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Chapter 5

Social Interaction
Social Structure
Chapter Outline
 Interpersonal Attraction and Formation of
 Social Institutions and Social Structure
 What Holds Society Together?
 Types of Societies: A Global View
What Is Society?
 A system of social interaction that
includes culture and social organization.
 Members of a society have a common
culture though there may be great
diversity within it.
Characteristics of Groups
 A collection of individuals who
 interact and communicate with each
 share goals and norms

 are aware of themselves as a distinct

social unit
 A status is a rank in society.
 Vice president of the United States

 Statuses occur within institutions.

 “High school teacher” is a status within
the education institution.
 Typically, an individual occupies many
statuses simultaneously.
 A role is the expected behavior
associated with a particular status.
 Statuses are occupied; roles are acted or
 A person’s role set includes all the roles
occupied by the person at a given time.
Roles in a College Student’s
Role Set
Social Construction of Reality
 Perception of what is real is
determined by the subjective
meaning we attribute to an
 There is no objective reality.
 Disrupting social norms and observing
how individuals attempt to restore
 Human interaction takes place within a
consensus and interaction is not possible
without this consensus.
Impression Management
 People control how others will
perceive them.
 People present different faces on
different stages with different others.
Social Exchange
 Interactions are determined by
rewards or punishments.
 If the reward for an interaction
exceeds the punishment, a potential
for social profit exists and the
interaction is likely to occur.
Characteristics of Cyberspace
 Nonverbal communication is
 One is free to become a different
 Anonymity allows a new kind of
relationship in society.
Polling Question
 How likely would you be to take an
Internet course for college credit?
A. Very likely

B. Somewhat likely

C. Unsure

D. Somewhat unlikely

E. Very unlikely
Nonverbal Communication
 Touch
 Pitch, loudness and rhythm of the
 Gestures, facial expressions
 Use of personal space.
 The component of communication that is
conveyed by the pitch and loudness of
the speaker’s voice, its rhythm, emphasis,
and frequency, and the frequency and
length of hesitations.
 It is not what you say, but how you say it.
Factors in Attraction
 Close proximity
 Exposure
 Physical attractiveness
 Similarity in status, race, ethnicity,
religion, personality, attitudes and
Social Institutions
 Family  Religion
 Education  Health care
 Work  Mass Media
 Economy  Sports
 Political  Military
Purpose of Social Institutions
 Socialization of new members.
 Production and distribution of goods and
 Maintain stability and existence.
 Provide members with a sense of
Social Structure
 The organized pattern of social
relationships and social institutions that
together compose society.
 The social structure of society is
observable in the established patterns of
social interaction and social institutions.
Durkheim: Social Solidarity
 Mechanical solidarity arises when
individuals feel bonded by their
 Organic solidarity arises when
individuals are bonded through their
division of labor.
Types of Societies
 Foraging
 Pastoral
 Horticultural
 Agricultural
 Industrial
 Postindustrial
Examples of Types of Societies
Foraging Pygmies of Central Africa

Bedouins of Africa and

Middle East
Horticultural Incan empire of Peru
Examples of Types of Societies
American South, pre-
Civil War
19th and 20th century
Industrial United States and
Western Europe
Contemporary United
Global Urbanization
Population Density in the
Polling Question
 If you could live anywhere in the United
States that you wanted to, would you
prefer a city, suburban area, small town,
or farm?
A. City
B. Suburban area
C. Small town
D. Farm

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