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about An Italian architect and engineer, who won the Pritzker Prize in Piano was born in Genoa, Italy, in

Following his graduation from Milan Polytechnic Architecture School in 1964, he worked in his father’s
construction company

At first, Piano became known for his collaborations with other architects. From 1965 to 1970 he worked at
the firm of iconic architect Louis Kahn in Philadelphia and with Z.S. Makowsky in London. He
established an architectural firm with Richard Rogers named Piano & Rogers
Architecture is a serious business being both art and a service

Architecture at the end is the construction of buildings

The art of building a shelter for humans
Architecture is the art of building shelter for groups and society as well
No community remains the same
Because the world keeps changing
It is difficult for people to absorb the changes
and architecture reflects these changes

(As a building engineer, you must understand that building shelters and making buildings safe and practical, but you must
be someone who understands transformation in society and change in society)

Building construction is a good thing for humans, but there is another thing that makes architecture more
amazing that architecture doesn't just meet the needs
Fulfills desires, dreams and ambitions

The buildings tell the story of the people who live in them like huts

Paying attention to lighting, because lighting is one of the most important building supplies
They are the ones that achieve the experience of buildings

Interest in man and he had the most important thing to inspire people

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