The Concept Paper

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Defining Concept Paper

 The concept paper defines an idea or
concept and explains its essence in order to
clarify the “whatness” of the idea or
 It answers the questions: what it is and

what about it
What Concept Papers Are?
 Concept papers are summaries of projects or issues that
reflect the interests, experience and expertise of the
writer or organization.
 Concept papers generally serve the purpose of providing
in- depth discussion of a topic that the writer has a
strong position on, usually with the intent of obtaining
funding for that project from the donors.
 The terms concept paper and proposal are often used
interchangeably as they can be used for the same
 It could also discuss best practices, philosophies and
other related issues.
Concept Papers- Writing Steps
 1. The writer must ensure that the mission,
requirements, funding patterns and other specific
information about the target grantor or audience
match with those of the organization or individual
project in need of funding or assistance.
 2. Summarize the project by stating the problem to be
discussed/ solved, the goal of the project, the
objectives, the anticipated outcomes, procedures,
population served and the theoretical model upon
which the project is based.
Concept Papers- Writing Steps
 3. The writer must develop a list of references that
discuss the model to which the project will be
 4. There shall be a budget developed for the project.
 5. The fifth step could entail obtaining the necessary
approvals by individuals authorized to do so prior to

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