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Episode 2:

routing static
Connecting a network of internal routes
IPv4 and IPv6 support configuring
static routes. Static routes are useful to
connect to a specific remote network.
Connecting a router Stub
A default route is a route that matches all
packets and is used by the router If a packet
does not match any other more specific route
in the table routing. A default route can be
learned dynamically or statically configured. A
static default route is simply a static route
with as IPv4 destination address. In
the set a default static route, it creates
agateway of last resort.

Static Route summary

To reduce the number of entries in the table

routingCan be summarized several static
routes into a single static route if the
following conditions:
•Destination networks are contiguous and
can be summarized in a single network
•All static routes use the same exit interface
or IP address of the next hop.
floating static route
Other floating static route is a static
route. Floating static routes are static
routes that are used to provide a backup
path to a static or dynamic main route in
case of a failure of the link. The floating
static route is used only when the primary
route is unavailable.
To achieve this, the floating static route is
configured with a greater administrative
distance than the main route. The
administrative distance represents the
reliability of a route. If there are multiple
routes to the destination,router choose the
one that has a lower administrative
In this example, Figures 1 to 3 show tables routing of the
routersR1, R2 and R3. Note that eachrouterIt has only
tickets directly connected networks and local addresses
associated. None of therouters It has knowledge of the
networks outside of interfaces connected directly.
For example, the R1 is not aware of networks:
• LAN on R2
• serial network between R2 and R3
• LAN in R3
In Figure 4, a correct ping R1 R2 shown. In Figure 5, an
incorrect ping shown R3 LAN. This is because the R1 does
not have an entry in its tablerouting LAN network for the
STATIC next hop
In a static route next hop, only the IP
address of the next hop specified. The
output interface is derived from the next
hop. For example, in Figure 1, three static
routes configured next hop in the R1 with
the IP address of the next hop, the R2.
Before a router forwards a packet, the
process of the routing table to determine
which output interface used to forward the
packet. This is known as routes resolution.
Figure 2 details the basic process of
sending packets in the routing table for R1.
When a packet is destined for network, R1
R1 can be configured with three static routes to
reach all remote networks topology example.
However, the R1 is a stub router, since it is only
connected to the R2. Therefore, it would be more
effective setting a default static route.
In the example illustration, a static default
route on R1 is configured. With the configuration
of the example, any package that does not match
more specific route entries is forwarded to
In the illustration, the result of the command
Show ip Route static displays the contents of
the static routes on the table routing. Note the
asterisk (*) next to the route with the "S" code.
As shown in the code table illustration, the
asterisk indicates that the static route is a
default route candidate, why it is selected
asgateway of last resort.
The key to this setup is the mask / 0. Subnet
mask on a tablerouting determines how many
bits must match between the IP destination
address of the packet and the route table
routing. A binary 1 indicates that the bits must
match. A binary 0 indicates that the bits do not
have to match. A mask / 0 on this route entry
indicates not required to match any of the bits.
The default static route matches all packets for
which there is no more specific match.
further frompingYtraceroute, Useful
commands to verify static routes include:
•Show ip Route
•Show ip Route static
•Show ip Route Net
an example of the result generated by the
command is shown in Figure 1, Show ip
Route static. In the example, the result is
filtered by the vertical bar and the
parameterbegin. The result reflects the use of
static routes with the address of the next hop.
an example of the result of the command is
shown in Figure 2, Show ip Route
In Figure 3, the configuration is verified ip
Route in the running configuration.
Routes static Y
Shipping from

1. The package arrives to Interface GigabitEthernet 0/0 of the R1.
2.R1 not have a route specific toward the network of destination,; therefore,
R1uses the route static default.
3.R1 encapsulates the package in a new plot. Due to the link to R2 is a point to point link, R1
adds a address from "everybody one (some)" for the address from destination from Cap two.
4. The plot I know forwards to through of the Interfaceserial 0/0/0. Thepackage arrives to
Interface serial 0/0/0 in R2.
5. R2 decapsulates the plot Y search a route toward the destination. the R2have a route static
to he is leaving the Interface serial 0/0/1.
6. The R2 encapsulates the package in a new plot. Due to link to the R3 is a point to point link,
the R2 adds a address from everybody some (1) for address from destination from cap two.
7. The plot I know forwards to through of the Interfaceserial 0/0/1. Thepackage arrives to
Interface serial 0/0/1 in R3.
8.The R3 decapsulates the plot Y search a route toward the destination. R3have a route
connected to he is leaving the Interface serial GigabitEthernet 0/0.
9. R3 search the entrance in the table ARP for for find the address of control of
access to the media (MAC) cap2 for the PC3. If notexists an input, the R3 sends a request from
protocol from resolution from addresses (Harp through of the Interface GigabitEthernet 0/0
and PC3 answer back with a reply ARP, the which one It includes the address MAC PC3.
10. The R3 encapsulates the package in a plot new with the address MAC Interface
GigabitEthernet 0/0 how address from cap 2 of origin and the address MAC PC3 how address
MAC destination.
11. The plot I know forwards to through the Interface GigabitEthernet0/0. Thepackage
arrives to Interface of the card from Interface (NIC) of the PC3.
When a change in network connectivity may be lost.
Network administrators are responsible for identifying
and solving the problem. To find and solve these
problems, a network administrator must know the tools to
help isolate problemsrouting quickly.
Among the common commands for troubleshooting IOS,
you are the following:
•Show ip Route
•Show ip interface brief
•Show cdp Neighbors detail
In the Figure 1, The result of extended ping interface
source R1 to R3 LAN interface shown. Extended ping is
an improved version of the ping utility. Extended ping
allows you to specify the source IP address for ping
In the 2The result is shown in a command traceroute of
the R1 to R3 LAN.
In the 3The table shows the routing of the R1.
In the 4, A state is provided faster all the interfaces router.
In the figure 5A list of devices is provided directly
connected Cisco. This command validates the
connectivity layer 2 (and, therefore, the layer 1). For
example, if a neighbor device shown in the result of the
command, but you can not ping this, then you should
investigate the routing layer 3.

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