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Component Impact identified Suggested mitigation measures

Land Environment Change in land use pattern of the area • Land clearing activities should be
topography of the area will change kept to the absolute minimum- As
lesser infiltration and thereby increase the design dosent posses a
runoff reduce overall greenery of the basement floor land disturbance is
area minimum
• The movement and parking of
heavy machinery and other vehicles
will be restricted to identified
routes to establish a vegetative
• Good housekeeping at labor resting
areas and the construction area
• Proper routing and adequate
capacity of the storm water run-offs
drains with catch pits
• Preserve existing vegetation
Component Impact identified Suggested mitigation measures
Ambient Air Quality • Emissions from construction • Humus rich top soil should be
equipment's, vehicles removed and stored in an
• Improper handling and storage of appropriate manner
construction material • Wet suppression should be applied
• Fugitive dust emissions to at least 80 percent of all inactive
• Emissions from onsite operation disturbed surface
of diesel generators • Limited vehicular movement shall
• Burning of waste at site be permitted
• Heights from which materials are
dropped should be reduced
• Covering of haul trucks and
aggregates and materials with
suitable covering like geotextile
• DG sets will be used as a backup
source only
• Proper waste management is done
onsite using color coded waste bins
and clearing of waste from site
• Fuels are stored ensuring leak proof
Component Impact identified Suggested mitigation measures
Ambient Noise Quality • Noise due to Construction • Adequate planning to avoid high
activities (such as excavation, noise activities to be undertaken.
grading, erecting equipment, • Acoustic enclosures, noise barriers
piling, etc.) to be provided in areas of high
• Noise due to operation of heavy noise generating sources
equipment and machinery • Use of Barricades to act as noise
• Movement of vehicles barriers around the construction
• Noise from exterior sources ( road site
traffic etc.) • Rubber padding to be provided for
vibration control
• Limitations on movement of
vehicles during night time
Construction workers to use ear
muffs in areas with potential for
high noise generation.
• Regular maintenance of vehicles
and repair of equipment.
• Restriction on use of equipment
generating high noise during night
• Working hours and construction
activities to be limited.
Component Impact identified Suggested mitigation measures
Water Resource and Quality • Sediment run off from • Rainwater harvesting system shall
construction area be developed for all the labor
• Construction activities will result resting areas during construction
in disturbance of topsoil phase itself
• Unplanned disposal of sewage • Adequate number of toilets (at
from construction site least 8 toilets per 100 labor) and
soak pits
• To prevent the runoff from
stockpiles generated during
excavation silt fencing will be
provided to protect water quality.

Soil Resources • Movement of heavy vehicles and • Topsoil (upper 30 cm) will be
machinery on unpaved surface removed and stored separately
• Potential contamination of soil prior to commencement of bulk
may occur due to accidental spills earthwork
of lubricating oil • No clearance of existing vegetation
• Erosion of the top soil is carried out
• Generation of construction • Excavated soil shall be
waste/ debris, waste oil and used/transported at the earliest
chemicals into the soil for filling low lying areas Retention
wall or bund shall be provided
around the storage areas
• Restricted movement of heavy
machinery in the site area to
minimize the possibility of
Adequate hazardous waste

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