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Natural sweets shop

Sugar free but sweet!

Executive Summary

The main goal of my store is that sweets bring customers not only pleasure,
but also benefit. This is more than real, because our products are made from
natural ingredients, free of sugar and harmful additives. “Sweetland” offers
a wide selection of homemade, healthy, natural sweets for children,
vegetarians, people who suffer from diabetes, have intolerance to some
ingredients and just for those who lead a healthy lifestyle and adhere to
proper nutrition. Also, we provide delivery, gift sets, tasting and master
classes in the preparation of our sweets. We have a cozy atmosphere,
pleasant music. “Sweetland” is a real breath of fresh air for all people.
The demand for natural products is growing more
and more. Therefore, I want people not forbid
themselves anything and know that they can eat
sweets and not worry about anything, because my
store guarantees high quality and naturalness.
Competitor Analysis
Sweetland SugarSin Kingdom of The Candy
(my concept) Sweets Company

Product range 1 1 2 4

Innovation 3 2 3 4

Price 2 2 3 3

Advertising 1 2 3 4

My main competitors are SugarSin, the Kingdom of Sweets and The

Candy Company. We are the best in criteria such as advertising and
product range.
Customer analysis

People of all ages group,
who have middle or high People, who suffer from
income. They lead an active, diabetes, have intolerance to
some ingredients. Also, these
healthy lifestyle, adhere to are vegetarians. They need
proper nutrition and need products that do not contain
special sweets made from animal components.
natural products.

All other people who
like to try something
new. They buy harmless
sweets to eat not only
tasty, but also healthy.
Product Description
Company Description
Our products are marshmallows, fruit chips,
We are a customer-centered store that cupcakes, marmalade, various sweets (for
produces natural sweets. In our example, from dried fruits or mint), protein
recipes we use only healthy and safe bars, cookies, ice cream, cakes. Also in the
ingredients. That is what makes us assortment there are different smoothies
unique. without sugar, including protein shakes and
The concept of our store is the different types of delicious tea.
promotion of a healthy lifestyle and Why is our product better? Because after eating
close relationship with customers. We our sweetness you will receive not only
offer the most healthy sweets and are pleasure, but also benefits for your health,
ready not only to listen to the buyer, because in our sweets there are a lot of
but also to embody their ideas and vitamins. You will also be pleased with our
preferences in our recipes. colorful packaging, which shows our name,
tagline, predictions and tips specifically for
The growing need for healthy products, coupled with growing purchasing power, is
driving market growth. We are keeping pace with this trend of a healthy lifestyle,
because it is always fashionable to be healthy. So, our products are made from the
most useful ingredients so that our customers feel safe.

Sweetland has great potential and opportunities:

 expansion of assortment;

 changing consumer attitudes towards healthy foods;

 use of innovation;

 introduction of bonuses for employees;

 market leadership in high demand segment

The manager monitors the organization of the
At the stage of launching the store, I can do with a production and sale of products, is
minimum number of personnel. Therefore, at this responsible for the continuous operation of
the store and timely troubleshooting.
stage, my team includes a manager, manufacturer,
seller and courier.
The manufacturer fully controls the production
cycle: from the accounting of raw materials in
Ownership equity stock to the production of finished products.

The seller is engaged in customer service and work

10% with the cashbox. At the end of the working day, the
cashier’s seller fills out a special journal in which he
registers cash.

25% The courier delivers the ordered goods to the buyer,

plans the route if necessary, specifies how to find a
specific place, and also checks the completeness of
orders and their appearance before leaving the store.
Product strategy

Effective advertising The main advantage of my product is

its high utility and effective advertising.
Sweetland products do not contain
Sweetland (my concept) sugar and various chemicals. We can
boast the natural composition and
SugarSin homemade taste of our sweets.
Therefore, such goodies are suitable for
Low High Product usefulness
both a child and an adult, who monitor
The Candy Company their weight and health. Another
significant difference from our
Kingdom of Sweets
competitors is effective advertising,
namely: a bright lightbox, a billboard,
packaging with our logo, name and
Ineffective advertising
tagline, signs and stickers on the
trading floor, a website accessible to all
and helpful staff.
We will communicate directly with our
I think that it’s right not to set very high audience. It is very important to
prices for goods at the beginning of a understand who your customer is and
business. Therefore, in the first stage, what he needs. In our store there will
strategy of my shop is called be different promotions, quizzes,
"penetration prices" - a significant master classes (the first visit is free).
reduction in product prices. The We also have a website where
marketing goal of such a strategy is to customers will find out all the
capture the mass market. In the future, information about us. In addition, we
prices may rise, but basically we will will attract buyers with the help of
adhere to the strategy of "stable prices" - illustration means - billboards, posters,
unchanged at any change in market signs.

Pricing Strategy Marketing Communications Strategy

Distribution strategy

My sweet shop has direct distribution channel. It means that a producer has a direct
relationship with customers.

Thus, I have the ability to fully control the movement of goods. Company has its own
transportation system and storage of goods. We independently produce our sweets, pack
them and sell to the customers. There is a delivery of goods, it is not necessary to come to
the store to buy our sweets. We try to establish close cooperation with consumers and
offer convenient condition for them. There is also an online platform of my store. The
buyers can see the entire range, delivery condition, our contacts (number, address) and
more there.
Operations Strategy

Our strategy is to find a common language with

customers, offering them the opportunity to "invent their
own sweetness." We will have a special book where
buyers can leave their wishes.

Also, we have a very favorable geographical position.

Sweetland are located in the city center, where there are
many gyms, as well as high car and pedestrian traffic.
Therefore, this will ensure a constant flow of customers.
Moreover, we work with reliable suppliers located in our
city, that is, there will be no problems with the expiration
date and delayed delivery of products for our production.
All these aspects underline our comparative advantage.
Scope of Operations

Sell ​to
Buy all customers

Find a room Create

for trading website

Produce the
whole assortment

The first step is to find a trading room in order to carry out production and sales there. Then
it is very important to execute all necessary documents and equip the store. The next step is
to create a team and find suppliers that we will trust. After that, we need to purchase all the
ingredients needed for production, and produce our entire range. Then we create a website
to simultaneously trade both at the point of sale and through the Internet. And in the end, we
sell or deliver our goods to customers.
Development Timeline

The first step is to establish our enterprise. It is important to get all the necessary
documents, find the equipment for manufacturing and make beautiful repairs in the
store. Also, I should create a good team, find reliable suppliers, create a store website
and finally produce our sweets. All this preparation for the start of full production
will take from 5 to 6 month.

Establish Start of
5-6 month enterprise production
Development Timeline

The second step is to start selling our product and attract as many buyers as possible
through promotions, tastings, etc. It is important for us to establish long-term
trusting relationships with our customers. This step will determine how quickly we
will achieve our first success in trading and advance our business. This period will
take up to 1 year.

Start selling Gain the

Up to 1 year sweets trust of our
The third stage will take the most time, because it will be associated with the
stabilization of the store and expansion. In the near future we plan to turn our store into a
restaurant of healthy nutrition. So, our assortment will be replenished with various
healthy dishes. These processes will take at least 3 years.

Store Turning
3 years stabilization into a
Critical Risks
The main risk for my store is
In an unstable economic situation, one of the
the appearance of a strong
most serious risk factors is an increase in raw
competitor nearby. So, it is
material prices. Since these costs are the most
necessary to attract the buyer
significant, an increase in cost can lead to a
as much as possible through
rapid decrease in profits. The main method of
advertising and promotions
protection against this threat is the conclusion of
on the product. And, of
long-term contracts, as well as the establishment
course, in no case should the
of stable contacts with suppliers of initial
quality of the products

There is also a risk that product sales may decrease due to low
solvency of consumers (for example, economic crisis, default). The
solution to this problem is to reduce production by time and
possibly re-qualify with the assortment.
Thank you for your attention!

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