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Physical fitness - is the ability of the body to function both

effectively and efficiently when performing physical
activity without becoming exhausted too quickly. 
It is achieved through:
 1.Proper nutrition
 2. Physical exercise
 3. Sufficient rest
Components of Physical
Cardio-vascular endurance
Aerobic Capacity
 Cardiovascular-respiratory function – the
ability of the heart, lungs, and blood vessels
to provide enough oxygen for the body to
perform sustained physical activity
Muscle Strength
Muscular strength – the ability of a muscle to exert a force
Muscle Endurance
Muscular endurance – the ability of a muscle to exert
a force over a sustained period of time
Flexibility – a measure of the range of motion of
different joints in the body
Body composition
Body composition
– the percentage of
body fat in relation to
the body’s muscle
mass and bone
BMI – Body Mass Index
The FITT Plan for Physical Activity
Do some type of physical activity every day.
Choose an activity that is at least moderate in intensity,
and also try to add a few more vigorous activities over the week.
Time (duration)
Plan on a total time of at least 60 minutes of activity each day
The type of activity can include a variety of team sports, individual sports, recreational activities,
family activities, active hobbies, and walking or bicycling for fun and transportation.
What is your favorite physical activity?

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