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An Analysisi of Language Presupoosition in Black
Lives Matter’s Tweets
THE background of
Tweets are the post on the social media
application twitter, It’s a message that
sent by the user. Once you have an
account, you can build your network
contacts and share with people. To send
or receive a tweet, they must create a
twitter account. The user also need to
have friends and contacts with their
twitter account.
THE background of research

The #BlackLivesMatter hashtag has been a

relatively consistent presence on Twitter for the last
five years, with periodic increases in usage around
key events
the #BlackLivesMatter hashtag first appeared on
Twitter five years ago in July 2013 following the
acquittal of George Zimmerman in the shooting death
of Trayvon Martin.
THE background of
From July 2013 through May 1, 2018, the hashtag has been used nearly 30 million
times on Twitter, an average of 17,002 times per day, according to a Pew Research
Center analysis of public tweets using Crimson Hexagon software. Although the
hashtag was slow to gain prominence, there have been periodic increases in its
daily usage in response to real-world events – most notably news and discussion
about fatal encounters between law enforcement and black Americans.
THE background of research
On May 29th 2020, George Floyd, an African-American man,
living in Minnesota was brutally murdered by police officer who
kneeled on his neck for upwards of eight minutes while the other
three police officer helped this brutal action and just watched as
George cried and saying “I can’t breathe” after days of protest
across America and even around the world by the social media, all
four officer were arrested. There’s a lot of police brutality targeted
at people of color so triggered people to speaking out against it
and demanding justice. This hashtags has appeared on twitter and
attracted the researcher’s interest to analyze the presuppositions of
the twitter tweets on this topic

02 03 04
Problem of Purpose of Media/platform Analysis
Research Research
Social media platform Presupposition
the types of to find out the types of • Existential
presupposition used in presupposition used by
#blacklivesmatter on people on • Factive preposition
tweeter #blacklivesmatter twets. • .Lexical preposition
• Non-factive
• Structural
• Counterfactual
Pragmatic is study of language and linguistic concerned with study of meaning. The
part of pragmatic is presupposition and Yule classified six types of presupposition;
existential presupposition; factive presupposition; lexical presupposition’ structural
presupposition; non-factive presupposition; and counter-factual presupposition.
Presupposition is something that the
speaker assumes to be the case prior in
making an utterance. In other source
Presuppositions are something like the
background beliefs of the speaker
propositions whose truth he takes for
granted, or seems to take for granted, in
making his statement. “Speakers usually
design their linguistic messages on the
basis of assumptions of what their hearers
already know”
Conceptual and theorytical Framework

This study is to discover

dominant type of presupposition
utterances in hashtags Black Lives
Matter on twitter and find out the
truth meaning of that
presupposition in utterances based
on Holmes theory about context.

Hashtags Black Lives

matter tweets


Truth meaning of
Existential presupposition

Presupposition Context

Non-factive 1. the topic or the

Presupposition action that
2. people’s tweet
3. the meaning based
of the context
a. Existential
It is the assumption assumed to be
committed to the existence of the
entities names by the speaker and
assumed to be present in the noun

Tony’s house is new” (>>we can presuppose that Tony

exists and that he has a house.)

The girl’s coat is fancy (>> a girl is exist and she has a
fancy coat )
b. Factive preposition
This presupposition derived from some verbs that can conclude a
fact follows by some verbs such as realize’, ‘regret’, ‘odd’ and
aware phrases. The verbs have an exact meaning or it is the
assumption that is true and can identify that can be treated as a

“I realize that I like me better
when I’m alone” (>> I like “Joan regrets telling his
being alone) family” (>>Joan told his

odd aware
“I wasn’t aware that she
It isn’t odd that he left early. (>>
was married” (>> She
He left early)
was married)
c. Lexical preposition
Lexical presupposition is presupposition with asserted
meaning and usually present in direct utterances involving
lexical presupposition such as stop, start and again.
Beryl started
complaining about the
Andy stop selling service in the police
cigarette after his station
friend died (>> she never complained before)
((>> Andy used to selling cigarette Beryl were not complaining before but
before his fiend died, but now he now she is complaining about the
service in stop sellingstation.
the police
stop selling it. ) cigarette after his
friend died”
d. Non-factive presupposition “I dream that I was white”
(>> I was not white)
Non factive presupposition is one that assumed not to be It can be presupposed
true. Verbs likes dream, imagine, and pretend, as shown in that actually I were
the example below are used with the presupposition that people of color.
what follows is not true
“He pretends to be
“We imagine that we were in the seventh depressed”
universe” (>> you are not in seventh (he was not depressed )
universe” (>> I was not white) It can be presupposed
that he were
attention seeker
It can be presupposed that actually this person is a
total dreamer
e. Structural presupposition
it is the assumption associated
with the use of certain a) “When did he leave the gas station?” (>> he left)
structures. - wh-question
constructions. it can be presupposed that he left the gas station.
b) Where did you arrested? (>> you were commit a
crime) it can be presupposed that you were
arrested somewhere.
c) “Why did you buy the laptop?” (>> you bought a
laptop) It can be presupposed that you bought the
f. Counterfactual presupposition
It means that what is presupposed is not only not true, but is
the opposite of what is true, For instance, conditional
structures, generally called counterfactual conditionals,
presuppose that the information, in the “If-clause” is not true
at the time of utterance.

a) “If you were me, you would cry too” (>> you were absolutely not me
me and you probably not going to cry.
b) “If Alyssa comes, she will meet Bonnie” (>> Alyssa did not come and
she did not meet Bonnie)
c) “If you were my mother, I would not allow you to do this” (>> you are
not my mother and you did something I would not recommend)
Research design Qualitative Descriptive

Qualitative research is
To analyze the especially effective in
presupposition in the obtaining culturally Descriptive research is used in
hashtags Black Lives specific information about the literal sense of describing
Matter tweets, the writer the values, opinions, situations or events. It is the
used the type of descriptive behaviors, and social accumulation of a data base that
qualitative research contexts of particular is solely descriptive it does not
method. It aimed to populations. Qualitative necessarily seek or explain
describe about type of the researcher attempting to relationships, test hypotheses,
presuppositions found. So make sense of or interpret make predictions, or get at
it will be focused on phenomena in terms of the meanings and implications,
analyzing types of meaning that brought by although research aimed at these
presupposition used in people. more powerful purposes may
hashtags Black Lives incorporate descriptive method
Matter tweets.
The steps of descriptive research
Define the objectives in clear, specific terms. What facts and characteristics are to be uncovered?

Design the approach. How will the data be collected? How will the subjects be selected to insure they present the
populations to be described? What are instruments or observation techniques are available or will need to be
developed? Will the data collection methods need to be field-tested and will data gatherers need to be trained?

Collect the data and Report the result.

Source of the data
the researcher took the data which were the
text and pictures of hashtags Black Lives
Matter on Twitter using English by purposive
sampling. The related tweets are from Black
Lives Matter Topic. It is the data founds by
the researcher from research objects in shape
of documentation or pictures that will contains
tweets that selected by the researcher.
the researcher using Electronic data such saved picture of the tweets
needed. The researcher collect all data related from social media
application twitter on android. Then, researcher reads to get the text or
tweets of the data
Source of data
selecting and picking up the data referring to the 50 tweets
of Black Lives Matter topic from vary users starts from
politicians, public figures, people of color, especially black
people, or influencer selecting the tweets.

The last step is to arrange the data systematically with the
objectives of the study or sorting the captured tweets by
Technique and instrument of
collecting data
Data validation
Observation Taking Note

reading and analyzing This method was used to The researcher collecting
Black Lives Matter from help the researcher conduct data validation by
twitter this research as the checking the message
supporting materials and from the tweets,
data because the writer classifying the data into
could compare the hashtags types of presupposition.
Black Lives Matter tweets In this step the researcher
or utterance that the writer classifying includes the
had utterances that found in
the tweets to types of
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including icons by Flaticon, and infographics & images by Freepik
and illustrations by Stories

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