Operators and Assignments and Flow Control

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Operators and

Operators and assignments

 Increment/decrement
 Arithmetic operators
 Concatenation
 Relational operators
 Equality operators
 Bitwise
 Short circuit
 Assignment
 Conditional operators
Increment and decrement operators

 Pre increment(int x=++y)

 Post increment(int x=y++)
 Pre decrement(int x=--y)
 Post decrement(int x=y--)
exp Initial value of x Value of y Final value of x
Y=++x; 10 11 11
Y=x++; 10 10 11
Y=--x; 10 9 9
Y=x--; 10 10 9
exp Initial value of x Value of y Final value of x
Y=++x; 10 11 11
Y=x++; 10 10 11
Y=--x; 10 9 9
Y=x--; 10 10 9
1) we can apply inc and dec only for variables but not for constant values
2)Nesting of inc and dec operators is not allowed
final Int x=4;
Int y=++x);
3)can’t apply on final variables
4)Can apply to all primitive data types except boolean.
5) In case of inc and dec operator typecasting is automatically performed
Difference between b++ and b=b+1

byte b=10; byte b=10;

b++; b=b+1;
S.O.P(b); S.O.P(b);

Output c.e.PLP
byte b=10;

 +,-,*,/,%

 If we apply any arithmetic operator between two variables a and b the result
type is always

Max(int, type of a, type of b)

 Byte+byte=int
 Byte+short=int(int,byte,short)
 Int+long=long(int,int,long)

 Incase of integral arithmetic(byte,short,int,long) there is no way to represent
infinity and undefined result.
 Incase of floating point arithmetic there is way to represent infinity and
undefined result.
 Output?
 10/0=A.E
 10/0.0=infinity
 0/0=A.E.
 0/0.0=NaN
 The only operators that cause A.E. are / and %
String concatenation operator(+)

 Only overloaded operator in java

 Sometime act as arithmetic addition operator and sometimes as string
arithmetic operator
 Output?
 int a=10,b=20,c=30;
 String d=“shanti”
 SOP(a+b+c+d); ………………60shanti
 SOP(a+b+d+c);……………….30shanti30
 SOP(d+a+b+c);……………shanti102030
 SOP(a+d+b+c);……………..10shanti2030
 If atleast one operand is string type then’+’ act as concatenation otherwise as
arithmetic operator
 *note SOP is evaluated from left to right.
 Output?
 int a=10,b=20;
 String c=“shanti”
 a=b+c; -------output?(20+shanti)=20shanti string type
 c=a+c;-------output?(10shanti)
 b=a+b;-------output?30
 c=a+b; -------output?ce
Relational operators(>,<,>=,<=)

 Can be applied to every primitive datatype except boolean

 Can not be applied to object types.
Equality operator (==,!=)

 Can be applied to every primitive datatype including boolean

 Can be applied for object reference also.(meant for address comparison)
 To apply equality operator between the object reference compulsorily there shold
be some relationship between argument types(either parent or child or child to
parent or same type)
 Ex- t3
thread t1=new thread();
Thread t2=new thread();
Thread t3=t1;
 In general == operator is meant for reference comparison where as
.equals(method is meant for content comparison)
 String s1=new String(“hello”);
 String s2=new String(“hello”);
 SOP(s1==s2);………………………output?//false
 SOP(s1.equals(s2)); ………………………output?//

s1 hello

 SOP(~4)
 Output -5

4-----0000 0000 0100

~4------111111 1011
000000000 0101
Bitwise operator(&,|,^)

 Can be applied to integral datatypes and boolean as well

 SOP(T&T)
 SOP(4&5);
 SOP(4|5);

Bitwise complement operator(~)

 Can be applied to integral datatypes but not for boolean
Short circuit operators(&&,||)

 They are exactly same as the bitwise operator(&,|) except

&,| &&,||
Both operands are evaluated always Second operand is optional
Relatively Low performance Relatively high performance
Applicable for integral and boolean Only applicable for boolean types

 They are used to improve the performance of the system.

Typecasting operators implicit


 implicit
 Compiler is responsible
 Upcasting
 No loss of information
 Following are various possible implicit typecasting

byte short
int floa
long double

 Ex-int x=‘a’;
 SOP(x)
 Explicit
 Programmer is responsible
 Bigger to smaller datatype variable
 Downcasting
 Chance of loss of information

byte short
int floa
long double

 byte b=(byte)130;
 SOP(b); -126
 130----00000000 ……..10000010
 ……….10000010(8 bit)======= -
 1111101+1=1111110=-126
Assignment operators

 Simple
 int x=20;
 Chained
 int a,b,c,d;
 a=b=c=d=20;
 Int a=b=c=d=20;
 int b,c,d;
 int a=b=c=d=20;

 Compound
 When assignment operator is mixed with some other operator (a+=30;)
 10101110 x>>2
 --101011

 In compound assignment operator the required typecasting is automatically

 Byte b=10
 B+=1;
 SOP(b);
Conditonal operator(?:)

 The only ternary operator in java

 Ex- int a=10,b=20;
int x=(a>b)?40:50;
Flow control
Selection Iterative Transfer
statements statements statements
1)If else 1)While 1)Break
2)switch 2)do-while 2)Continue
3)For 3)Return
4)For each 4)Try
If else
 Argument to the if statement should be of boolean type
 Curly braces are optional
 Ex-
 If(true);
Switch case
 Used when we have several cases are possible
 Ex
 switch(x)
 {
 Int x=10;
 case 10+20:
 }

 Curly braces are mandartory

 Both case and default are optional
 within switch every statement shold be under some case or default,independent statements are not allowed
 Until 1.4v the allowed datatypes are byte,short,int,char
 In 1.5v……..enum was added
 In 1.7……….string was added
 Example-
 Every case label should be within range of switch argument type otherwise we
will get C.E.
 Ex-
byte b=10;
Switch(b) max(int,byte)=int
case 10:
Case 10:
Case 1000:

 Every label should be valid compile time constant, variable are not allowed
 Expressions are allowed for switch argument and case label shold be a constant
 Duplicate case labels are not allowed
 With in switch statement if any case is matched from that case onwards all statements
will be executed until break statement or end of switch.

Case 0:
Case 1:
Case 2:
X=0 output 0,1
X=1 output 1
X=2 output 2,def

 Used, if number of iterations are not known

 Argument to while should be of boolean type
 Curly braces are optional

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