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What are cultural differences in communication?

- People living in different cultures have different habits, values and ways of expression.
- Cultural differences cause behavior and personality differences like body language, thinking,
communication, manners, norms, etc. which leads to miscommunication.
- This may lead to some complications when two individuals from different cultures try and
communicate with each other.
- Here mutual understandings between communicators are very much important for the
effective, fruitful process of communication.
How Does Culture Affect Communication?

Different styles of communicating.

- Language use varies between cultures. Words and phrases are used in different ways.
- For example, "yes" may mean "maybe" or even "definitely" even in different English-
speaking countries.
- Non-verbal communication is also important and may include anything from gestures
and facial expressions to sense of time, personal distance and even seating
How Does Culture Affect Communication?

Completing tasks in different ways

- Cultural differences account for how people move to complete tasks.

- Reasons include different resource availability, different notions of time, and different ideas
of how relationship-building and task-oriented work should fit together.
- For example, Asian and Hispanic cultures focus on team dynamics at the outset of a project
and shift focus to the end goal as the project moves forward, while European-Americans
focus first on the task, leaving relationships to develop along the way.
How Does Culture Affect Communication?

Different approaches to knowing

- Different cultures have different ideas when it comes to gaining knowledge.

- Europeans consider information gained through counting and measuring more valuable than other
- Some African cultures rely on knowledge gained through symbolic imagery, while some Asian cultures
emphasize the validity of knowledge gained through transcendence.
Sources of cultural differences which influence
- Language is considered as the most crucial barrier in cross-cultural communication.
- Since verbal communication is important in every context, the understandings of the meaning of
words are also important. The language barrier occurs not only because of differences in language but
also in the forms of a variety of dialects.
- Example: Chinese and Russian language where different dialects are used in several parts of the
- If one communicator is not aware of the exact meaning, it will create misunderstanding and lead to a
conflict of ideas.
Sources of cultural differences which influence
Cultural norms and values
- Each culture holds its own values, meaning and norms different from another.
- This difference is caused because of truth, belief and judgment through which they acquired
knowledge about society and culture.
- Example: In eastern countries like India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka the meaning of physical proximity is
different from that in western countries. In western culture, people share physical proximity or
closeness only with the persons whom they know.
- This is the reason we can find a calm and quiet environment in public transportation in western
countries. On contradictory, we can find a huge, crowded environment in Indian suburban and metro
rail transports.
Sources of cultural differences which influence
- Religion is an important socio-cultural factor and guides way of living and future thinking. It affects
consumption, business, and attitude.
- The differences in beliefs and practices in cultures also create a barrier in communication.
- Example: The level of acceptability in trading of liquor in Muslim countries are restricted but open to
the western world.
Sources of cultural differences which influence
Body Language and Gestures
- Body language and gestures are other elements of the cultural differences. It is impossible to
communicate without body language and gestures.
- It provides meaning and justification for communication.
- Example: In conservative societies like Arab and African countries, greeting opposite gender by
shaking hands or hugging is considered as ill-manner or even moral crime. But in the western world it
is common practice to shake hands while we meet people.
How can good communication benefit you and the other

- Having strong communication skills aids in all aspects of life – from professional life to personal life
and everything that falls in between.
- From a business standpoint, all transactions result from communication.
- Good communication skills are essential to allow others and yourself to understand information more
accurately and quickly.

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