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Digital Logic & Processors

Logic Gates & Boolean Algebra

Recap of the topics covered

• Difference between analog systems

and digital systems
• Examples of Digital systems
• Number systems
• Conversions of number systems

Think & Answer
• Specify few examples of Digital systems.
• Mention the difference between analog and
digital signal.
• Define a base or radix.
• What is the base of Hexa decimal number?
• Convert (101011.011)2 to a decimal number.
• If (745.62)8 = (x)16, find x.
• If (1AF.4D)16 = (x)8, find x.
• Find the equivalent binary number for (147.95) 10.

Binary or Digital Signal
• An information variable represented by physical quantity
• For digital systems, the variable takes on discrete values.
– Two level, or binary values are the most prevalent values.
• Binary values are represented abstractly by:
– Digits 0 and 1
– False (F) and True (T)
– Low (L) and High (H) V(t)
– Off and On 5V
• Binary values are represented by values Logic 1
or ranges of values of physical quantities.
– Positive Logic (0 V – Low, 5 V – High) undefine
– Negative Logic (0 V – High, 5 V – Low) 0.8 V
Logic 0
0V t
Binary or digital signal
Logic Gates
• The logic gate is the most basic building block of any
digital system, including computers.
• Each one of the basic logic gates is a piece of hardware
or an electronic circuit that can be used to implement
some basic logic expression.
• There are three basic logic gates, namely the OR gate,
the AND gate and the NOT gate.
• Other logic gates that are derived from these basic
gates are the NAND gate, the NOR gate, the

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Logic Gates

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Which gate can be used for controlling the operation of washing machine ?

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Boolean Algebra
• Boolean variable is used to represent the voltage level
present on a wire or the input/output terminal of a circuit.
At any time, it takes either logic 0 or logic 1 and may be
designated as (A, B, C) or (X, Y, Z) for three variables.
• Boolean Algebra is a means for expressing the relation
between inputs and outputs of a logic circuit. It can be
used to analyze a logic circuit and express its operation
• Advantages of Boolean Algebra over ordinary Algebra:
– Easy to understand or use as only two binary values are present
– No fractions, decimals, negative numbers, roots, logarithms, etc.
– Contains only three functions AND, OR and NOT

02/27/21 Source: Confidential 9

Boolean Algebra Principles

Boolean algebra defines laws and theorems which can be used for simplification of logic

Single variable theorems

a) x+0=0+x=x b) x.1=1.x=x c) x+x’=1 d) x.x’=0

e) x+x=x f) x.x=x g) x+1=1 h) x.0=0

Boolean Laws & Theorems
Multivariable theorems
a) x+y=y+x b) x.y=y.x c) x.(y+z)=x.y+x.z

d) x+(y.z)=(x+y).(x+z) e) x+xy = x f) x’+xy = x’+y

DeMorgan’s Theorems

(x+y)’=x’.y’ (x.y)’=x’+y’

02/27/21 Source: Confidential 12

Complement of a Function
• Sometimes it is more economical to build a
circuit using the complement of a function (and
complementing its result) than it is to implement
the function directly.
• DeMorgan’s law provides an easy way of finding
the complement of a Boolean function.
• Recall DeMorgan’s law states:

• DeMorgan’s law can be extended to any number
of variables.
• Replace each variable by its complement and
change all ANDs to ORs and all ORs to ANDs.
Find the complement of:

Solve the following
• Prove that X•Y+X•Y'=X

• Use Boolean laws to find equivalent expression for


• Find the complement of XY+Z

• Find the complement of (X+Y)(X’+Z)

Boolean Function or Expression
A Boolean expression or a function is an expression which consists of binary
variables joined by the Boolean connectives AND and OR along with NOT

Standard form – Each term may contain one, two or any number of variables

Sum of Products (SOP): The sum of products is a Boolean expression

containing AND terms, called Product terms, of one or more literals each; the
sum denotes the ORing of these terms.

F  A' B  BC  A' C
Product of Sums (POS): It is a Boolean expression containing OR terms called
Sum terms and the product denotes the ANDing of these terms.

F  ( A  B)( B  C ' )( A  C ' )

Canonical Form
Canonical form – All the variables must be available in each term either in

true or complemented form

F  A' B' C  ABC ' ABC F  ( A  B  C )( A  B'C ' )

Minterm: A minterm is a standard product which consists of all variables in

either complemented or un-complemented form for which the output is 1.

Maxterm: A maxterm is a standard sum which consists of all variables in either

complemented or un-complemented form for which the output is 0.
Minterms and Maxterms
(with three variables)
Canonical Form
Sum of minterms: F  A' B' C  ABC ' ABC

Product of maxterms: F  ( A  B  C )( A  B'C ' )

Sum of minterms
0 0 0 0
0 0 1 1 F = A’B’C+AB’C’+ABC’+ABC = ∑m(1,4,6,7)
0 1 0 0
0 1 1 0
F =(A+B+C)(A+B’+C)(A+B’+C’)(A’+B+C’) = πM(0,2,3,5)
1 0 0 1
1 0 1 0
1 1 0 1
1 1 1 1 Product of maxterms

Logic diagram from Boolean Function
• A Boolean function can be represented in any one of the three
– Logic expression
– Truth table
– Logic diagram – Each term becomes a gate, a literal becomes
an input of the gate

F = x + y’z

Solve the following
• Find the logic circuit for F =(X+Y)(X’Y+Z)

• Obtain the truthtable for F =X+X’Y+X’Z

• Draw the logic diagram for the given

function F = XY+X’Z+X(Y’+Z’)

02/27/21 Source: Confidential 21

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