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Most people feel sad or

irritable from time to time.
They may say they're in a
bad mood. A mood disorder
is different. It affects a
person's everyday emotional

Profesor Dr. Kamarulzaman kamaruddin

What is mood disorder?
• Mood disorders are characterized by a serious
change in mood that cause disruption to life
• affected people of all ages, races and genders.
Children with mood disorders often display
similar symptoms as adults.
• Suicide is a serious risk involved in mood
disorders and according to the National
Alliance on Mental Illness, about two-thirds of
all children and adolescents who commit
suicide have a mood disorder.
• associated with anxiety disorders and other
mental illnesses. According to the National
Institute of Mental Health (NIMH), about 9.5
percent of American adults, or about 18.8
million people, have a mood disorder.
What is mood disorder?
• Kecelaruan mood kemurungan atau
kegembiraan yang ekstrim dalam jangka masa
yang berpanjangan, yang boleh mengganggu
kefungsian hidup harian.
• affected people of all ages, races and genders.
Children with mood disorders often display
similar symptoms as adults.
• Suicide is a serious risk involved in mood
disorders and according to the National
Alliance on Mental Illness, about two-thirds of
all children and adolescents who commit
suicide have a mood disorder.
• associated with anxiety disorders and other
mental illnesses. According to the National
Institute of Mental Health (NIMH), about 9.5
percent of American adults, or about 18.8
million people, have a mood disorder.
What is mood disorder?
• Kecelaruan mood kemurungan atau
kegembiraan yang ekstrim dalam jangka masa
yang berpanjangan, yang boleh mengganggu
kefungsian hidup harian.
• affected people of all ages, races and genders.
Children with mood disorders often display
similar symptoms as adults.
• Suicide is a serious risk involved in mood
disorders and according to the National
Alliance on Mental Illness, about two-thirds of
all children and adolescents who commit
suicide have a mood disorder.
• associated with anxiety disorders and other
mental illnesses. According to the National
Institute of Mental Health (NIMH), about 9.5
percent of American adults, or about 18.8
million people, have a mood disorder.
How much of the population is
affected by mood disorders?
• Anyone can feel sad or depressed at times. However, mood
disorders are more intense and difficult to manage than normal
feelings of sadness. Children, adolescents, or adults who have a
parent with a mood disorder have a greater chance of also
having a mood disorder. However, life events and stress can
expose or exaggerate feelings of sadness or depression, making
the feelings more difficult to manage.
• The chance for depression in females in the general population
is nearly twice as high (12 percent) as it is for males (6.6
percent). Once a person in the family has this diagnosis, the
chance for their siblings or children to have the same diagnosis
is increased. In addition, relatives of persons with depression are
also at increased risk for bipolar disorder (manic depression).
• The chance for manic depression (or bipolar disorder) in males
and females in the general population is about 2.6 percent. Once
a person in the family has this diagnosis, the chance for their
siblings or children to have the same diagnosis is increased. In
addition, relatives of persons with manic depression are also at
increased risk for depression.
Types of Mood Disorders
DSM-IV lists 10 mood disorders
• Major depressive disorder
• Dysthymic disorder
• Bipolar I
• Bipolar II
• Cyclothymic disorder
• Rapid cycling depression/mania
• Seasonal affective disorder
• Mood disorder with postpartum onset
• Mood disorder due to general medical condition
• Substance-induced mood disorder
Kemurungan Major
Kemurungan Major
• Kecelaruan yg melibatkan perasaan sedih @ murung.
Namun berbeza dpd perasaan sedih yang mungkin
dirasakan apabila kita kehilangan telefon bimbit contohnya,
bagi mereka yg mengalami masalah ini, perasaan sedih
atau murung ini berpanjangan. Pada masa yg sama,
mereka juga seringkali mempunyai perasaan terlalu rendah
diri dan sering merasakan diri mereka bersalah dan berdosa
dalam setiap perkara yang berlaku dlm kehidupan mereka.
Perasaan murung ini hadir dlm diri mereka pada setiap
waktu sepanjang hari dan boleh berlarutan sehingga
berminggu-minggu. Ini berbeza dgn perasaan sedih biasa
yang kita alami apabila sesuatu musibah berlaku yg akan
hilang dlm masa yg singkat setelah musibah itu berlalu.
Symptoms of Major Depressive
Kecelaruan Bipolar
Kecelaruan Bipolar
• Bipolar Disorder adalah kecelaruan yg melibatkan
perubahan emosi yg melampau. Bipolar menggambarkan
bahawa pada masa tertentu individu tersebut berada pd
kutub tertentu dan pada masa yg lain ia boleh berada pada
kutub bertentangan. Individu yang mengidap penyakit ini
boleh berada pada suatu kutub dipanggil episod manik
( manic episode) atau ia boleh berada pada kutub
bertentangan dipanggil episod kemurungan ( depressive
• The condition is experienced equally by both men and
women and generally manifests between the ages of 15
and 25. So far, the cause of bipolar disorder is not known,
but those who suffer from the condition are likely to have
family members who also have bipolar
Symptoms-Bipolar Disorder
Dysthymic disorder
Dysthymic disorder
• hronically depressed mood that occurs for most of the
day more days than not for at least 2 years. The required
minimum duration in children to make this diagnosis is 1
year. During periods of depressed mood, at least 2 of the
following additional symptoms are present: poor appetite
or overeating, insomnia or hypersomnia, low energy or
fatigue, low self esteem, poor concentration or difficulty
making decisions, and feelings of hopelessness. (DSM-
Causes and symptoms
– Bipolar disorder includes mania or hypomania. Mania is an
abnormal elevation in mood. The person may be
excessively cheerful, have grandiose ideas, and may sleep
less. He or she may talk nonstop for hours, have unending
enthusiasm, and demonstrate poor judgement. Sometimes
the elevation in mood is marked by irritability and hostility
rather than cheerfulness. While the person may at first
seem normal with an increase in energy, others who know
the person well see a marked difference in behavior. The
patient may seem to be in a frenzy and often will make poor,
bizarre, or dangerous choices in his/her personal and
professional lives. Hypomania is not as severe as mania
and does not cause the level of impairment in work and
social activities that mania can.
– When depression fails to respond to treatment or when there is a high risk of
suicide, electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) sometimes is used. ECT is believed to
affect neurotransmitters like the medications do. Patients are anesthetized and
given muscle relaxants to minimize discomfort. Then low-level electric current is
passed through the brain to cause a brief convulsion. The most common side
effect of ECT is mild, short-term memory loss.
Alternative treatment
– There are many alternative therapies that may help in the treatment of mood
disorders, including acupuncture, botanical medicine, homeopathy,
aromatherapy, constitutional hydrotherapy, and light therapy. The therapy used is
an individual choice. Short-term clinical studies have shown that the herb St.
John's wort (Hypericum perforatum) can effectively treat some types of
depression. Though it appears very safe, the herb may have some side effects
and its long-term effectiveness has not been proven. It has not been tested in
patients with bipolar disorder. Despite uncertainty concerning its effectiveness, a
2003 report said acceptance of the treatment continues to increase. A poll
showed that about 41% of 15,000 science professionals in 62 countries said they
would use St. John's wort for mild to moderate depression. Although St. John's
wort appears to be a safe alternative to conventional antidepressants, care
should be taken, as the herb can interfere with the actions of some
pharmaceuticals. The usual dose is 300 mg three times daily. St. John's wort and
antidepressant drugs should not be taken simultaneously, so patients should tell
their doctor if they are taking St. John's wort.
• People can take steps to improve mild depression and keep it from
becoming worse. They can learn stress management (like relaxation
training or breathing exercises), exercise regularly, and avoid drugs
or alcohol.
– Cognitive therapy
• Psychotherapy technique designed to help people change their
attitudes, perceptions, and patterns of thinking.
– Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT)
• Therapy for mood disorders that involves passing electrical
current through the brain in order to create a brief convulsion.
– Neurotransmitter
• A chemical that aids or alters the transmission of impulses
between the points that connect nerves.
– Serotonin
• A chemical messenger in the brain thought to play a role in
mood regulation.
• How is stress related to mood disorders?
• How do psychodynamic theorists conceptualize
mood disorders?
• How do humanistic theorists view mood disorders?
• How do learning theorists view mood disorders?
• What role do biological factors play in mood
• What factors are linked to suicide?
– Mood disorders are often linked to suicide.
Although women are more likely to attempt
suicide, more men actually succeed. The
elderly – not the young – are more likely to
commit suicide, and the rate of elderly
appears to be increasing. People who
attempt suicide are often depressed, but they
are generally in touch with reality. They may
lack of effective problem solving skills and see
no other ways ……….

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