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40 Years of

By: Lualhati M. Abreu
The two mainstream and
contemporary revolutionary
movements in Mindanao-the
MNLF and the leftist armed
movement led by CCP
Moro National Liberation Front
-The Moro National
Liberation Front is a political
organization in the Philippines
that was founded in 1968. It
started as a splinter group of
the Muslim Independence
Origin: The MNLF was a splinter
group of the Muslim Independence
Movement, later called the
Mindanao Independence
Movement, which was founded in
1968 to work for a separate Moro
state in the southern
Founder: Nur Misauri

- Came from Kabataang

- Political science
instructor of the UP
- Governor of the ARMM
in 1996
• Islamist
• Nationalist
• Separatist
The MNLF uses nationalist rhetoric to call
for an independent state in the Southern
Philippines. Its 1974 manifesto discusses the
Moro people as a nation based more on a
shared homeland in the southern Philippines,
oppressed by the central government, rather
than a group characterized by a common
religion. While it has not emphasized an
Islamic agenda, the MNLF claims to represent
Filipino Muslims.
The MNLF-led
Moro Armed
The infamous Jabidah Massacre
(March 18, 1968)
-heinous series of massacres
perpetrated by the military-backed
Ilaga, a cultic group of arm migrant-
settlers and electoral fraud and
terrorism all contributed to the
galvanization of the rebellious unrest
among Moro leaders and people.
Citing violence between Muslims and
Christians as well as the existence of an
illegal separatist movement, President
Marcos declared martial law in
September 21, 1972, thus curtailing
Moro political activity and increasing
government power. After this
declaration, the scattered Moro revolts
against state forces escalated to war. 
• Moro society rallied behind the move to create
an independent state.
• MIM organized the BLACKSHIRTS

• A destructive war ensued between the MNLF

and the AFP that would reach its peak from 1972
- 1975. Christian settlers were allowed to arm
themselves to join the war. Seventy percent of
the total AFP strength, with all the available
material was used in Mindanao to neutralize the
Moro resistance. 
Tripoli Agreement of 1976

The agreement was aimed at

providing a political negotiated
settlement to the Moro problem
through the grant of autonomy to the
Muslims in the Southern Philippines.
Other PEACE process between MNLF
and GRP

• Pres. Corazon C. Aquino

-ARMM (August 1, 1989)

• Fidel V. Ramos
- Final Peace Agreement (1996)
The MILF-led Moro
Moro Islamic Liberation Front

Year founded: 1977

Founder: Hashim Salamat
Origin: The MILF broke away from the
MNLF because of ideological and political
disagreements between Salamat and
Ideology and goal:

The MILF formulated a policy of gradually

creating an Islamic society in the Moro
regions. To accomplish this, the MILF
applied Islamic law in the areas under its
control and believed that the creation of an
independent Moro state would eventually
• The MILF, with its growing strength, warns that "in the
event the talks will collapse, it will pursue the struggle at
all costs, as it will feel there is no more point of talking,
saying they have no more choice except to return to the
barrel of the gun." 

• Another group bannering the right to self-determination

of the Bangsa Moro is the national democratic-inspired
Moro Revolutionary Organization (MRO). The MRO, with
undetermined strength, is demanding for equal
participation in the ongoing peace talks with the
government saying peace is the project of all. 
Communist Party of the Philippines

Communist Party of the

Philippines is a 
revolutionary organization
 and communist party in the 
Philippines, formed by 
Jose Maria Sison on
December 26, 1968.
Ideology and Goals

• Ideology: Marxist-Leninism-Maoism
• The CPP-NPA seeks to overthrow the Philippine
government in favor of a new people’s
democratic state led by the working class, and
the group also seeks to expel U.S. influence
from the Philippines. Its other goals include
redistributing land to the landless poor and
initiating a cultural revolution.

Table: Partial List of Massacres Perpetrated by Military-Ilaga against the Moro

Town/Province Date Killed

1. Upi, Cotabato March 22, 1970 6
2. Upi, Cotabato September 10, 1970 6

3. Polomolok, South Cotabato August 10, 1970 8

4.Alamada, Cotabato December 3, 1970 13

5. Midsayap, Cotabato December 16, 1970 18

6. Ahan, Datu Piang Cotabato December, 1970 7
7. Bagumbayan, Cotabato January 1, 1971 12
8. Alamada, Cotabato January 17, 1971 73
9. Carmen, Cotabato April 6, 1971 18

10. Manili, Carmen, Cotabato June 19, 1971 More than 100
Town/Province Date Killed

11. Wao, Lanao del Sur July 4, 1971 No record

12. Buldon, Cotabato August 5, 1971 14

13. Wao, Lanao del Sur August 5, 1971 36

14. Kauran, Ampatuan, August 9, 1971 4

15. Buldon, Cotabato August 9, 1971 60

16. Kisulon, Bukidnon October 23, 1971 67

17. Magsaysay, Lanao del Norte October 24, 1971 40

18. Tacub, Kauswagan, Lanao del Norte November 22, 1971

19. Siay, Zamboanga del Sur November 1971 No record

20. Ipil, Zamboanga del Sur December 1971 No record

21. Palembang Cotabato January 21, 1972 No record

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