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W al
r d i
C y
v i te
o u
There are two types of invitation

• Business
This type is written Formal tone. It may be written
by an organization or a person, it may be about
meeting, conference, interview, training Etc.

• Personal
This type of invitations are sent to friend , family
member, relatives, neighbors, etc. for occasion,
such as wedding, birthday parties, and baby
showers it can be either formal or informal, or a
mixture of both
Structure of a formal
invitation letter

• Card style invitation

1. Name of the host •Letter style
2. Phrasing the invitation
1.Date of the letter
3. The kind of event
4. Purpose of the event
5. Date 3.Salutation
6. Time 4.Body of letter
7. Place 5.RSVP
8. Special instruction 6.Closing/complime
( dress code ) ntary
9. RSVP ( who to contact, 7.The host’s
contact address,
contact phone number
and E-mail address
Card style formal invitation
Includes the presentation in a single sentence,
third person narration. Each of the following is
written on a separate line with fonts of varying
Letter style invitation
Is meant to invite an individual ( a specific invitee ).
Basically this style has a similar structure to a standard
formal letter. The only difference is that it has a word
limit of about 50 words. Instead of writing the content of
the letter in three paragraphs, we write the invitation
letter in one paragraph. Again, the letter should answer
who, what, where, when, and any details. The main
information about the event ( is the kind, purpose, place,
date, and time) is written in the body of the invitation
How to write a better invitation letter…

4. Ex
1. Start the pr
letter with hope ess
acce so
happy new
s ptan f
invit ce of

2. Exp
ress y
invita our
h e e n d of
5. At t er give
the let ks
3. Sa
place y the
, th
and t e date,
he tim
Cultural Awareness

RSVP is a request
for a response from
the invited person.
It is an initials
derived from
French phrase
respondez s’il vous
plait, meaning
“please respond”
In order to write a good
1. Begin the letter with the happy news
- I am happy to say that…
- we have the pleasure, we wish inform you that…
-with great pleasure, we wish to inform you that..
2. Extend the invitation
-You are cordially invited to attend
-May I invite you?
-I wish you could join us on this happy occasion
3. Specific date, place and time
4. Express you hope that the invitation will be accepted
-I hope you will come
-We are sure to enjoy your company on this occasion
5. Give thanks at the end of the letter
- It will be a great pleasure to have you with us on this

MR. and MRS. John Doe

Request the pleasure of your coming at a
reception and dinner
In honor to celebrate Jane’s graduation
On Friday, the twelfth of May 2019
At seven o’clock
Benson Hotel
309 SW Broadway Portland

RSVP Black tie and

Diana White Shoes
12 June 2019
Dana and Chuck Norris
777 Lander Lane
Meridian, ID 83642

Dear MR and MRs Norris

Allow me the pleasure of inviting you to lunch at The Enchanter

next Wednesday, November 16th at one o’clock. I believe it will
be a wonderful opportunity for me to learn more about your
firm’s manufacturing process

Please tell me whether you are able to come by calling me at


Sincerely yours

John Cougar
Chairman. Social committee
Make an informal invitation and the reply
based on the event given

You are opening a new

Indonesian restaurant. You want
to invite your friend to the grand
opening. The event will be take
place on 24th August at 7.p.m. at
Pancasila street III/67-68,
meaning word
a. Official opening of a business or
new location
1. Commence
b. Expressing praise or admiration 2. Complimentary
for someone
c. To start to begin 3. Exclusive
d. Limited to a certain number of 4. Admission
e. The act of allowing to enter 5. Present
f. To give something to someone
6. Look forward
g. To feel pleased and exited about
something that is going to 7. Exhibition
h. Public display of things 8. Grand opening

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