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 Patient’s presenting behavior and the presence of patient

 Using of Orlando’s distinct nursing function and the nurse’s
ability to identify the problem.
 The more competent in immediate reaction, the more apt to
find out the nature of distress.
 Nurse’s immediate reaction lessen the patient distress.
 Using deliberative nursing process is less costly than personal
Critique of Orlando’s Theory

 Developed inductively and is logical and applicable to

nursing practice.
 Simple because it contains few concepts and relationships.
 Internally consistent and meet the criteria for testability
for a middle range theory.
 One of the most effective practice theories and especially
helpful to new nurses as they begin practice.
Orlando’s theory as a Framework for
nursing practice
5 Interrelated concepts:
The organizing principle or professional nursing function.
The problematic situation or the patient’s presenting behavior.
The internal response or immediate reaction.
Reflective inquiry or deliberative nursing process.
Resolution or improvement.
The nursing process and Orlando’s theory
Planning Evaluation
• Deliberative
• both direct • focus on
nursing • Planning
help and change in the
process used occurs with
indirect help patient’s
to share and participation
occur in the behavior.
validate the from the nurse
implementation • if no change,
nurse’s direct and patient.
phase. nurse continues
and indirect
observation. the process
Assessment Implementation
Case Study
Mrs. Laila is a 45 years old patient in surgical ward in Saqer
Hospital. She is asking the nurse for analgesic. The nurse ask her
about pain score and Mrs. Laila states it 7 out of 10.

The nurse asked her if there is anything annoying her beside her
pain. The patient cried and said that she is thinking about her
kids in home. The nurse suggested to call them which the
Patient consider it a good idea. She called them and thanked the
nurse and said that she is not in need for analgesics anymore.
Analysis of the previous case
 Nurse will focus on the patient. Her mind should be free of
distracting thoughts.
 The nurse recognizes cues that the patient problem may exist
before the next step of the process. She identifies immediate
perception thoughts, and feelings.
 the nurse share with the patient and confirm the problem.
 together with patient, they make the plan.
 The nurse helped the patient in implementation.
 The evaluation is if the need for help met.
 Background of Orlando
 Overview of the nursing process theory
 The major concepts nursing according to Orlando
 Assumptions of Orlando’s theory
 Propositions of Orlando’s theory
 Orlando’s theory as a framework for nursing practice
 The nursing process and Orlando’s theory
 Orlando’s Theory remains on of the most effective practice
theories available which stresses the reciprocal relationship
between the patient and the nurse
 Kathleen Masters. 2nd edition(2015). Nursing Theories A
Framework For Professional Practice. Jones & Bartlett

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