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 Brief Introduction of Bangladesh
 Progress in recent years
 Progress in Bangladesh to Towards
Building Information Society (C1-
 Problems and constraints
 Recommendations

Division 6
Zila 64
City Corporation 6
Municipalities 308
Upazila 481
Thana 596
Union 4498

Sl no Indicator As per 2009
1 Population (in million) 140.40 (estd 08)
2 Literacy Rate 51.6%
3 Percentage of population below poverty line 40%
4 Life Expectancy at Birth (Years) 64
5 Infant Mortality Rate (per 1000 life birth) 54
6 Tele-density 34.05
7 Growth of Cellular Phone Industry 135%
8 House hold with Electricity (%) 44.23%
9 Household access to Computer (%) 1.36%
10 Household access to e-mail (%) 0.20%
11 Annual population Growth (%) 1.9%
12 Per Capita Income in US $ 695
13 GDP Growth Rate (Annual) 6.0%
Sl no Goal Progress
1 Eradicate Extreme Poverty Reduction Gap Ratio decreased to 9% with Poverty
Hunger and Poverty Reduction Rate 1.23%

2 Achieve universal Primary Primary and Secondary Students enrolment against the target
Education of 3.1% and 10.3% have been achieved by 3.4% and 13.2%
3 Promote Gender equality Gender gap in the school has been eliminated.
and empower women

4 Reduce Child Mortality Expected to achieve by 2015

5 Improve Maternal Health In progress

6 Combat HIV/AIDS, Spread of Malaria and TB has been decreased substantially.

Malaria and other diseases Spread of HIV AIDS remains very low.

7 Ensure Environmental Remarkable progress achieved in safe drinking water and

Sustainability sanitary latrines in urban areas.

8 Develop Global Access through Telephone/cellular is significant. But access to

Partnerships for computer and Internet is low.

ICT Policy Formulated in 2002

 ICT Task Force headed by the PM formed in 2002

 E-Government Projects imitated through Support to ICT Task Force Program


 e-Government Cell was created in 2006

 Revised ICT Policy -2009

 Study done by International Consultants on a) National e-Governance strategy

b) Development of ICT Road Map, c) Development of ICT Network and d)
Capacity building under the assistance of WB

 Consultants recommendations are under active consideration of the Government

 GOB’s program on Digital Bangladesh by 2021

National Connectivity
Item 2009 2006 2004
Pop in million 140.4 138.8 135.2
Mob in million 46.41 21.88 4.15
PSTN in million 1.40 1.0 0.9
Total Telecom users in million 47.81 22.88 5.05
Teledensity (%) 34.05 16.48 3.74

Internet Access
The number of internet users in 2002 was 0.1 million
only BUT in 2009 it has increased to more than 0.6
million. At the moment the internet user density has
increased from 3 per hundred to 4 per hundred.
1. Integral Part of freedom of thinking and speech

2. For accountability and transparency & good governance

Access to Information Act enacted in 2009

3. GOB’ s A2I program in the PM office, UNDP assistance

4. 48 Ministries/Divisions providing information to citizen

through websites

5. Sustainability of Multipurpose Community Access point

•Television, Radio and
Mobile Phones

•23 Organizations involved

in developing ICT Based
materials on cultural issues
for non formal education

•As of now 195 materials

70% developed by NGO’s,
with video animations
 There will be no discrimination in case of duties and Taxes
for the same type of industries set up in public and private
 Tax holidays facility for Five to seven years
 Industrial undertakings not taking tax holiday will enjoy
100% depreciation allowance
 Industrial units located within the EPZ’s may freely borrow
without any prior approval and remittance towards
repayment on these borrowings may be sent without any
 Special incentives for non-resident Bangladeshi (NRB) for
investment .In case of Initial Public Offering (IPO) of shares
Security and Exchange Commission will reserve 10% share
for the NRB’s
•Inadequate Access to ICT
•Lack of adequate training programs
•Lack of reliable maintenance
•Inadequate Local Content
•Public Awareness about ICTs
•Lack of integrated approach
•Lack of regulatory/legal framework
•Preparedness of local software companies
•Supply of electricity across the nation
•Absence of processes and systems
•Political Commitment
•Sustainable financial resources

•Establish e-Government Secretariat
•Introduce Cyber Laws
•Need for standards and policies
•Create one-stop government portal
•Prioritization of Services
•Need more awareness programs
•Improve Power situation
•Improve ICT access by citizens
•Emphasize Bangla interface for citizen services
•Build Internet kiosks around the country
•Need training and leadership from the government
•Awareness for the use of Open Source
•Shared Infrastructure
•Payment Gateway
•Monitoring and Evaluation
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