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There are four girls, and
four apples in a basket.
Every girl takes an
apple, yet one apple
remains in the basket?
How is this possible?
• The answer is that one
girl took the basket. She
took the last apple while
it was in the basket.
The maker does not
need it. The buyer does
not use it. And the user
does not know it. What
is it?
• A Coffin
David was out for a walk
when it started to rain. He did
not have an umbrella and he
wasn't wearing a hat. His
clothes were soaked, yet not
a single hair on his head got
wet. How could this happen?
• David is bald.
If it takes Alicia 3 hours to
paint a fence, and it takes
Mark 6 hours to complete the
same job. How long would it
take both of them working
together at their normal
paces to complete the same
• Two hours. Alicia can complete 1/3 of
the job in one hour and Mark can
complete 1/6 of the job in one hour;
therefore, together they can complete
1/3 plus 1/6 or 1/2 of the job in one
hour. Consequently, the entire job can
be completed in just two
I have holes on the top and
I have holes on my left and
on my right.
And I have holes in the
middle, yet I still hold water.
What am I?
• I'm a Sponge.
If you divide thirty by a
half and then add ten ,
what would your answer
• Seventy. When dividing by
fractions, you multiply by the
reciprocal. Or if you used a
(30 / .5) + 10 = 70
The 22nd and 24th
presidents of the United
States had the same
mother and the same
father, but were not
brothers. How can this be
• They were the same man.
Grover Cleveland served two
terms as president of the
United States, but the terms
were not consecutive. 
There is a town in Texas where
5% of all the people living there
have unlisted phone numbers. If
you selected 100 names at
random from the town's phone
directory, on average, how many
of these people would have
unlisted phone numbers?
• None. You will not find
unlisted phone
numbers in a phone
This guy living on the 20th floor in an
apartment building got up early each
morning to go to work in a downtown
store. He always went into the elevator
on the 20th floor and rode down to the
entrance (1st floor). When he came
home he always rode the elevator from
the entrance and up to the 8th floor. He
walked out of the elevator and walked
the stairs up to his apartment on the
20th floor. Why don't he take the
elevator all the way up to his apartment?
This guy is a midget and
can only reach to the 8th
floor button. 
A cop was walking past a restaurant
when he heard someone scream - "No
John, not the gun!" He ran inside and
and saw a doctor, a lawyer, a milkman,
and a dead body on the floor. He
promptly walked over to the milkman
and arrested him. He didn't witness the
shooting and there was no apparent
evidence to prove who shot the person
and no one told him who the killer was.
How did the policeman instantly know it
was the milkman?
The milkman was the only
male. The doctor and lawyer
were females, so the cop
knew that "John" was the

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