Managing and Caring For The Self

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Managing and Caring for

the Self
- Ponteros, Angeline - Ocampo, Marvin
- Mulingbayan, Janella - Priol, Rita
- Morando, Landrei - Villanueva, Trisha
- Vega, Margaux
•Knowing the “self” is not enough.
Since “who you are” is partly made
up of your choices, you must also
have the ability to choose especially
to be a better “you”.
•Self-management that support and give
help to the people with difficult
conditions that enables them to
managetheir health on an everyday basis.
Self-careis a lifetime habit and culture.
- ”Thinking about thinking”
- Awareness of the scope
and limitations of your
current knowledge and skills
- Enables a person to adapt
their existing knowledge
and skills to approach
learning task
2 Aspects of Metacognition

• Self Appraisal – the evaluation of

one's own strengths and
• Self-Management of Cognition -
the use of self-talk, imagery, or
both to direct one's behavior in
demanding or stressful situations.
Elements of
• Metacognitive Knowledge -
skills allow learners to plan,
control, and evaluate the
• Metacognition Regulation - is
how we control our thinking to
facilitate our learning.
Self care is a vital part of
maintaining good health and a
vibrant life. It’s a way of living
that incorporates behaviors that
help you to be refreshed,
replenish your personal
motivation, and grow as a
Why self-care
Why Self Care matters

• It’s so important to make sure you take

good care of your body, mind, and soul
every day, not just when you get sick.
Learning how to eat right, reduce stress,
exercise regularly, and take a time-out
when you need it are touchstones of
self-care and can help you stay healthy,
happy, and resilient.
Practicing self-care isn’t
always easy. Most of us
are crazy busy, have
stressful jobs, or are too
consumed with
technology to make time
for ourselves. Me-time
is usually last on the
Worse, we can
sometimes feel guilty
about taking the time
required to take care of
ourselves. So getting
started with self-care
can be challenging.
How do
engage in
self care?
• There are many things you can do
to engage in self-care. To start, take
this well-being quiz to learn which
self-care strategies may be
especially helpful for you. You can
also read about self-care strategies,
join self-care programs, or work
with a coach or therapist who can
help support your progress.
12 Ways to get started with
your self-care:

• 1. Make sleep part of your self- • 4. Eat right for self-care.

care routine. • 5. Say no to others, and say yes to
• 2. Take care of yourself by taking your self-care.
care of your gut. • 6. Take a self-care trip.
• 3. Exercise daily as part of your • 7. Take a self-care break by
self-care routine. getting outside.
• 8. Let a pet help you with your self-care.
• 9. Take care of yourself by getting organized.
• 10. Cook at home to care for yourself.
• 11. Read a book on self-care for self-care.
• 12. Schedule your self-care time, and guard that time with
everything you have.
3 Golden Rules
• Stick to the basics -Over time you will
find your own rhythm and routine. You
will be able to implement more and
identify more particular forms of self-
care that work for you.
3 Golden Rules
• Self-care needs to be something you actively plan,
rather than something that just happens - It is an
active choice and you must treat it as such.
• What I often emphasize to my clients is that keeping a
conscious mind is what counts - Be aware of what you
do, why you do it, how it feels, and what the outcomes

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