Testing Reading

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One of the most commonly tested skills in
school is reading. Many qualifying
examinations in elementary, secondary, and
tertiary schools focus on reading or consist
largely of reading comprehension. Perhaps,
educators believe that one’s reading
proficiency is a reflection of his / her
written language skills and others sub-skills
such as constructing correct sentences, using
appropriate ideas, organizing ideas logically,
Reading tests may consist of the following:
● skimming to identify the gist or intent
● scanning to locate specific information
● identifying a storyline
● identifying examples presented in support of a
fact or an opinion
● Using context to guess the meaning of unfamiliar
words or structures,
● Recognizing organizational features of text
● Identifying referents of pronouns, etc.

The level of complexity of the test depends

largely on the type of reading passages.
Test formats include multiple choice, short
answer, summary, information transfer, etc.
Example: For the immediate
high proficiency group.

Roswell Incident
In stories, alien creatures have visited
the Earth for thousands of years. The
ancient Greeks and Romans told tales of
gods who visited the Earth from the
heavens and who possessed exceptional
powers. Although science has proven that
these tales are mythical, people have
reported and continue to report seeing
unidentified flying objects (UFOs) and
extraterrestrial creatures who come to the
Earth from outer space.
Little evidence exists of most UFO
sightings except for the testimony of
the witnesses, and without physical
evidence, these people cannot prove
that their experiences are true.
However, a few stories are more
convincing. One such event happened on
July 5, 1947, near Roswell, New Mexico,
On July 5, 1947, Dr. Holden, a professor at Texas Tech
University, and some of his students were searching for
archaeological sites when they found a crash site. He reported
the site and bodies of alien creatures. Major Easley, who was
stationed at the Roswell Army Air Field in 1947, arrived at the
crash site with other military personnel. He immediately
cordoned off the area around the craft while it was checked for
radiation. Once he knew that there was no danger, photographers
took close - up pictures, and the military began the recovery
operation. Easley and other military personnel questioned Dr.
Holden and his students about what they had seen and then took
them to the air base for further interrogation. Easley
instructed them that because the event could threaten national
security, they must not repeat their findings.
Military eyewitnesses at the site stated that the
craft was about seven meters wide and heel - shaped
with scalloped edges at the back and a rounded nose.
The impact had torn the front, so some of the interior
could be seen. They described the five dead bodies as
slender and approximately I to 1.5 meters tall with
very large heads and long, thin arms, definitely not
human. The facial features were human like, but the
eyes were much larger than a human's and the skulls
were covered with fuzz, not hair. Those at the crash
knew the bodies were not human and later told other
officers and family members that they had seen
The bodies were put in bags and taken by
ambulance to the military base. At night
they were sent to Washington, D.C., so that
top government officials could see the
bodies. The craft was sent to Wright Field
in Ohio, USA where the army could study the
wreckage. To date, there is no reliable
report of an attempted preliminary autopsy
at the military base, and no report on the
A. Skimming to
Identify the Gist
Directions: Encircle the letter
corresponding to the correct answer.

1. The whole passage states that

accounts about aliens are:

a. Entirely true

b. Absolutely false

c. C. awaiting confirmation
B. Scanning to locate
specific information
Direction: Answer the following questions:

1. When and where did the Roswell incident

2. Who were the direct witnesses of the incident?
3. From the description of the witnesses how did
the craft and the creatures inside look?
4. Where were the craft and the bodies taken and
C. Making Inference
Directions: Encircle the letter corresponding to the correct answer for each sentence.
1. It is difficult to establish the truth of the stories about aliens because _________.
A.there are no eye witnesses to confirm them
B.there are no physical evidences to prove them
C.they are just product of man’s imagination

2. The most probable reason why to date, no cinfirmation of the Roswell Incident has been
released by the US government is that ______________.
A. the findings might be a threat to national security
B. the US does not have scientific and technical capability to examine the craft and the bodies to
establish valid conclusions
C. they were discovered as hoax.
D. Guessing Meanings of Unfamiliar Words through Context
Direction: Select the most probable meaning of the underlined word based on the context
within which it is used in the sentence.
1. People have continued to report that they have seen UFOs and extraterrestrial creatures.
a. horribly ugly
b. out – of – this – world
c. supernatural
d. heavenly
2. Major Easley immediately cordoned off the area around the craft while it was checked for
a. examined
b. investigated
c. enclosed
d, marked
3. Dr. Holden and his students were taken to the air
based for further interrogation.

a. Examination

b. Investigation

c. Study

d. Questioning

4. The skulls were covereed with fuzz not hair.

e. Fluffy particles

f. Rubbery strands

g. Sharp objects

h. Moles and warts

5. Science has proven that tales
of greek are mythical.
a. legendary
b. imaginative
c. superstitious
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