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Name : Dur e yashfeen

Class : BS Education (M)

Semester second
Roll no 204
Subject : English ii
Mam : sunila Rashid
Assigned topic :online teaching
online teaching is a presentation or
Teaching of course syllabus or syllabi through a computer
Online teaching or learning takes place through the explicit
use of technology and computer networking system it is all
called distance education
Its example we have virtual university UV
OR Allama iqbal open university
Online teaching is practiced using many different
approaches for distinct sets of users. The distinctions are
in content and user interface as well as in tutoring styles
and teaching -training methodologies. Definitions
associated with online tutoring vary widely, reflecting
the ongoing evolution of the technology, the refinement
and variation in online learning methodology, and the
interactions of the organizations that deliver online
tutoring services with the institutions, individuals, and
learners that employ the services. This internet -based
service is a form of micropublishing
Online teaching medium
There are many medium to interact with class in
internet there are some famous medium are
Google meet
Lms of diffirent universities
Websites of Instituion
By youtube abd many more sources are there
Image about online
education or
 advantages of online teaching
Now we can see some benefits of online teaching
Online teaching allows for 24/7 access to class
materials, online classrooms etc.
Using the internet as a classroom provides the
instructor the ability to conduct classes.
The online environment aids in some of the more
sensitive areas of classroom administration.
Online instructor working for organization whose
libararies have electronic collection 24/7 acsess to
business research online journals and magezine and
often online or e-books
 online institution typically offer continuing education
session throughout the year , providing facilitators
and trainners opportunity
 These institution also hold their faculty lounges exit
for facilitator from all over the globe
Image on pros &
Cons about online eduaction
disadvantages of online teaching
Chance of distraction are very high student can easily
lose track of their studies in online education
Sinces there are no face to face lecture and class mates
to reminde you about assigment
There is a chace of fradualent online course which can
make wastage of you time and money
Online students feedback is limited
Online learning can cause social isolation
Online learning required strong self motivation and
time management skill .
Lack of communicational skill and development in online
Cheating prevention during online assesement is
Online learning is complicated in certain disipline
Lack of face to face communication in online learning or
Lack of acriditation & quality assurance in online education
Online teaching inacessable to the computer iIIaterrate

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