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Reengineering at DESKO

BPR Diagnostic Principles

 Identify non-value activities

 Identify sequential and independent activities

 Identify activities conducted in batch mode

 Identify lack of information and/or feedback

 Identify manual transfer of information/documents

Process Causal Analysis
Example: Why – Why Analysis
Problem Why? Why? Why? Why? Why?

Poor control of Don’t know

manuf. process how to control

Didn’t understand
implications of
Large volume Didn’t achieve spec.
of rework in Boards difficult The designs have spec. first time
PCB to make been through
Manufacture They are several iterations
designed like that

Operators take no
Operators responsibility for
make lots of their work
mistakes They rely on
Operators 100% inspection
poorly trained?
Improvement Principles
 Capture information once and at the source

 Organize around outcomes and not tasks

 Put the decision point where the work is performed and build control into the process

 Conduct sequential activities in parallel when feasible

 Link parallel activities instead of integrating their results

 Build (immediate) feedback mechanisms within the process

 Eliminate batch activities

 Make information visible throughout the process

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