also able to remove bitterness of citrus juice,

extract pigments, among other applications, and have also
had great interest in the juice industry.
• Pectinases, cellulases and hemicellulases are used for
clarification of fruit juices, juice extraction,
improvement of cloud stability of vegetable and fruit

Commercial cellulase products capable of hydrolyzing non-

pectin polysaccharides such as cellulose, glucans,
and xylans are used to fractionate the cell walls and liquefy
the remaining solids.

Amylase and Arabinase

Starch and araban imparts a cloudy appearance called haze,

when released into the juice from certain fruits. Hazes due to
starch are common in juice from early season apples and can
be degraded by amylases.
Naringinase and Limoninase (De-bittering)

Naringinase and Limoninase have been used to

hydrolyze naringin and limonin the bitter.
Benefits in the use of enzymes

•Increased juice yield

•Improved efficiency of juice filtration

•Improved juice stability and concentration

•Enhanced juice clarity

•Reduced juice bitterness


Pure orange juice which is extremely susceptible to the adverse

action of the residual air, is subjected, immediately after
extraction, to a high vacuum whereby most of the air as well as
other gases are removed.
Problems encountered during fruit juice processing

•Browning of juice due to action of enzyme Poly

phenol oxidase inherent in fruit (i.e. Apples).

•Foaming of fruit juice that may lead to oxidation

of vitmin C and pose problem during filling of juice in

•Bitterness of juice due to action of

enzyme limonin and naringin (e.g. in Orange).

•Cloudy juices due to pectinaceous substance (apple juice)

or even bitartrates (i.e. argol precipitation) (i.e. in grape
Next Class
Sugars and other ingredients
Water Quality for Use in Beverages
Quality Parameters

• pH
• Acidity (%)
• DO (ppm)
• Electrical Conductivity (µs)
• TDS (ppm)
• Hardness (ppm)
• Chloride (ppm)
• Na (ppm)
• K (ppm)
• The pH of all the soft drinks ranges from 2.95 to 4.46.
• This range is lower than the BIS range for drinking
water (6.5-8.5) and fall outside of the acceptable values.
• The lower value of pH will have serious effects on
human health.
• A pH of 3 is ten times more acidic than a pH of 4.
Likewise, a pH of 3 is one hundred times more acidic
than a pH of 5.
• Acidity is the sum of all titratable acid present in the
water sample (soft drink).

• Although teeth are the hardest parts of our bodies, they

do have one weakness: they can be easily destroyed by

• Amongst these soft drinks 7-up is the most acidic (2300

Dissolved Oxygen
• Indicator of microbial contamination!
• High BOD refers to high microbial load and organic
• DO should be within specific limit to ensure safety.
• Lower DO helps to extend shelf life of the beverage
Total Dissolved Solids (TDS)
• TDS represents the total concentration of dissolved
substances in water.
• TDS regulates the taste of water!
• A very low concentration of TDS imparts water a flat
taste, which is undesirable to many people, whereas high
TDS imparts hard taste.
• Water containing TDS concentrations below 1000 mg/lit
is usually acceptable to consumers
Total Dissolved Solids (TDS)
• TDS represents the total concentration of dissolved
substances in water.
• TDS regulates the taste of water!
• A very low concentration of TDS imparts water a flat
taste, which is undesirable to many people, whereas high
TDS imparts hard taste.
• Water containing TDS concentrations below 1000 mg/lit
is usually acceptable to consumers
• Hardness in drinking water is defined as those minerals
that dissolve in water having a positive electrical charge.
• Water having hardness more than 180 mg/lit considered
as very hard water.

• Electrical conductivity is a measurement of the dissolved

material in an aqueous solution, which relates to the
ability of the material to conduct electrical current
through it.
• High values can mean water that tastes bad or is too
• Regulates signaling in the body.
• The major taste producing salts in water are sodium
chloride and calcium chloride. The salty taste is due to
chloride anions and associated cations in water.
• For optimal sports performance, soft drinks that contain
sodium helps to rehydrate faster than others.
• The body must maintain narrow range of potassium at
all times
Beverages and Soft drinks Water Treatment

Water purification system combines media filtration, reverse

osmosis (RO), and ultra-filtration.

Typical System Components:

• Sediment and Carbon absorption Filters.
• Reverse Osmosis (RO) - designed for medical applications.
• Final Filtration unit.
• Water supplied to the drinking water bottling and beverages
industry goes though several chemical and filtration steps before
entering the filling and bottling process.

• Chlorine is added during one of the initial steps to ensure that the
water remains safe and clean; Calcium hypochlorite is the most
common chemical disinfectant used in the system.

• However, all of the chlorine must be removed before the water

enters the filling and bottling process.
• Plants that utilize municipal water sources minimize the use
of chemicals by adopting Ion Exchange resins, as carbonated
soft drinks require low alkalinity water.

The juicing process starts with the crushing step to break down
the cell tissue. Grain sizes of 5 - 8 mm diameter are
recommended for presses, while grain sizes of 3 - 5 mm are
desirable for decanters.
Hammer mills

• Hammer mills consist of heavy stainless steel bars spinning

from a common axis under high-speed rotation. 

• The fruit is disintegrated until it passes out through a screen

of a specific size mounted in the bottom of the mill.

• With firm fruit, a small screen size should be used, and the
mash will be of a finer particle size. Mash from firm fruit
will press more easily, and the smaller particle size
will allow greater yields.
 Grinding mills

They offer an alternative method to disintegrate fruit.

The fruit was drawn past fixed knives mounted on a rotating
cylinder. Control of the grind was accomplished by adjusting
the depth of the knives and, thus, the size of the cut from the
Grinding disk mills
• The fruit is transported by a feed screw to the
grinding area.

• The screw pressurizes the fruit against a rotating

disk equipped with grinding knives in a star
pattern, and the milled fruit exits via an adjustable
discharge slot.

• The process can be controlled by adjusting the

feeder speed, the rotating speed of the grinding
disk, the width of the product discharge slot (up to
10 mm), or by changing the knife size.
Grating mills
These mills are used in small juice operations to produce
uniformly sized fruit pieces. Fruit is fed to a rotating grating
disk with fixed aperture, and the shredded fruit is discharged at
the bottom. Fruit must be relatively firm with small seeds or
• These crushers are used in grape juice processing to remove
residual stems, leaves, and petioles from grapes and to
perform the initial crush of the fruit.

• These units are designed around a perforated rotating drum,

with holes ~ 2.5 cm in diameter. While traversing the rotating
drum, the grapes are caught by the perforated drum and
knocked from the stems.

• Individual grapes are broken open or crushed in the process

and dropped through the drum.

• Stems, leaves, etc. continue on to the center of the drum and

are discharged at the end for waste.
Stoned fruit mills
• Such mills are used for plums and
apricots to crush the fruit without
breaking the stones to avoid juice
flavor changes and storage instability.

• Hard rubber-lobed wheels

rotate simultaneously, forcing the fruit
down and separating most of the flesh
from the intact stone.
Hot Break Process

• Typically crushed fruit or mash passes through a large bore, tubular heat
exchanger where it is heated to 50 to 60oC. This stage, known as the hot break
process, is designed to extract a large amount of color and assist in maximizing
the yield.

• To the hot fruit, a pectolytic enzyme is added, and in case of red grape juice
processing, kraft (wood pulp) paper is also added prior to pressing to serve as a
press aid.

• The addition of press aid to the mash provides coarseness and channels for the
juice to exit. Alternative press aids include rice hulls, bleached kraft-fiber sheets
or rolled stock, and ground wood pulp.
Mash Enzyme Treatment
• The soluble pectin is the cause for difficulty in juice extraction due
to increased juice viscosity and the lubrication it affords the press

• Typically, the fruit mash is heated to 45 to 50oC followed by the

addition of pectolytic enzymes. Reaction time can take up to 1 - 2

• De-pectinization is designed to reduce the viscosity and

slipperiness of the pulp and thus permit the effective use of
decanters and presses with proper press aids.

• It is especially useful in processing mature and stored fruit that

results in low juice yield.

• Treatment of the mash with enzymes is expected to increase the
yield, reduce the processing time, and improve the extraction of
valued components of the fruit.
Alcoholic Beverage
Discussion during class for Whisky Production will be the notes for
Distilled Beverage.

Collect the required points from Ms. Ananya of Section B, 6 th Sem

B.Tech FT


Ms. Farkanda of 6th Sem Sec C A&FB, AIOA-

Fortified Beverage
• The food category of beverages encompasses a wide range of
products, including fruit juices and drinks, milks and milk
drinks, chocolate (malt) beverages, instant flavoured drinks,
nectars, meal replacers, supplements for pregnancy and
lactation, sports drinks, and others.

• Micronutrient-fortified foods, including beverages, are

becoming increasingly popular in many countries.
Multiple Fortification
• Nearly all fortified processed foods contain more than one added

• Milk products are often fortified with vitamins A and D only,

whereas other beverages are often fortified with many minerals
and vitamins.

• Multiple fortification of different types of beverages can be

justified for a number of reasons. Virtually all broad-based
nutrition surveys show that individual micronutrient deficiencies
rarely occur in isolation.

• Since many major foods are excellent sources of several

micronutrients, inappropriate food choices and economic
constraints leading to unbalanced diets are unlikely to provide
adequate levels of all micronutrients.
• Although there are several good arguments in favour of
multiple fortification, a number of factors must be taken into
account before deciding on the fortification of a particular food

• Obviously, the food vector, the fortification micronutrients, and

their levels must be chosen as a function of the nutritional
requirements and deficiencies as well as of the dietary habits of
the target population or consumer group.

• As a general rule, and in order to provide nutritionally

appropriate amounts of micronutrients without creating excess
or imbalance, one portion of the food should not provide too
large a proportion of the requirements of the target consumer.
Vitamin stability

• The stability of vitamins is affected by a number of factors, such as

temperature, moisture, oxygen, light, pH, minerals (especially iron and
copper), vitamin-vitamin interactions, and other food components.

• Vitamin stability is affected most by heat, moisture, pH, and light, but given
their chemical heterogeneity, vitamin losses in different foods vary
considerably during both processing and storage of the final product.

• The most unstable vitamins are C, A, D, B1, and B12. Because of their multiple
oxidation states, the presence of metal ions (iron and copper) accelerates
degradation of vitamins, especially vitamins C, A, and B1.

• Fortification with several vitamins may give rise to vitamin-vitamin

interactions that may accelerate the rate of breakdown of some vitamins; the
best-known interactions are those among vitamins C, B1, B2, B12, and folic
• Therefore, to maintain the micronutrient levels declared on the product label
throughout a product’s shelf life, the amount of vitamins added during
processing needs to be higher than the levels reported on the label.

• The difference between the declared and formulated vitamin levels, termed
“overage,” will be different for each food application.

• Vitamin overages are normally calculated as a percentage of the declared


Overage = (formulated vitamin level - declared level)/ declared level × 100.

• For a milk-based drink powder fortified by dry mixing, the overages range
from 10% for vitamin E and niacin up to 25% to 30% for vitamins C, A, and

• For liquid beverages stored in cans, the overages may be as high as 100% for
vitamin C and other sensitive vitamins.
Micronutrient bioavailability and organoleptic quality of fortified foods

• The nature of the food or beverage vector will have considerable bearing on the
fortification, since organoleptic alterations caused by certain added
micronutrients must be dealt with quite often. The bioavailability of added
micronutrients, especially minerals and trace elements, must also be taken into

• In these two respects, iron is undoubtedly the most difficult micronutrient to add
to a food, yet iron deficiency is the most widespread micronutrient deficiency in
the world today.

• The choice of an iron-fortification compound depends primarily on the nature of

the food itself, and is nearly always a compromise between maximal
bioavailability and minimal organoleptic alteration.

• Soluble iron compounds such as ferrous sulphate are very well absorbed but can
give rise to unacceptable colour and taste changes in some products.
• For example, many milk products are satisfactorily fortified with ferrous
sulphate, whereas its use in other foods containing easily oxidizable
unsaturated fatty acids leads to rancidity or to colour changes in polyphenol-
containing beverages such as cocoa drinks.

• In many cases, it is possible to improve the bioavailability of iron from foods

by the addition of an appropriate amount of ascorbic acid.

• A molar ratio of ascorbic acid to iron of 2:1 often significantly enhances iron
absorption, but the optimal ratio depends on the nature of the food or
beverage, and especially on the levels of other enhancers and inhibitors of
iron absorption in the product
Mineral interactions and bioavailability

• Interactions between minerals can also have implications for

mineral bioavailability in multiply fortified products.

• For example, in the absence of phytic acid, the effect of

calcium on zinc absorption is low. However, when phytic acid
is present, calcium significantly inhibits zinc absorption.

• Likewise, oral iron supplements significantly inhibit inorganic

zinc retention when consumed simultaneously at iron-to-zinc
ratios as low as 1:1.
The numbers and types of fortified beverages are ever-increasing and include
milk and milk drinks, chocolate (malt) beverages, meal replacers, slimming
beverages, sports beverages, supplements for pregnancy and lactation, cereal
drinks (cereal “milks”), fruit juices, and others.

To have an appropriate impact on consumer health and nutrition, the development

of such fortified beverages must be based on the dietary habits and nutritional
requirements and status of the target consumer.

The chemical form of the fortification micro-nutrients must be chosen to have

maximal bioavailability while not producing unacceptable organoleptic changes.

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