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Prayer before class:

God, our Most loving Father, thank you for the gift of this
moment that we are still able to continue our journey here on
earth. As we begin our class, we ask Your Holy Spirit to
hover upon us, to be our light, to be our guide, and to be our
inspiration, and so we pray…
Come, O Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of your faithful and
enkindle in them the fire of your love. Send forth Your Spirit
and they shall be created, and You shall renew the face of
the earth.
O God, who by the Light of the Holy Spirit, did instruct
the hearts of the faithful. Grant that by the gift of the same
Spirit, we may be always truly wise and ever rejoice in His
consolation, through Christ, our Lord, Amen!
A history of Globa
Politics: Creating a
International Orde
The world is composed of many
countries and states in the world, all
having different forms of government
International Relations

 Study about politics, history

military and diplomatic
engagements between two or more
The attributes of today’s Global System

1. There are countries or states that are independent

and govern themselves

2. These countries interact with each other through


3. International organization facilitates these


4. Beyond simply facilitating meetings between

states, international organization also take lives of
their own.
Some important terms:

Nation and States: What’s the

Nation-cultural and psychological term;
-according to Benedict Anderson it
is “an imagined community”
State- political term
-refers to a country and its government
4 Elements of a State
 1. People
 2. Territory
 3. Government
 4. Sovereignty

 Internal-no individuals or groups can

operate in a given national territory by
ignoring the states
 External-states policies and procedures
are independent of interventions of other
The Interstate

Treaty of Westphalia
a set of agreements signed in 1648 to end Thirty
Years’ War between the major continental powers of
After a brutal war between Catholics and
Protestants, the Holy Roman Empire, Spain, France,
Sweden and the Dutch Republic designed a system
that would avert wars in the future by recognizing
that the treaty signers exercise complete control
over their domestic affairs and swear not to meddle
in each other’s affairs
The Westphalian system
provided stability for the
nations of Europe

Napoleon Bonaparte set

the first major challenge of
the system
Napoleon Bonaparte
Bonaparte believed in spreading
principles of the French

 Liberty
 Equality
 Fraternity
 Napoleonic wars lasted from
 In every country they
conquered, the French
implemented the
Napoleonic code

1. Forbade birth privileges

2. Encourage freedom or religion
3. Promoted meritocracy in government
Battle of Waterloo
 In1815 Bonaparte was defeated in
this battle ending the spread of his
liberal code across Europe
 To prevent another war and to keep
their systems of privilege, the royal
powers created a new system that ,
in effect, restored the Westphalian
To restore the world of monarchial, hereditary and religious
privilege of time before the French revolution and the
Napoleonic wars, the “Great Powers”-United Kingdom,
Austria, Russia and Prussia, created an alliance called “
CONCERT OF EUROPE” also known as the Vienna system.
 Klemens Von Metternich , an Austrian diplomat, became
the main architect of the ‘Meternich System” which laid
down the Concerts power and authority and most
importantly restore the sovereignty of states.

It lasted from 1815 to 1914, at the dawn of WWI

 Despite the challenge of Napoleon to the
Westphalian system and the eventual collapse
of the Concert of Europe after World War I,
present-day international system still has traces
of this history.

 Until now, states are considered sovereign, and

Napoleonic attempts to violently impose
systems of government in other countries are
frowned upon.

 Moreover, like the Concert system,”great

Powers” still hold significant influence over
world politics like the UNITED NATIONS
International Organizations

• What is an international organization?

An organization with an international
membership, scope or presence

• Who are members of international

state and non-state actors – depending on
the type of organization
• What purpose do international
organizations serve?
Connecting members, bridging gaps,
encouraging peace and security, economic
development, etc…
Goals of International Organizations

 Political & Military

◦ United Nations
◦ North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)
◦ Warsaw Pact
◦ Organization of American States (OAS)
◦ African Union (AU)
 Economic
◦ European Union (EU)
◦ Council for Mutual Economic Assistance
(COMECON) – communist countries
◦ North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)
Political & Military
United Nations

The name "United Nations",

coined by United States
President Franklin D. Roosevelt
was first used in the Declaration
by United Nations of 1 January
1942, during Second World War.

 1945 – original 49 members

The United Nations is an
international organization founded in
1945.  It is currently made up of 193
Member States.  The mission and
work of the United Nations are
guided by the purposes and
principles contained in its founding
The UN has 4 main purposes

 To keep peace throughout the world;

 To develop friendly relations among nations
 To help nations work together to improve the
lives of poor people, to conquer hunger,
disease and illiteracy, and to encourage
respect for each other’s rights and
 To be a centre for harmonizing the actions
of nations to achieve these goals
 Four of the five principal organs are located
at the main UN Headquarters in New York
The United Nations System is based on
five active principal organizations:
• UN General Assembly
• UN Security Council
• UN Economic and Social Council
• UN Secretariat
• International Court of Justice
General Assembly
 It is the only universally representative body of
the United Nations.
 As delineated in the 
Charter of the United Nations, the function of
the General Assembly is to discuss, debate,
and make recommendations on subjects
pertaining to international peace and security,
including development, disarmament, human
rights, international law, and the peaceful
arbitration of disputes between nations.
Each of the 193 Member States of the United
Nations is a member of the General Assembly. 
States are admitted to membership in the UN
by a decision of the General Assembly upon the
recommendation of the Security Council.
The Security Council
 The Security Council has
primary responsibility,
under the United Nations
Charter, for the
maintenance of
international peace
and security. It is for
the Security Council to
determine when and
where a UN peace
operation should be
• The Security Council has five
permanent members—China, France,
Russia, the United Kingdom, and the
United States—collectively known as
the P5. 

• Any one of them can veto a resolution.

• The council's ten elected members,

which serve two-year, nonconsecutive
terms, are not afforded veto power.

 The Secretariat, one of the main organs of the

UN, is organized along departmental lines,
with each department or office having a
distinct area of action and responsibility.
Offices and departments coordinate with each
other to ensure cohesion as they carry out the
day to day work of the Organization in offices
and duty stations around the world.  At the
head of the United Nations Secretariat is the 
António Guterres, the ninth Secretary-
General of the United Nations, took office
on 1st January 2017.
Economic and Social Council

ECOSOC is responsible for promoting

higher standards of living, full employment,
and economic and social progress;
identifying solutions to
international economic, social and health
problems; facilitating international cultural
and educational cooperation; and
encouraging universal respect
UN bodies within the purview of the Economic and
Social Council Specialized agencies

• International labour Organization (ILO)

• Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
• United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)
• World Health Organization (WHO)
• World Bank Group
• International Monetary Fund (IMF)
• International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO)
• International Maritime Organization (IMO)
• International Telecommunication Union (ITU)
• Universal Postal Union (UPU)
• World Meteorological Organization (WMO)
• World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO)
• International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD)
• United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO)
• World Tourism Organization (WTO)
The International Court of Justice is the
principal juridical organ of the United
Nations. It is the only main UN organ
located outside New York - its seat is at
the Peace Palace in the Hague, the
Maritime boundaries
• United Nations Convention on the Law
of the Sea (UNCLOS):

• Four zones:
1. Territorial sea – 12 nautical miles
2. Contiguous zone
3. Exclusive Economic zone (EEZ)-200 n.m.
4. High Seas or Global Commons
• Current challenges to UN System:

 Tendency towards failure in decision making in the Security

Council due to the veto right of each P5, the interests of which
often overlap.

 Tension between UN and US, which is the largest contributor

but also the largest debtor to UN.

 US withdrawing from Kyoto Protocol and International Criminal


 9/11 raising questions about the appropriate role of UN.

 US invasion of Iraq in 2003 without UN authorization.

Sample United Nations Organizations
• UNDP - United Nations Development Programme

• UNIFEM - United Nations Development Fund for Women

• UNV - United Nations Volunteers

• UNEP - United Nations Environment Programme

• UNFPA - United Nations Fund for Population Activities

• UNHCR - Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees

• UN-HABITAT - United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-


• UNICEF - United Nations Children's Fund


• After WWII – 16 member nations

• Since fall of communism – some former Warsaw
pact countries have joined
Economic Organizations
 The World Bank is located at Washington,

The Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC)

is a large group of countries made up of Algeria, Angola,
Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Libya, Nigeria, Qatar,
Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Venezuela, and
Ecuador (which rejoined OPEC in November 2007)
Began as
(EEC), 1957.
Stronger in 1994

10 new members
joined, 2004

Turkey and Romania want

to join but have faced
Brexit: What you need to know about the
UK leaving the EU

The UK voted to leave the EU in

2016 and officially left the
trading bloc - it's nearest and
biggest trading partner - on 31
January 2020.
While the UK was in the EU, companies could buy and
sell goods across EU borders without paying taxes and
there were no limits on the amount of things which could
be traded.
What's in the Brexit deal?

 Freedom to work and live between the UK and the EU also comes
to an end, and in 2021, UK nationals will need a visa if they want
to stay in the EU more than 90 days in a 180-day period.

 Northern Ireland will continue to follow many of the EU's rules in

order to avoid a hardening of its border with the Republic of
Ireland. This will mean however that new checks will be
introduced on goods entering Northern Ireland from the rest of the

 Now that it's no longer in the EU, the UK is free to set its own
trade policy and can negotiate deals with other countries. Talks
are being held with the US, Australia and New Zealand - countries
that currently don't have free trade deals with the EU.

 1993
 Designed to converge wealth between

Canada, US, & Mexico

 Increase in wealth for elite, decline in income

for Mex. farmers, and job loss for US workers

 Increase in maquiladoras
Individual Research
 1. When did this organization become official?
2. Were there any predecessors to this organization? EU
3. How many states are members to this organization?
4. List 5 major member states. WTO
5. What is the purpose of this organization? NATO
6. How is this organization structured? AU
7. How do you join this organization? OAPEC
8. What are the benefits of this organization?
9 What are the downfalls of this organization? APEC

10. Why would a state want to join this organization?

(African Diamond Producers Association )

(Unrepresented Nations & Peoples Organization

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