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-:Out lines

.Dimensions of the community as a client -1

?What is a healthy community -2
.Community need assessment methods -3
.Steps in the needs assessment process -4
:Dimensions of the community as a client

The community have three dimensional (1) a location (2) a population

(3) a social system
:A location -1
Every community carries out it daily existence in a specific
geographic location. The health of community is affected by this
location including the placement of health services , the geographic
feature climate , plants , animals , and the human made environment
it is necessary to collect information not only about this location but
.also about how the community relates to them
:A population -2
The health of any community is greatly influenced by the population
that lives in it. A health community has leaders who are aware of the
population's characteristics , know it different needs and respond to
those needs. Community health nurses can better understand any
community by knowing about it's population variable which are its
.size, density cultural characteristics, social class and mobility
:A social system -3

Social class refers to the ranking of the ranking of groups

within society by income, education occupation educational
level, which is closely associated with social class. People
with higher educational attainment tend to be healthier and
are likely to modify their behavior in positive, health
enhancing ways, these modifications may include smoking
.cessation, weight control, exercise and use of immunization
In general, preventive health services and health promotion
activities are most needed by member of low-income groups
and individuals of less educational attainment, but all people
in a community will benefit form an overall community health
.nursing program
Social system include system educational systems,
economic system, educational system. The community
health nursing needs to understand the community ass
.social system
?What is a healthy community

The following description can serve as a guide for

-: assessing a health community
A health community is one in which members have a -1
. " high degree of awareness that " we are a community
A health community uses it's natural resources while -2
.taking steps to conserve them for future generations
A health community openly recognizes the existence of -3
subgroups and welcomes their participation in community
.A health community is prepared to meet crisis -4
A health community is a problem solving -5
community, it identifies, analyses and organizes to
.meet it's own needs
A health community has open channels of -6
A health community seeks to make each of it's -7
system resources available to all members of the
A health community has effective ways to settle -8
.disputes that arise within the community
A health community encourages maximum citizen -9
.participation in decision-making
A health community promotes a high level of -10
.wellness among all it's members
-: Types of community needs Assessment

Community needs assessments is the process of

determining the real or perceived needs of a defined
.community of people
The type of assessment will depend on variables such
as the needs, the goals to be achieved, the resources
.available for carrying out the study
-:Steps in the needs assessment process
.Identify aggregate for assessment -1
.Identify required information -2
.Select methods of data gathering -3
.Develop questionnaire or interview questions -4
.Develop procedure for data collection -5
.Train data collectors -6
Arrange for a sample representative of the -7
.Conduct needs assessment -8
.Tabulate and analyze data -9
.Identify needs suggested by data -10
.Develop an action plan -11

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