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Value – is a means for exchanging things
(for the economist)
Price desire
Object of desire can be understood in two ways

1. As that which is actually desired

2. As that which can be desired

Desirable – as can be desired (Mill).

What is the reason why something is good?
Why is a thing worthy of desire?
Why is , e.g. money is desirable?
Why is food desirable?
The good is worthy of desire in either two ways

1. For its own sake

when something is desirable for its own sake, it is called
an end (consummatory value)

2. For the sake of some other good.

when something is desirable for the sake of some other
good, it is called means (instrumental value)
The Essence of Value

1. Value is something positive. It is the object of a positive

attitude. It is that good to which man tends. It is the goal,
the vision which motivates man to action
2. The perfection of being makes value emerge from the thing
Definition of Value

1. Value is being itself or the richness of being in as much as it

has the power to attract the cognitive and appetitive
potencies of men.
Values - ideals and principles by which man lives.
- are things, persons, ideas or goals which are
important to life.
- whatever is actually liked, prized, esteemed, desired,
approved, or enjoyed by anyone at any time.
2. Value is something that is chosen from alternatives and is
acted upon, and enhances creative integration and
development of human personality
Classification of Values

1. Useful or utilitarian good.

A thing is useful when some other things are obtained through it.

2. Pleasurable or delectable.

A thing is pleasurable when it provides pleasure to the object.

2.1 Pleasure can be taken in two senses
a. broadly, for any feeling of satisfaction
b. specifically, for the special experience of delight, e.g. in the
presence of beauty, in the tasting of a rare and delicate
flavor, in the hearing of music and others.
Classification of Values

3. Befitting or becoming good.

A thing is befitting when it develops, completes or
perfects the subject.
Primary Values
A thing is befitting when it develops, completes or perfects the

Fundamental Division of Values

1. Intrinsic – a value in itself
2. Instrumental – useful and advantageous
It causes joy or happiness

Value is worthy of desire in either two ways

a. for its own sake
b. for the sake of some other good
In order to clarify whether or not a given thing is a value or not,
one should ask himself the following questions:

1. Was the value chosen from a range of alternatives

that I was aware of?
2. Did I consider the consequences of those alternatives
that I was aware of?
3. Is this value evident in my behavior? That is to say,
have I acted on it?
4. Do I act on this value repeatedly in some fashion
through a variety of similar experiences?
5. Am I happy and pleased with the choice?
6. Am I willing to state it publicly?
7. Does the value enhance and not impede, the
development of may emotional and spiritual well
Values and Moral Education

A conscious attempt to help others acquire

knowledge, skills, attitudes and values which
contribute to more personally satisfying and
socially constructive lives.
Thank you!

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