Strategic Workforce Planning

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Strategic Workforce

Strategic Workforce Planning
Workforce planning is, simply stated, the

• Right number of people with the

• Right competencies in the
• Right jobs at the
• Right time

to accomplish JKL Industries goals and mission.

Strategic plan
• Strategic plans set out organisations goals over the next three to five years (although
some organisation’s strategic plans are for as long as 20 years).
• Strategic plans are long term
• Strategic plans will look at what is necessary to achieve long term future goals. It will
include funding, staff, time, resources, and skills necessary to achieve these goals.
• One of the main functions of workforce planning is to help an organisation meet its
strategic goals by attracting and retaining effective employees and managing them
• Workforce Planning is a systematic process for identifying and addressing the
gaps between the workforce of today and the workforce of tomorrow.
• Workforce planning is creating an integrated and ongoing strategy for ensuring
an organization is prepared with the appropriate human capital to meet current
and future needs.
Strategic planning follows a process such as:

• Define mission, vision and values.

• Review environmental conditions (internal and external).
• Analyse strengths and weaknesses.
• Develop objectives and goals.
• Develop strategies to meet objectives and goals.
Workforce Planning Steps
Define the Future

Analyze Current Workforce

Close the Gap

Monitor, Evaluate, Revise

Step One: Define the Future
• Articulate the agency’s vision, mission, organizational values, and
• Have a defined strategic plan for the agency
• Conduct a SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats)
• Prepare the Demand Forecast
Step Two: Analyze Current Workforce
Profile Existing Workforce
• Skills
• Distribution
• Demographics
• Workload/Productivity
• Staffing levels
• Succession
• Outsourcing
Step Three: Close the Gap
• Gap Analysis

• Action Plan

• Implementation Plan
Step Four: Monitor, Evaluate, Revise
• Continuously monitor the plan and consider any internal or external
developments that may affect the action plan.
• Consider upcoming legislation, budgetary concerns, and other external
• Monitor projections to determine if current conditions meet projections

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