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Kesehatan anak di masa pandem

i covid

Nama : Nia marethalia

Nim : 192303101160
Kelas : 2A
Corona Virus Disease or COVID-19 was first reported
in Wuhan, Hubei, China in December 2019, and on
March 11, 2020, the World Health Organization
(WHO) declared that COVID-19 was becoming a
worldwide pandemic.
COVID-19 has been described as devastating with
many different challenges, as a new virus without
individual immunity from previous exposure, herd
immunity cannot be relied on to stop the spread of
Parents have extra concerns in maintaining children's
health, guarding children's health during a pandemic
is a serious matter that parents must pay attention to.
Both physical health and psychosocial health must be
Childerchildren's health during a pandemic A
pandemic affects most community activities. Changes
in daily activities for children do not only have an
impact on the physical aspects, but also on the
mental health aspects because these changes occur
Social restrictions make children feel bored because
they have to stay at home for a long time so that they
cannot interact with their friends. Schools were
closed and switched to online learning or online
causing confusion between children, parents and
teachers. The self-learning system causes children to
have difficulty understanding lessons due to lack of
understanding of teacher instructions
The existence of online learning which requires
children to have supporting facilities such as
sophisticated gadgets and data packages that not all
parents have and helps children to study at home,
causing some parents to experience stress
Some ways that can be done to maintain children's
health and good relations between children and
parents are controlling stress by managing emotions,
developing children's creativity, increasing empathy in
children by providing support for children to keep
learning and communicating well, increasing worship,
building good relationships. closely with children and
foster care in the family. Physical health of children
Parents have extra concerns in maintaining the health
of their children so as not to catch COVID-19. The
uncertainty about when this pandemic will end
makes parents even more worried

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