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Summer Jobs

Be More than just a Tourist

Fo r t he Bes t Su m m er Of Yo u r Lif e!

Előadó: ..............................................
Area representative

Be More than just a Tourist

CCUSA Hungary
• Celebrating 27 Great Years in Hungary!
Since 1990

• ‘Officially Designated’ VISA Sponsor

• Sent over 7000 Hungarian students total on various


• Full time office, representing CCUSA Inc. (San Rafael, CA)

• Area Representatives throughout the country

Be More than just a Tourist

5 Great Programs
 Camp Counselors USA
 Summer camp work: Support Staff & Counselor Positions
 Support Staff: must be a full-time student to apply

 Work Experience USA

 Seasonal summer jobs: national parks, restaurants, hotel, retails stores…etc.
 Must be a full-time student to apply

 Camp Counselors Canada

 Summer camp work (similar to our US camp program)
 Non students can apply too! - For all positions!

 Camp California in Croatia

 International camp for campers and staff members
 Former camp experience, good reference letter is a must!

 P r a c t i c a l Tr a i n i n g U S A
 J1-Trainee visa from 12 to 18 months
 For graduated students only
 Employer is not guaranteed (you must find your own employer)

Be More than just a Tourist

Camp Counselors USA

Be More than just a Tourist

Summer camps in the USA

Be More than just a Tourist

More than 900 Camps

Be More than just a Tourist

Be Cam p Co u ns elo r o r S u p po r t S t a ff

Be More than just a Tourist

8 Different Types of Camps

 Traditional Private / Agency

 Specialty (Sports / Arts / Family)
 Girl Scout
 Underprivileged / Inner-city
 Special needs (Physical / mental)
- additional pocket money will be paid
 Specific Requirements (ADD/Diabetes/Weight)
 Religious (Christian / Jewish)
 Day Camps

Be More than just a Tourist

Who can apply?
 Aged 18 -29 years old (over thirty? Send us your CV first!)

 Must be available for at least 9-10 weeks.

Start work: from 20th May to 18th June 2017 *

*Later departure date? Apply and contact us!

End work: 15th Aug to 5th Sept 2017 *

*Later finish date? Apply and contact us!

 Available for at least 9 ( at least 54 working days),

 let us know if you want to work more & earn more!

 Counselor: full-time student*/ teacher / coach

 Support Staff: must be full-time student*

 (Not ‘OKJ’ nor ‘felsofoku szakkepzes, sorry!)

Be More than just a Tourist

What you get?
 Perfect placement matching your skills / experience
 Visa processing and application support (‘officially
designated Visa Sponsor’)
 Fully comprehensive insurance for the length of the
 Pre-departure Orientation: 7th May 2017, Sunday
 Round trip transportation:
 flight from Budapest to all the way to the camp (most
Hungarians go to camp without stopping in NYC)
 From New York City to Budapest

Be More than just a Tourist

Camp Fair in Budapest
• SAVE THE DAY! Sign up today -> Everyone is invited.
• Date: January 29th (Sunday) 2017
• Location: Novotel Hotel, Blaha Lujza
US Camp Directors are hiring Staff on the Fair!
-Apply early: Lowest ID Number gets in first!
• The earlier you apply the more options you have.
• It is easy to get placed together with a friend!
• Choose your camp
• (what is your ideal location and start/work dates?)
And more…
 Free accommodation at camp & 3 free meals/ day
 Constant support in USA & Hungary
 Free phone number to call our office in California

 Free Mobil SIM card – (US phone number)

 Free CCUSA T-shirt
 Most importantly: The best summer of your life!
Opportunity to meet new people, make friends, try different sports &
activities and learn about the US culture

Be More than just a Tourist

Work Experience…
• …accepted by many schools as a school practice
(‘Szakmai gyakorlat, kredit pontok’)

• various Catering &Tourism Faculties

• Teachers training faculties

• Certificate from CCUSA and from your employer:

• …preferred by future Hungarian Employer
• …which can be a base of future international carreer

Be More than just a Tourist

…and the best part:

- You will NOT travel alone!

- 2-3 weeks (maximum of 30 days)
- Be back by first teaching day in September !
- Spending money 50-60USD/day (food accomodation)
+ insurance extension 3.2 euro/day

Be More than just a Tourist

...travelling and…

Be More than just a Tourist

…more travelling!

Be More than just a Tourist

Choose from 2 options:

With Flight option

Own Flight option

Be More than just a Tourist
H o w Mu ch d o es it c o s t ?
W I T H F l i g h t o p t i o n – w e b u y y o u r fl i g h t t i c k e t
 Application Payment of 150 EUR - paid at the interview after being accepted
 Remaining fee is to be paid until 21st of March, 2017

Apply early – pay less!

EARLY BIRD DISCOUNT: 100 EUR until the 1st of Dec 2016

Total cost until the 1st of Dec: 150+200 = 350 EUR

Total cost until the 15th of Febr: 150+245 = 395 EUR

Total cost until the 21th of March: 150+300 = 450 EUR

After 21st of March: 450+50 (late fee) = 500 EUR

Be More than just a Tourist

H o w Muc h d o es it c o s t ?
O W N F l i g h t o p t i o n – y o u b u y y o u r fl i g h t t i c k e t
 Application Payment of 150 EUR - paid at the interview after being accepted
 Remaining fee is to be paid until 21st of March, 2017

Apply early – pay less!

EARLY BIRD DISCOUNT: 100 EUR until the 1st of Dec 2016

Total cost until the 1st of Dec: 150+50 = 200 EUR

Total cost until the 15th of Febr: 150+95 = 245 EUR

Q: When should I change to Own Flight Option?
A: Only
Total cost until the 21th after you
of March: are placed!
150+150 = 300 EUR

After 21st of March: 300+50 (late fee) = 350 EUR

Be More than just a Tourist

Ot her c o s t s :

 The US embassy charges 160 USD for Visa (no SEVIS fee!)
 - to be paid in March / April, after placement

 In case you have to stop in New York :

 up to 45-95 USD / night for the hostel
 only 15-20% of our participants needs this. Most fly direct to camp!
Q: Are there any other, hidden costs?
 Travelling in the US – after campA: No, that
finished is all!
average of 50-60 USD/day
 Additional insurance cost for the travelling period (3,2 EUR /day)

Be More than just a Tourist

2017 Pocket Money
W i t h fl i g h t o p t i o n
- f o r t h e fi r s t 9 w e e k s ( 5 4 w o r k i n g d a y s ) -

Camp Counselor Age 18 750 USD

Camp Counselor Age 19/20 850 USD

Camp Counselor Age 21+ 1000 USD

Support Staff (all ages) 1100 USD

Be More than just a Tourist

2017 Pocket Money (more than in 2016!)
O w n fl i g h t o p t i o n
- f o r t h e fi r s t 5 4 w o r k i n g d a y s

Camp Counselor Age 18 1285 USD

Camp Counselor Age 19/20 1550 USD

Camp Counselor Age 21+ 1645 USD

Support Staff (all ages) 1650 USD

Be More than just a Tourist

Camp Counselor USA


Be More than just a Tourist

Work Experience USA

Be More than just a Tourist

Who c a n a p p l y ?
 Aged 19 -29 years old

 Must be full-time student*

 Must be available to depart from:

20th May to 15th June 2017*

*Later departure date? Apply and contact us!

 Available for at least 9-10 weeks

 Strong English Skills

*Not ‘OKJ’ nor ‘felsofoku szakkepzes’

Be More than just a Tourist

What you get?
 Personal Interview
 Visa administration assistance
 CCUSA= ‘officially designated Visa Sponsor’

 Fully comprehensive insurance: 3 full months

 Pre-departure Orientation (14th May, 2017 Budapest)
 Assistance with International and Domestic Flights

Be More than just a Tourist

Choose from…

Independent Placement
Option Option
Find your Security:
summer Let us find
job! you a job!

Be More than just a Tourist

Independent Option
• How WE help YOU to find a job…
• General tips from Budapest office, Area Reps, past
WEUSA participants
• Standard CCUSA Job Offer Form is provided (online
form, give it to your future employer)
• Opportunity to switch to the other options Placement
(before the deadline:)

Be More than just a Tourist

UPDATED WEUSA Indipendent MAP on the site..
Hungarians worked all these places in the last 15 years!!
(over 350 US employers hired Hungarian WEUSA participants)

Find this list on our site. Contact the employers !

Let us know, which is your favourite, email to
Placement option


Be More than just a Tourist

Placement Option
• Apply online by 1st of March 2017, the latest.

• Must be available for at least 10 weeks (preferably until Labour Day)

• Job Preference Form: Choose specific types of companies

• Choose the type of job you want, and the location in the US where you want
to work.

• Possibility to get placed with a friend! (up to 2 friends)

• Our aim: find a job matching your skills

• Employer job availability will affect your region and employer category

Be More than just a Tourist

Employers on the Placement
Grand Canyon, Yellowstone…etc.

Be More than just a Tourist

• SAVE THE DAY – 26 January (Thursday), 2017!
• Exact times: to be announced soon
• Location: CCUSA Office in Budapest
• Work in one of the 4 best restaurants in Ohio!

• Apply early: Lowest ID Number gets in first!

Get placed with a friend!

Highest ratio of returnees, great place to earn $ !
(ideal location and dates)
How Much does it cost?*

Total Total Placement
Independent Fees = 700 EUR
Fees = 600 EUR

(EARLY BIRD DISCOUNT: 100 EUR until the 1st of Dec, 2016)

Other costs:
 The US embassy charges 160 USD for Visa
 SEVIS fee 35 USD
 400-800 USD International Flight + Domestic travel to destination
 500-900 USD / month for room & board
 Travelling in the US
*Both options are including 3 months insurance

Be More than just a Tourist

Why Apply?
 Sets you apart from others
 Independence, Confidence, Maturity
 Meeting new people from around the world
 International experience

Make Money
 Earn at least the minimum wage (average $7-10/ hour before taxes)
 You are not limited to one job
 Overtime pays 1½ your normal salary (after 40 hours)
 Earn enough to travel or shop till you drop!
Wo r k E x p e r i e n c e …
• …accepted by many schools as a school practice
(‘Szakmai gyakorlat, kredit pontok’)
• various Catering &Tourism Faculties
• Teachers training faculties
• Certificate from CCUSA and from your employer:
• …preferred by future Hungarian Employer
• …which can be a base of future international carreer

Be More than just a Tourist

Work Experience USA


Be More than just a Tourist

Camp Counselors Canada

Be More than just a Tourist

Wo r k a t a C a m p a s a S u p p o r t S t a ff
(or as a camp counselor)

Be More than just a Tourist

Wo r k a t a C a m p n e a r To r o n t o

Be More than just a Tourist

Multiple season camps!

Camp Canada spring/fall program

Want to work long 4-8 months?

Great Canadian camps offer extended contracts

Contact Kata ( for details

Be More than just a Tourist

Who can apply
(summer option)

• Aged 19 -30+ years

• Fluent English is a must
• Additional French language skills: is a plus!
• Available for at least 10 weeks
• Must be available to depart between:

1st of March - 27 th of June 2017


OKJ or correspondence student

Felsofoku szakkepzes
Students on passive term
Graduated students
Non-Students can apply as well!

Be More than just a Tourist

What you get?
 To get placed TOGETHER with a friend (siblings or boyfriend/girlfriend)!
 Late departure: finish your exams and choose a late departure date in June 2017 (as late
as 27th of June!)
 Work permit assistance
 Assistance finding great International Flights to your Arrival Orientation City
 Orientation and Accommodation in Toronto (2 nights IN A GREAT HOSTEL!)
 Free Domestic Travel from Orientation Site to Camp
 Free Room and Board in camp
 10-week insurance
 Canadian Bank Account
 Canadian Social Insurance Number
 24 Hour Emergency Hotline Support
 International Phone Card


 No need to return by first teaching day...

Be More than just a Tourist

How Much does it cost?
(cheaper than 2016!)
 Application Payment of 150 EUR - paid at the interview after being
 Rest - to be paid until 21st March, 2017

EARLY BIRD DISCOUNT: 100 EUR until the 1 Dec 2016 →Total: 350 EUR
VALENTINE DAY DISCOUNT: 50 EUR until the 15 Febr 2017 →Total: 395 EUR
Total program fee until the 21st of March: 450 EUR
Total program fee after the 21st of March: 500 EUR

Other Costs:
 Spending money for days off + domestic traveling (including trip back from
camp to arrival city)
 ~ 700- 900 CAD Return Flight Ticket Budapest & Toronto (unless you go the
new Flight Assist option!)

Be More than just a Tourist

Flight Ass ist Pr o gr am !
(f o r a ll fi r s t t im er s u p p o rt s t aff )

• CCUSA’s partner offer (local travel agency)

• Available only for support staff applicants only

How does With Flight option work?

Separate agreement
You choose your flight
200 CAD deposit
Rest will be deducted from your pocket money
Return Flight can cost up to 800 CAD
If you cancel , the full cost will be invoiced to you

Be More than just a Tourist

2017 Pocket Money
(raised since 2016!)

- f o r t h e fi r s t 1 0 w e e k s
Camp Counselor Age 19/20 1500 CAD
Camp Counselor Age 21+ 1600 CAD

Support Staff Age 19/20 1800 CAD

Support Staff Age 21 + 1900 CAD

For each additional week as a Camp Counselor

+200 CAD
For each additional week as a Support Staff +200 CAD

Be More than just a Tourist

Camp Counselor Canada


Be More than just a Tourist

How to start a 2017 application?
(three easy steps)

1. Visit

2. Apply online (20-25 minutes)

3. Call CCUSA –
and fix a time for an interview.

Be More than just a Tourist

Sign Up Now!

Would you like to sign up for our


We will remind you during the year about

 Discount Deadlines
 Final application deadlines
 Jobfairs

Be More than just a Tourist

Contact Us:
Visit our Website:
36 (1) 244-7941

You can also contact

your Mentor Area
CCUSA Hungary Representatives at your
school! They will
be happy to help!

Be More than just a Tourist

Contact Us:

Budapest Office Address:

Rákóczi út 8/B. III/8.

/at Astoria metro station/

1072 Budapest

‘Nyílt Nap’: 13:00 – 15.00 every Tuesday

17:00 – 19.00 every Wednesday (NEW!)
13:00 – 15.00 every Thursday
Be More than just a Tourist
Thank you for
your Attention!

Be More than just a Tourist

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