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Marketing Management

Advantages, and Disadvantages of an Advertising
Definitions of Advertising
Advertising is the paid, non-personal form of
communication that businesses use to
promote their products.

Advertising is paid communication through a

non-personal medium in which the sponsor
is identified and the message is controlled.

The activity or profession of producing

announcements for commercial products or
Advertising Variations
A practice in which manufacturers of
1. Publicity, goods or providers of a service gain
exposure for their products by paying
2. Public relations, for them to be featured in films and
television programs.
3. Product placement,
4. Sponsorship,
5. Underwriting,
6. Sales promotion
Media of Advertising

So far, you have learnt that advertisements are

communicated by using some media like,
newspaper, journals, radio, television, etc. The
following diagram shows some commonly used
media of advertising:
Every major medium is used to deliver
these messages:

1. Television,
2. Radio, movies,
3. Magazines,
4. Newspapers,
5. Internet,
6. Billboards.
7. Other Media’s
Mass media
Mass media are means of communication
such as TV, radio, and newspapers.
The type of medium an advertiser uses
depends on the market it wants to reach.
Print Media Electronic Media Other Media

Newspapers Radio Hoardings

Periodicals Television Posters
Magazine Internet Vehicular Displays
Print Media Electronic Media Other Media

Newspapers Radio Hoardings

Periodicals Television Posters
Magazine Internet Vehicular Displays
Print Media
National & Regional newspapers,
magazines, directories, year books
& annual reports etc.
Printed Material.
Educational, informative, prestige,
promotional, balance sheets etc.
Direct Mail.
Personal letters, direct
correspondance, mailing
information etc.
House Journals.
Company newsletters both internal
and external.
Electronic Media
1. Radio -- National,
Local, International

2. Television – National,
Regional, Tele text etc.

3. Social Media
Other Media
Exhibitions: Special PR
exhibitions, Trade & Public
shows, trade fairs local and
Airships: Gas filled air balloon
ships for promotional purposes.
Electronic Bill Boards: New
concept & replacements for
conventional bill boards.
Mobile Vehicles: New type of
scrolling computer aided
Advertisements can also be seen on:

1. The seats of grocery carts,

2. On the walls of walkway,
3. On the sides of buses,
4. Listen to in telephone
5. Hold messages
6. In-store pa systems – (pa) public announcement)
7. Nearly anywhere a visual or audible communication
can be placed.
Advantages and Disadvantages
Advantages of Advertising

It provides information about the product.

Advertising help people to make a quick selection.

Advertising help to increases the standard of living.

Advertising provides large choice to consumers

Advertising helps to fix the prices by creating competition among various


Advertising helps to create awareness in the society through public

service messages.

Advertising also has an entertainment value.
Disadvantages of Advertising

Advertising moves the people to buy thing they cannot afford

Advertising is biased.

Advertising is too repetitious.

Use of objection-able appeals.

Advertising misleads the people

People have to pay for the advertising

It causes people to take up harmful habits. E.g. cigarette

ads etc

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